<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" version="2.0" xmlns:media="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/"><channel><title><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></title><description><![CDATA[Hi 👋 I am a front-end developer.]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.com/</link><image><url>https://polinakocheva.com/favicon.png</url><title>Polina Kocheva</title><link>https://polinakocheva.com/</link></image><generator>Ghost 2.9</generator><lastBuildDate>Wed, 30 Mar 2022 10:17:52 GMT</lastBuildDate><atom:link href="https://polinakocheva.com/rss/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/><ttl>60</ttl><item><title><![CDATA[Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest]]></title><description><![CDATA[This was, hands down, one of the best experiences of my life!

Khao Sok is an incredible national park in Thailand. It's one of the oldest
rainforests in the world. The landscape is dominated by fantastical limestone
cliffs and mountains. It's inhabited by plenty of wild animals and rare species
like the amazing Rafflesia (which I saw! - more on that later). 

After my stay in Phuket [https://polinakocheva.com/a-month-in-phuket/], I wanted
a proper adventure, and Khao Sok delivered!

Long post a]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/khao-sok/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__61bbce2b93a6443031f7c929</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Thailand]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Tue, 22 Mar 2022 12:59:03 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/DSC_0531.JPG" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/DSC_0531.JPG" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/><p>This was, hands down, one of the best experiences of my life!</p><p>Khao Sok is an incredible national park in Thailand. It's one of the oldest rainforests in the world. The landscape is dominated by fantastical limestone cliffs and mountains. It's inhabited by plenty of wild animals and rare species like the amazing Rafflesia (which I saw! - more on that later). </p><p>After <a href="https://polinakocheva.com/a-month-in-phuket/">my stay in Phuket</a>, I wanted a proper adventure, and Khao Sok delivered!</p><p>Long post ahead, with plenty of photos!</p><!--kg-card-begin: hr--><hr><!--kg-card-end: hr--><p>I wanted to stay in a treehouse in the jungle. </p><p>I had this idea in my head for a long time. I wanted to wake up in the trees, with the sounds of the jungle around me.</p><p>Khao Sok seemed like the perfect place to experience this!</p><p>After some research, I found <a href="https://www.khaosokaccommodation.com/">Our Jungle House</a> - a resort with bungalows and treehouses spread over a large property in the rainforest, with plenty of space to feel secluded, surrounded only by nature.</p><p>I started chatting to them on Facebook and booked on of their treehouses :)</p><p>I also got them to organise private transport for me. It was not cheap - but a lot easier and faster than taking the local bus from Phuket to Khao Sok.</p><p>As with Phuket, I was very lucky to see this place without the tourists.</p><h2 id="a-treehouse-in-the-jungle">A treehouse in the jungle</h2><p>The drive from Phuket to Khao Sok was long but beautiful. We took the scenic way, past Phang Nga, and then a small road up north.</p><p>Iw as excited but also a bit anxious. Would the place live up to my expectations? Or would be just a tourist trap? Would I be the only solo traveler there?...</p><p>All of these worries faded away as we got near Khao Sok. The place was incredible! Like something out of a fantasy movie. Towering limestone mountains and lush jungle everywhere!</p><p>We drove through the tiny village, then took a turn and entered the jungle.</p><p>Soon we arrived at Our Jungle House. I checked in. The resort was so relaxed. The staff led me on a stone path through the jungle to my treehouse.</p><p>Oh. My. God. It was awesome! A beautiful wooden house attached to two big trees!! With a big balcony, nice bed, bathroom etc. I loved it so much! And it was right at the river, under a big limestone cliff.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/feba4ab931db1536efe04001d019bcb5.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/cc6952a1eeee821c86a4c2c43c407e2c.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/3dba23de6a1ec37c04e1ffb75ddd62c9.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The first thing I did was to go for a swim in the river!</p><p>Then I took a shower and relaxed in my lovely treehouse.</p><h2 id="the-khao-sok-village">The Khao Sok village</h2><p>In the late afternoon I went for a walk and explored the village.</p><p>It was a tiny, sleepy village. I'm sure it's a lot busier in non-pandemic times. But right now it was quiet and calm. I enjoyed walking around.</p><p>There was just one main street, with a few restaurants and street vendors.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/cf71478b8cc8bf13bbfc1af2e40d9877.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/e5637d244a0fa6bd6e14ffb1a455aa40.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/0aa9150de26c41863b92348347339807.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/196324acc3fcf9ecd3fabea5bc029550.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><h2 id="night-safari">Night safari</h2><p>After the sun went down, I went back to the resort and signed up for a night safari!</p><p>It was a cool experience. We were handed flashlights, and a local guide took us on the jungle trails in the darkness.</p><p>We saw sleeping birds, hairy caterpillars, and a couple of giant spiders!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/5b0e477ce45638448b5695945675394f.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>One of the spiders was busy making a huge web. Our guide told us that, in the morning, the spider will eat its own web. And then make it again.</p><h2 id="cheow-lan-the-limestone-lake">Cheow Lan - The Limestone Lake</h2><p>The next morning, I joined a tour to Cheow Lan - a huge man-made lake, surrounded by limestone cliffs and lush jungle!</p><p>Usually, I avoid tours, but it seemed to be the best option this time. </p><p>They picked us up early in the morning and dropped us off at the lake's pier.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/2f2af5331592eead53822bd21f997813.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>A boat was waiting for us. We got in and headed into the lake!</p><p>Our first stop was a scenic spot where we took some photos.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/1a3b03d47eb9796d93f9288a456551ef.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/d40264f23af4acf9336048f944a77bc0.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><p>Our second stop was a beautiful cave, where we also saw two giant spiders!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/e1b615326e223bcb79acee7c22889606.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/50a53232e5bf668856776ac5cd27cf42.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/e18130683754cdfc8e3edf50793c3a6e.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><p>Around 12:30 we arrived at a floating raft house for lunch. It was so surreal to see the little huts appear under the giant cliffs, as we got closer.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/656213bc2f7952b8ea730df34df02d3a.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/1a8cf67b3aba8517ad22f33f97d0e981.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Lunch was great. There were many different dishes to share. I had steamed veggies, rice, curry with tofu. Then watermelon for desert.</p><p>Then we relaxed and had some nice conversations.</p><p>After lunch, we got into kayaks and paddled out into the lake!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/c9b53f04189fca2a6a6d75f72b04ee68.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>It was very peaceful and relaxing. There was a bit of wind, but it was mostly flat and easy to paddle.</p><p>While paddling around and exploring the lake, I saw a couple of kayaks gathered in one spot nearby. So I went to check it out.</p><p>They were looking at wild elephants!!</p><p>There were 4 or 5 elephants on the shore, right by the water. They were tearing down branches and eating leaves. One was a baby!!</p><p>This was amazing. We stayed here for a while, watching the elephants. The mother was protective of her baby, and would swing her truck at us whenever someone got too close. They were also making noises I had never heard before, deep growling and roaring, almost like lions!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/959564004387ec15c655d9426693d5a3.png" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>After a while, the elephants started retreating back into the forest, and we headed back. It was almost time to leave.</p><p>On the way back, I felt soo full of peace. The sun was going down. Giant light beams were filtering between the cliffs and over the floating houses. The air was warm. It was totally quiet, except for the splashing of the water and birds singing in the distance. Everything was so incredibly peaceful.</p><p>I could have stayed here all day. I paddled as slowly as possible back to the raft house.</p><p>Soon it was time to get back on our boat. </p><p>The ride back was great. Everyone was quiet, tried but happy. </p><p>Soon I was back at my lovely treehouse.</p><p>I ended the day with dinner at Our Jungle House's restaurant - veggies with cashew and tofu, plus steamed rice. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/53ee23555f890f101533150af6e3909e.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: html--><!-- Begin Mailchimp Signup Form -->
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<!--End mc_embed_signup--><!--kg-card-end: html--><h2 id="exploring-incredible-landscapes">Exploring incredible landscapes</h2><p>On my second day in Khao Sok, I rented a motorbike and explored the area.</p><p>The roads were nice, big and empty. The views were insane.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/cef9cc51e11012a39026a34cf6230adc.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/5f26628f1921b52f85727e887f2b1752.jpeg" width="640" height="959" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/9ac8b1f02e99e5eea91e5b2e408af198.jpeg" width="640" height="959" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/3049955f3c240c110386eb76887295d4.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/cad272a49fa2f814ee9a93f2cb19d687.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/cfbfebff49ed0dc070774c464ebba9cd.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/dc3dc039f7bb9243c8af12cbfbc02a64.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/29947660c0bfc034e93dd481c97222f4.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I spent several hours driving around, stopping to take photos and enjoy.</p><p>Around noon, it started getting too hot to continue, so I went back to the resort for a swim in the river and a nice nap in my treehouse :)</p><h2 id="hot-springs">Hot springs</h2><p>In the afternoon, I decided to visit the local hot springs.</p><p>I left around 4pm. I drove on a big road through rolling hills, greenery, mountains in the distance, all beautifully illuminated in the afternoon light.</p><p>I passed several small villages. Rural, sleepy, lovely landscapes.</p><p>Then a rubber tree plantation. Some small quaint houses where locals lived.</p><p>After 40 minutes or so, I arrived at the hot springs. </p><p>It felt nostalgic. Like summers from my childhood. The place was colourful, nice and clean, but also simple and happy. It was quiet, I could hear only the birds and the river.</p><p>I bought my ticket and entered. There were 4 small pools. It was just me and a couple of locals.</p><p>The surroundings were beautiful too. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/5ab548018e113dc4849414cc6ca58a81.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/c52bfd2c0822c8ac515b3410ed4a879e.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The pools were quite hot! </p><p>I soaked in different pools, spending 5-10 minutes in each.</p><p>So relaxing. I felt absolutely rejuvenated.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/2d0323c3e35a7efd4ae711e04e893eba.jpeg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/c969c96d558a3bcc83b8efa328b691e3.jpeg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><p>I left around 6pm. I wanted to get back to the resort before dark.</p><p>I watched the sunset while driving. It was beautiful. So many colours and gradients. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/054588c7f4001140d17af56431b7d19b.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/a69e8fbd83e5cbb8ffc83f08f42ee63b.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><p/><h2 id="looking-for-rafflesia">Looking for Rafflesia</h2><p>On my third day in Khao Sok, I had nothing planned.</p><p>The resort offered me to join a jungle hike to see the rare Rafflesia flower. They said two other people have signed up. I said yes!</p><p>The guide came to pick us up at 9am. We got in a truck and drove inside the jungle, where our hike started.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/477237e08c6c59218f35ff39df6ca956.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>It was a moderately difficult hike. Our guide was a local, from a nearby village. He showed us different plants in the jungle, some of them edible.</p><p>He also told us about cicadas. We could hear them all around us. He pointed out some moulds in the ground ,and told us that’s there the cicadas live. We even found a dead one, and the guide let us examine it closely.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/d718cd9e8602a28443e1353372ed04d9.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>After 1 hour of hiking, we reached the Rafflesias. But they were not blooming yet :( </p><p>They looked like cabbages! Some were big and some were tiny. </p><p>And finally, we found one that was starting to bloom. Only two of the leaves had unfolded. It was still pretty cool to see.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/f9b7b8b1c667d479d7f9273ce763ef96.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/1249e58298d96e89a7faff0bad9cae99.jpeg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/b929684c22a57a85331ac42a15d5e81f.jpeg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>We hiked back down, and got in the pick up truck to return to the resort.</p><p>During the ride, I made plans with the other travellers to go river tubing together.</p><p>In the meantime got a quick lunch from a street vendor - fish curry (spicy!).</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/fe04a78d364657c942c37501f8dc1f00.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>A few hours later I met my hiking buddies for river tubing!</p><p>It was so much fun! We floated down the river slowly. The sun was shining, and the river was nice and cool. We floated under the trees and the limestone cliffs. It felt like a childhood dream.</p><p>Our guide pointed out some snakes on the trees (that was a bit scary). We also saw a cute monkey hanging from a tree branch.</p><p>Finally, the tubing finished :( We pulled our tubes out of the water, loaded them in the pick up truck, and were dropped off at our resort again.</p><p>I had a quick break in my treehouse.</p><p>My new friends wanted to go to the hot springs. I joined them - I had nothing better to do, and I didn't mind visiting the hot springs again :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/047e14c28af4a78e6abc733c6287c32d.jpeg" width="1080" height="1620" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/b029aca28b27c1b3f6888a7cf41744a2.jpeg" width="1080" height="1620" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/e5d90f0c160530d9f4036cafceb4e26d.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Once again there was an awesome sunset on the way back.</p><p>After the hot springs, I went back to the resort and got a Thai massage :) </p><p/><h2 id="sunrise-views">Sunrise views</h2><p>It was almost time to leave Khao Sok! This was my last morning here.</p><p>I wanted to make the most out of it. I got up before 6am to watch the sunrise.</p><p>I got on my scooter and drove to a viewpoint!</p><p>What a great decision. The place felt like Jurassic park. So beautiful.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/38167fa9014bfeb3522b596a13e8f6cc.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/4479aca4782166264fe91c7fe2f0ad4d.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/c01ccb07bd30953b965a14dde0cb89f9.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>After the sunrise, I decided to stop at an abandoned temple near the village.</p><p>It was so calm and quiet in the morning light. Plants were slowly taking over.</p><p>Felt very peaceful and nostalgic.</p><p>I walked around and took some photos. There were cute monkeys playing in a tree.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/63c19899682227d77618889b5adc0bbe.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/ab6f554d08a41e26eda9e7fecdb9d6fb.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Khao Sok: Limestone mountains and wild animals in the rainforest"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I stayed here until 7:30am. Then I drove back to the resort to have coffee and breakfast.</p><p>Then I packed my stuff and relaxed in my treehouse!  I enjoyed it so much.	</p><p>Finally, it was time to check out and get in the car that drove me back to Phuket - where I was about to meet my friends and continue this journey!</p><!--kg-card-begin: html--><!-- Begin Mailchimp Signup Form -->
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<!--End mc_embed_signup--><!--kg-card-end: html--></hr>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[My experience with IFS therapy]]></title><description><![CDATA[In June 2021, I started going to therapy. I consider this one of the best
decisions I've ever made. 

It brought a lot of peace and acceptance to my life. It made me more honest and
confident, and more compassionate. It also helped me to understand myself in
ways I couldn't have imagined.

I do IFS therapy, which is different from the usual CBT method. It has worked
very well for me, and I think it's a fascinating model. 

I wrote this post to share my experience and my thoughts. Hopefully it wo]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/my-experience-with-ifs-therapy/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__61547a6093a6443031f7c627</guid><category><![CDATA[Life]]></category><category><![CDATA[Therapy]]></category><category><![CDATA[Mental Health]]></category><category><![CDATA[IFS]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Wed, 16 Mar 2022 16:28:17 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/oc-gonzalez-xg8z_KhSorQ-unsplash.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/oc-gonzalez-xg8z_KhSorQ-unsplash.jpg" alt="My experience with IFS therapy"/><p>In June 2021, I started going to therapy. I consider this one of the best decisions I've ever made. </p><p>It brought a lot of peace and acceptance to my life. It made me more honest and confident, and more compassionate. It also helped me to understand myself in ways I couldn't have imagined.</p><p>I do IFS therapy, which is different from the usual CBT method. It has worked very well for me, and I think it's a fascinating model. </p><p>I wrote this post to share my experience and my thoughts. Hopefully it would be helpful for others struggling with similar problems.</p><h2 id="how-and-why-i-decided-to-start-therapy">How and why I decided to start therapy</h2><p>I've always had a bit too much anxiety. </p><p>Most of the time, it fit into the social norm. </p><p>But on some days it grew out of control. It totally overwhelmed me, I felt hijacked by it. On such days, I couldn't do much but cry. I was taken over by anxiety, fear, guilt, sadness, emptiness.</p><p>It happened whenever I felt rejected or abandoned.</p><p>Sometimes, there was a tangible reason (eg. relationship problems), Other times this feeling seemed to come out of nowhere.</p><p>I just assumed that this is "how I am" - that I am "sensitive" and "emotional". </p><p>I kept trying to suppress these overwhelming emotions. But I was never able to. They just kept coming back. Anxiety, fear, guilt, sadness.</p><p>It was affecting my life. I made many bad decisions out of fear. I stayed in unhappy relationships to avoid rejection and loneliness. I doubted myself and missed a lot of opportunities. I smoked cigarettes as an illusion of "stress relief". </p><p>In 2019, I was finally able to see that this isn't healthy. There had to be a better way to manage my emotions.</p><p>So, I started looking into improving my mental health.</p><p>I read a lot of books and watched a lot of videos. It helped me understand the problem. But it didn't "fix" it. The problem was still there.</p><p>In 2021, I decided it's best to get professional help, and started therapy. </p><p>One of the best decisions I've ever made :)</p><h2 id="finding-a-therapist-why-i-chose-ifs-therapy">Finding a therapist + why I chose IFS therapy</h2><p>It was not easy to find a therapist. </p><p>I looked at the profiles of various therapists, but none of them felt like a good match for me. </p><p>Also, it wasn't cheap. I didn't want to make the investment unless I felt good about it.</p><p>In the meantime, while looking for more self-help, I found <a href="https://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/own-inner-child-breaking-free-of-anxious-attachment-0613164">this page</a>. The following paragraph stuck with me:</p><blockquote>If we reframe “preoccupation” as the ongoing abandonment feelings of an inner child, we begin to differentiate from the part feeling the pain. This is important for the present-day adult who feels hijacked by emotions. It is also vitally important for the hurting child (or the old neural network that takes over) to have a compassionate internal witness.</blockquote><p>This made a lot of sense. The mention of neural networks appealed to me as a techie and science-oriented person. </p><p>On that same webpage, there was a link to the <a href="https://www.goodtherapy.org/learn-about-therapy/types/internal-family-systems-therapy">Internal Family Systems</a> page. So I followed it, and read about IFS.</p><p>The more I read about IFS, the more it made sense to me. </p><p>I bought <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Self-Therapy-Step-Step-Cutting-Edge-Psychotherapy/dp/0984392777">this IFS self-help book</a> and did some of the exercises. It was a good start and convinced me that getting an IFS therapist would be the best path for me.</p><p>I started googling for English-speaking IFS therapists. English is not my native language, but it's the one I feel most comfortable in.</p><p>I was looking for online sessions. It's just more convenient to do it from home. Also, I travel a lot, and wanted to be able to "take" my therapist with me.</p><p>I sent out a few emails to therapists that fit my criteria.</p><p>In the next couple of days, the person I was currently dating broke up with me. I could feel the overwhelming emotions coming again. </p><p>Luckily, one of the therapists had availability and was ready to start working with me immediately!</p><p>It worked out very well - I am still doing weekly sessions with her 10 months later!</p><h2 id="what-is-ifs">What is IFS?</h2><p>IFS stands for Internal Family Systems. It's based on the idea that the human mind is made of multiple parts. A simple example is when people say "Part of me is angry", "Part of me feels guilty", etc.</p><p>Different emotions and behaviours come from different parts. </p><p>The IFS model proposes two kinds of parts: Protectors and Exiles. </p><p>The exiles are parts that are stuck in a state of pain and trauma, usually from childhood. They are "exiled" from regular consciousness. For example: fear of abandonment is usually an exile. If you are in a romantic relationship, and you often feel afraid that your partner will leave you, that's the exile part coming to the surface of your consciousness.</p><p>The protectors are the parts that keep the unwanted emotions / situations / experiences etc. from happening. (Sometimes Protectors are further divided into Managers and Firefighters.) In the above example - fear of abandonment - the protectors might stop you from having relationships, as a way to protect you from being abandoned (and the exile coming up). Or, the protectors might make you stay in an unhappy relationship, to avoid feeling abandoned when the relationship ends.</p><p>This is a very basic explanation of IFS. </p><p>If you want to learn more, here are a couple of links that you can start with.</p><p><a href="https://www.goodtherapy.org/learn-about-therapy/types/internal-family-systems-therapy">Internal Family Systems from GoodTherapy</a></p><p><a href="https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/5gfqG3Xcopscta3st/building-up-to-an-internal-family-systems-model">Building up to an Internal Family Systems model from LessWrong</a></p><p><a href="https://www.derekscott.co/rs/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Exploring-Your-Own-System.pdf">Exploring your own System from Derek Scott</a></p><p><strong>My thoughts on IFS</strong></p><p>IFS has been working very well for me over the past 10 months.</p><p>One critique I have is that I find the IFS model a bit narrow. I don't agree that parts are ONLY Exiles or Protectors. Or that every protective part has an exile below it. I think things are a lot more fluid than that.</p><p>However, the idea of multiplicity of the mind makes a lot of sense to me.</p><p>Also, I love that IFS is based on compassion versus coercion. I find coercion damaging and absolutely unnecessary in my life. Unfortunately I've experienced it a lot, both externally and internally.</p><blockquote><strong>Coercion</strong> - the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.</blockquote><p>IFS therapy teaches me to stop forcing myself to do things, and instead approach with compassion. Instead of telling myself "<em>Stop crying over this small thing! It's not worth it! It's not healthy! Be positive! Be strong! etc...</em>" I now tell myself "<em>I'm sorry that this hurt you. I understand why it's painful. It's ok to be hurt. I'll be here while it's hurting. And eventually it will stop.</em>"</p><p>And finally, I love that IFS is based on emotions. Unlike CBT, where you "talk out" your problems, in IFS you "feel out" your problems. </p><p>Let's say the child in you feels scared about something.</p><p>In other therapy methods, you would talk about what is scaring you, to show that there's no reason to be afraid of it. (this approach doesn't work for me.)</p><p>In IFS, you "hold" the inner child until it calms down and it's not afraid anymore.</p><h2 id="first-months">First months</h2><p>When I first started therapy, I was trying to categorise and explain my experiences.</p><p>Having done a lot of self-help, I also made many self-diagnoses, and tried to "fit" myself into categories.</p><p>For example, I read about "fear of abandonment" and "anxious attachment " - I related to this - so I used it as an explanation for all of my experiences. </p><p>I relate to "these symptoms" - so I must have "this condition" - so I should be "doing this" or "feeling that". I looked for specific things in myself. I put together stories to tell my therapist, so she can confirm it.</p><p>Luckily, my therapist gently dismissed this, and guided me to just watch my inner world, rather than try to "explain it" or "figure it out".</p><!--kg-card-begin: hr--><hr><!--kg-card-end: hr--><p><em>Note: The next sections are about working with parts and might sound like nonsense to someone unfamiliar with IFS :) Feel free to skip to "Progress".</em></p><!--kg-card-begin: hr--><hr><!--kg-card-end: hr--><p>We worked with parts from the very beginning.</p><p>I tried to make a list of my parts, and describe them. Document them. I tried to write a complete documentation of my system - as the programmer that I am! </p><p>However, that didn't work. Every session, my therapist seemed to point out a new unexpected part. That was confusing. </p><p>How many parts are there? Is it a very large number? Or is it a small number of "multifaceted" parts that just seem different every time? Or maybe parts are fluid, and can melt together and split apart as needed - so they can't really be counted?</p><!--kg-card-begin: hr--><hr><!--kg-card-end: hr--><p>Then I tried to map parts to generic emotions and actions. I had Jealous part, Overthinking part, Insecure part, Blaming part, Distracting part, Attachment part, etc etc.</p><p>That also didn't work - I just ended up with a long list of every emotion that I felt. </p><!--kg-card-begin: hr--><hr><!--kg-card-end: hr--><p><strong>During the first few months, my sessions looked like this:</strong></p><p>Visual and sensory descriptions. This feeling is "in my stomach". It feels "hot" and "heavy". It looks "like a square block". And this other feeling looks "like a person" and feels "outside of my body but near me".</p><p>Labelling things. This part is an "exile". And this one is a "protector". This one is "young", "scared", "hiding". And this one is "adult", "anxious", "working". </p><p><strong>In short - Lots of noise, not so much substance.</strong></p><p>This initial period felt random, unproductive and kind of "cringe" - but it was necessary in order to learn to observe and listen.</p><p>My mind wasn't able to relax and observe. Instead of observing, it was narrating... Explaining things... Organising, categorising, predicting, etc etc.</p><p>After every session, I got some relief from the anxiety/fear/stress - but it was short lived. Sometimes it lasted a day or two, sometimes only a few hours. Sometimes I didn't get relief at all.</p><p><strong>The relief was temporary, only on the surface. The underlying tension was still there.</strong></p><!--kg-card-begin: hr--><hr><!--kg-card-end: hr--><p>To summarise, the first few months were slow and not very productive. But I got temporary relief from my overwhelming emotions. </p><p>Also, every session I was learning new things about my inner world.</p><p>So I decided to invest in myself, and stick with it.</p><h2 id="progress">Progress</h2><p>Over time, I learned to relax and observe.</p><p>I learned to be patient. When my therapist asked me a question, instead of blurting out the first thing that showed up in my mind, I waited and "listened" for the answer.</p><p>Eventually, I learned a lot about my own emotions - where they come from, what is their purpose. I realised that if I ignore the source of the emotion, it just grows bigger and bigger, until it overwhelms me.</p><p>I learned to meet my emotions with compassion and to make space for them, so that they don't overwhelm me. </p><p>The purpose of the sessions changed from getting support - to learning about myself, my emotions, where they come from, and what is their purpose.</p><!--kg-card-begin: hr--><hr><!--kg-card-end: hr--><p>Here is an example of something I uncovered.</p><p>Imagine me as a kid, happily minding my own business. Suddenly an adult tells me off in a scary voice: "Don't do that! You should feel guilty! You should be ashamed of yourself!"</p><p>What did I do wrong? Maybe I wasn't paying attention in class. Or maybe I repeated something I heard on TV, and the adults found it offensive. Or many other examples.</p><p>All I remember was "being shouted at for not feeling ashamed". So, the right thing was to Feel Ashamed. So, later in life, <strong>I made sure to feel a lot of shame and guilt</strong>, to avoid getting shouted at.</p><!--kg-card-begin: hr--><hr><!--kg-card-end: hr--><p>It gets more complicated. In this example, as an adult, I could try to stop myself from feeling the shame/guilt. I could tell myself "This is a leftover from childhood! It's not needed anymore!" or "It's causing a lot of suffering, and using up a lot of energy that can be used for something better!" or simply "Stop feeling all that unnecessary guilt!" but none of these would work.</p><p>Instead, I had to meet the guilt-feeling part with compassion. Understand that it's only there to protect me. Acknowledge it, how hard it's working to make sure I won't get shouted at for not feeling guilty. </p><p>Then this part starts to relax. Starts to feel supported. Starts to trust that it doesn't need to feel all the guilt all the time. It's tiring. It's been doing it for so long. Finally, someone is paying attention. It's not alone. It's safe.</p><h2 id="results">Results</h2><p>Here are some of the things that happened as a result of going to therapy.</p><p><strong>😌 I feel a lot more peace in my day-to-day life.</strong></p><p>If I notice myself getting overwhelmed by emotions, I can calm myself down.</p><p>Many tasks feel easier now, because they don't come with anxiety or guilt attached to them.</p><p>I have a lot less negative interactions with people around me. I can notice such interactions, acknowledge them, and stop them without feeling guilt, anxiety, etc.</p><p><strong>✋ I set a lot of boundaries with others and myself</strong> around my physical health (sleep, diet, exercise) and peace of mind (stressful media, overthinking). </p><p><strong>💬 I became very honest </strong>with myself and others, and <strong>my confidence increased</strong>. I am no longer "embarrassed" of my thoughts and emotions. I don't try to suppress them, hide them, or convince myself that I'm not feeling them. I'm not afraid that they make me "too sensitive" or "annoying" or push people away. I know that my emotions are there for a reason, I acknowledge them and give them the space they need. I can express them freely, without having to lie or pretend. </p><p><strong>💜 I have more compassion for myself and others.</strong></p><!--kg-card-begin: hr--><hr><!--kg-card-end: hr--><h2 id="final-thoughts">Final thoughts</h2><p>This is all still a Work In Progress, and I'm hoping to expand this post in the future.</p><p>I love IFS therapy. It has been so helpful for me. Apart from that, I think it's a pretty groundbreaking approach to psychology and the mind.</p><p>I hope this is helpful for anyone that's thinking about starting therapy, or just taking better care of their mental health.</p></hr></hr></hr></hr></hr></hr></hr></hr>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[A month in post-pandemic Phuket]]></title><description><![CDATA[This was a magical time. After a year and a half of very little travelling, I
was finally able return to Asia and resume my adventures!

A long journey
I had plans to travel to Thailand in March 2021, but the quarantine stopped me.
I was required to spend 2 weeks in a hotel room. This was unimaginable for me -
I can't spend even a day without going outside! I would've gone crazy. 

So, I decided to wait until this was no longer required.

Fast forward to late September 2021. It finally happened:]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/a-month-in-phuket/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__61a60d0793a6443031f7c91e</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Thailand]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sun, 06 Mar 2022 15:18:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/DSC_0292_1.JPG" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/DSC_0292_1.JPG" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/><p>This was a magical time. After a year and a half of very little travelling, I was finally able return to Asia and resume my adventures!</p><h2 id="a-long-journey">A long journey</h2><p>I had plans to travel to Thailand in March 2021, but the quarantine stopped me. I was required to spend 2 weeks in a hotel room. This was unimaginable for me - I can't spend even a day without going outside! I would've gone crazy. </p><p>So, I decided to wait until this was no longer required.</p><p>Fast forward to late September 2021. It finally happened: the Sandbox was introduced. Vaccinated travels could enter Thailand without having to quarantine! Just spend 7 days in Phuket, and then you're free to travel anywhere in the country.</p><p>I immediately called the embassy and started the process of getting a visa.</p><p>It took nearly a month to sort out everything - but I got all the documents I needed.</p><p>And on the 14th of November 2021, I got on a flight to Phuket!</p><p>I can't describe how happy I was to be on that plane. A long haul flight, Qatar Airlines (I always fly with them to Asia), transferring at the Doha airport - all of this felt incredibly exciting! My old nomadic life was finally coming back!</p><h2 id="arriving-in-phuket-and-entering-thailand">Arriving in Phuket and entering Thailand</h2><p>I slept well on the plane. I woke up and opened my eyes to this:</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/386874e6471342b15a06aa5482c7ad1e.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>It may not look that exciting - but it made me cry. We were flying over Phang Nga. We were about to land in Thailand!!</p><p>I had not made it yet. I had to clear immigration and be admitted into the country.</p><p>Also, I had to do a PCR test. If that came out positive, I would have to spend 10 days in a hospital (even if I didn't have any symptoms) and pay out of pocket. It could get expensive!</p><p>So obviously I was quite nervous.</p><p>Luckily, clearing immigration was fast and straightforward. </p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/490ce64655db6411a144ae230e07f3de.jpeg" width="2448" height="2448" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/d9f8f215a5c66e1f567cf89f081aaa50.jpeg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I got my documents checked, my passport stamped, and a PCR test done. Then I was out of the airport! </p><p>A taxi was waiting for me to take me to my SHA hotel, where I had to stay in my room and wait for the PCR test results.</p><p>While driving through Phuket, I was pleasantly surprised. I was expecting it to be overdeveloped, touristy. I didn't think I would like it. But it was actually green and full of nature! And it seemed very quiet and calm without the tourists.</p><p>Soon I arrived at my hotel. I had splurged on a nice room. I was quite happy with it. There as a nice working area too.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/2656cfee4cb805932207034050f7d670.jpeg" width="3000" height="3000" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/abfe0137d589a3819f36e220f75e47b6.jpeg" width="3000" height="3000" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/88864037c565fcf9e9a2aa621ab2ee9b.jpeg" width="3000" height="3335" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I passed out on the nice bed almost immediately. I was exhausted from the flight.</p><p>I woke up a few hours later to an email that my PCR test was.... negative!! Yes! </p><p>I was free to leave my room now! It was already dark, and was tired and jetlagged, but I went on a walk. I couldn't wait to start exploring!</p><p>I sat on a small beach in front of my hotel. It was 28C. There was a banana roti stand nearby. I was in Thailand. I still couldn't believe I was here. I was holding back happy tears.</p><p>Then I went back to my hotel and passed out again.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/9fc3400d55938447e09dcb693eef7b34.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The next day I woke up and had an amazing tropical breakfast at my hotel.</p><p>Then I went to explore!</p><p>I was staying near Patong. That would normally be packed with tourists, but today it looked like this:</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/cf4a1734f0f48f17fc2feb05bf31ba47.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Beautiful white sand beaches, mostly empty and calm.</p><p>I walked along the whole beach, stopping to go in the water and relax on the sand. I had lots of fun and enjoyed the sun, and the beautiful views!</p><p>Everything still felt like a dream.</p><h2 id="exploring-an-empty-phuket">Exploring an empty Phuket</h2><p>The next morning I walked to a little motorbike rental place next to my hotel, and rented a Scoopy. I was so happy to be on a scooter again!!</p><p>I spent the day driving around and exploring.</p><p>It was rainy, but beautiful.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/ea3d098d1d1f6108eafe398e40238a4a.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/4f3592315b90472e257c99848a6d0238.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/0ce0115b2c75242a453a9a77a2ec05a2.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/504daa6fa3d4f5897c38c169d067633b.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I finished the day with amazing street food: Tom Yum soup, mango sticky rice, and an orange juice with ginger.</p><p>I barely saw any people today. It felt so calm. I loved the tranquility. </p><p>Definitely not something I would expect from Phuket, but I was really enjoying it. </p><h3 id="exploring-the-south">Exploring the south</h3><p>I spent the following days exploring the island on my scooter.</p><p>The roads were nice and big, and mostly empty. I loved it. I could drive for hours.</p><p>I was alone the whole time, and I was enjoying it a lot. Just me, the roads, the empty beaches, the nature, the nice views. </p><p>First I explored the south.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/b4d9d7dd8d1ff278aa1ed05883823786.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/910ce0ec265948007af33a58295eaae8-1.jpeg" width="2899" height="2899" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/57fad012b635339836263468de962621.jpeg" width="3000" height="3000" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/dac932c390005047ae48d39d11780631.jpeg" width="2915" height="2915" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I went to Ya Nui beach and I immediately loved it. A small beach that felt like a pirate hideaway. I sat here drinking coconuts, snorkelled, tanned, and just enjoyed the place a lot. </p><p>I also checked out the view from Prompthep cape.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/ffe7e4373c9d33c65c9855eca08fc72f.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I had lunch in a café which became an instant favourite: Home Grain. I came back here many times. It was also good to work from.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/0dfde05295bd44d80d0c966b43f276bc.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/943420bcf678afdfd18d04fc9bae2df9.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>And I ended the day with a beautiful sunset at Karon beach.</p><h3 id="exploring-the-north">Exploring the north</h3><p>The next day I drove north.</p><p>I visited Surin beach and Banana beach. They were both beautiful. I drank coconuts, played in the waves, collected pretty flowers, met happy beach dogs, ate a banana pancake, and relaxed a lot. Perfect day. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/89f970a92680a88b7fd58c31677829da.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/7a97f62cd7cba348a102e3a24eecf139.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/662a225ffce6cc60e02f711e43c49a90.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/562318df589fefe763f979bcbc0e030b.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/dac932c390005047ae48d39d11780631-1.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/e463a252f96c204a927e8c642482cebd-1.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/cd4b6a381646b21c919b5d9ae764f09b.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/f52cb268ea1fc70134f06b2795f1db71.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I also found a sweet treehouse cafe, where I relaxed after the beach with a nice mango smoothie. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/15741a0b8a31eab7b02abd9b5e73d0c8.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/b0c8ab7d7b2709710973ef1e5ca38a6d.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/fa52620b0e59ba455764d1afc13c2e66.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h2 id="extending-my-stay-in-phuket">Extending my stay in Phuket</h2><p>My 7 days in the SHA hotel were about to be over.</p><p>Originally, I had planned to go to Koh Phangan next. But it was rainy season there. Every day, I was watching videos of non-stop rain, and the island getting almost flooded.</p><p>So I changed my plans, and decided to stay in Phuket.</p><p>I loved how calm it is. I knew that soon the tourists would start coming back, and all this would change. I would never see Phuket so empty and quiet again.</p><p>Also, I had to work.</p><p>So I booked an Airbnb in the south of the island. </p><h2 id="daily-life-in-rawai">Daily life in Rawai</h2><p>I spent the next 3 weeks living in a condo in Rawai. </p><p>My balcony had a nice view of the beach in front. Every morning I had my coffee here while watching the sunrise. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/d76d72a1a7cdceac4e1ead54f39d86bc.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I ate lots of tropical fruit, which I bought from the local vendors near my house. It's one of my favourite things to when I'm in the tropics.</p><p>I also found a nice supermarket where I could buy healthy food and cook at home.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/edd532dbfe3146badaa6eb6946f5145b.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/901deb4d78d23c048692147d384ee6ac.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/27e82eeb7281b993f933567b3b09f96c.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/ffddd5f8089ef0df4a880c3a6f513a08.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I spent my mornings at Ya Nui and Nai Harn, snorkeling and enjoying the beach. </p><p>I worked in the afternoons, on European time.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/908d2b44a169c9b27a08fd3710531593.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/8f71a1c6ad5266698805f4610a18502a.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/fbe03ca76f5e20188110779480328442.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/b78baea1c3d8944df510d1b0164295b6.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/9a2afa07091e3a604567892cd198d8fc.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/830b18799299cfefa1950d3da6254f9e.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Whenever I could, I watched the sunset at the beach!</p><p>It was a quiet and happy life.</p><h2 id="night-market">Night market</h2><p>On Sundays, I went to the night market in Phuket Town. </p><p>I loved the lively atmosphere - there were lots of stalls selling all kinds of food, clothes, souvenirs, trinkets. There were also performers and live music.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/8c5e2a36c45ffc359c52bcf7c452c678.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/8a44c146572471186c9bf896fae3337d.jpeg" width="720" height="720" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/d1b0b1d79d675793a9c953a09a4f9086.jpeg" width="3000" height="3000" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/3e113a26b8413a7f7db5c14f5db4d3cc.jpeg" width="3000" height="3000" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><h2 id="kayaking-at-ya-nui">Kayaking at Ya Nui</h2><p>As I mentioned before, Ya Nui quickly became one of my favourite beaches. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/39d030563f7b054dc733d09addd59ec5.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>There were kayaks for rent here. One morning, I rented one and kayaked to the tiny island nearby.</p><p>This island was so small, it only had one very little beach. I pulled the kayak out there and climbed the rocks around it. Then I went snorkelling in the water and saw tons of parrotfish. A fun little adventure.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/bfc917f2094e66ed40c5143f4c085553.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/a1ddf6ed7d1131667511980e1c64ff52.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><h2 id="driving-up-to-the-big-buddha">Driving up to the Big Buddha</h2><p>On my last day in Phuket, I did a fun little trip to the Big Buddha.</p><p>The Buddha statue itself was nice, but not that impressive.</p><p>I really enjoyed the drive there, and the surroundings.</p><p>There were beautiful views over the entire island.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/717633f221a60e6e79e8cd01032d7867.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/94c0a731eea36e0d4b84001c073fa265.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/c1432a5a6c16770e2a7f054e9acc7741.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/5e53ebc6ba60665ca3350d262c5d3585.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I also made some lovely feline friends here :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/0ab5325371f3e3cfcadc3a2bb5ef6c84.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/422b6bedd4512878a6196463642df5a3.jpeg" width="3000" height="3000" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/6444adb41579a28e67e3d3af392d23e6.jpeg" width="3000" height="3000" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/d80f77b1aaacfac67be74222179300b8.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/d2b44e6f0fe510336a50a27d65f3e57c.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/50f29807bd16e31590eed0e9c16303fc.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/6580a85e7c36985151e1b337e971d82a.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I finished the day with a beautiful sunset at Promthep cape, and then dinner in a cute little restaurant at Ya Nui beach :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/be1665b5aff09a6848ee9ff6d9f7183b.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2022/03/fa533589a48b7a44d3ea25cc0b10da1f.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A month in post-pandemic Phuket"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h2 id="some-closing-thoughts">Some closing thoughts</h2><p>I really enjoyed the quiet and relaxing month I spent alone in Phuket. </p><p>I loved the empty beaches and all the nature.</p><p>It was also great for getting a lot of work done in the evenings.</p><p>I came back to Phuket 3 months later, and it had changed completely. The tourists had returned, everything was open and full of people again. This is good and I'm happy for the local businesses.</p><p>However, I'm also very happy and grateful that I was able to see an empty Phuket without tourists. </p><p>It was an amazing start to my Thailand adventure :)</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true]]></title><description><![CDATA[In the summer of 2021 I finally made one of my long time travel dreams come
true, and visited Switzerland!

I stayed near Interlaken, and went on daytrips to Lauterbrunnen and Grindelwald.

These places are quite touristy, but for good reasons, as you'll see in the post
and photos below. It was very easy to plan an itinerary here, as there's so much
information online. Also there's trains and cable cars everywhere, and it's easy
to get around. 

This post is going to be heavy on the photos and l]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/hiking-in-switzerland/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__6118aa4d93a6443031f7c385</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Switzerland]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sat, 16 Oct 2021 19:22:44 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0576-1.JPG" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0576-1.JPG" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/><p>In the summer of 2021 I finally made one of my long time travel dreams come true, and visited Switzerland!</p><p>I stayed near Interlaken, and went on daytrips to Lauterbrunnen and Grindelwald.</p><p>These places are quite touristy, but for good reasons, as you'll see in the post and photos below. It was very easy to plan an itinerary here, as there's so much information online. Also there's trains and cable cars everywhere, and it's easy to get around. </p><p>This post is going to be heavy on the photos and light on words, as I can't possibly describe how beautiful it was - so I'm just going to leave that to the images.</p><h2 id="lauterbrunnen">Lauterbrunnen</h2><p>I spent the first day in Lauterbrunnen.</p><p>This is a picturesque green valley, surrounded by nearly vertical cliff walls, hundreds of meters tall!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0253--1-.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0181.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0200.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The Lauterbrunnen valley is called "the valley of 70 waterfalls". I didn't count them, but I can definitely believe that! While walking here, I saw a new waterfall every 10 minutes.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0071.JPG" width="1080" height="1620" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0040.JPG" width="1080" height="1080" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/IMG_20210729_093540.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0239.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>It took me a couple of hours to walk through the valley (I made a lot of stops). It was a nice, pleasant, flat road. </p><p>After the valley, I hiked up into the mountains, and visited some villages.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0295--1-.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I stopped for lunch at Gimmewald, a tiny village of about 10 houses. </p><p>Here I ate a veggie burger at a cute restaurant with incredible views! And a cozy chill area with interesting books :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/IMG_20210729_144353.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/IMG_20210729_144113.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/IMG_20210729_144706.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/IMG_20210729_145334.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/IMG_20210729_144026.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>After lunch, I continued to Mürren, another village (a very touristy one, so I didn't take many pictures there). The hike and the views were still mindblowing!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0310--1-.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/IMG_20210729_160959.jpg" width="3000" height="3000" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/IMG_20210729_161233.jpg" width="3000" height="3000" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0374.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><h2 id="grindelwald">Grindelwald</h2><p>I spent the second day in Grindelwald, another stunning area near Interlaken.</p><p>But first, I had an awesome breakfast in my cute hotel :) Waking up to this food and these views was so, so good.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/IMG_20210730_071036.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/IMG_20210731_065709.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>After breakfast, I took the train to Grindelwald - which is a small village surrounded by incredible, towering mountains.</p><p>Here I got on a cable car to First - an area high up in the mountains.</p><p>The cable car ride was 30 minutes and the views were, as usual, breathtaking.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0463.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0480.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I got off the cable car and headed for the First Cliffwalk. This is a bridge hanging on the side of some very tall cliffs. It can be quite scary and vertigo inducing! I loved it.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0511.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0517.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0534.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Then I hiked to Bachalpsee - a lake nearby. The hike was nice and easy. There were many people on the trail with me. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0539--1-.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0548-1.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I had my lunch at the lake. </p><p>Then I hiked to Grindelwald. It took me a couple of hours.</p><p>The weather was amazing - I was so lucky! Sunny and warm.</p><p>I cannot describe the incredible experience of this hike, so I'm just going to leave the pictures here.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0576.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0591.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0624--1-.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>It's safe to say that the Swiss Alps exceeded my expectation by A LOT and I can't wait to be back here next summer! ❤️</p><p>I also explored a few more cities in Switzerland on the way to the Alps.</p><h2 id="interlaken">Interlaken</h2><p>I was staying near Interlaken, so I spent some time in this city as well.</p><p>It's a resort city, and I imagine it gets very very busy in the winter for ski season. There's lots of fancy hotels and restaurants here, and expensive watch shops.</p><p>Interlaken means "between lakes" - the city gets its name because it sits right between lake Thun and lake Brienz. The lakes are very big, and there are many cruises and boat trips that can be taken here. </p><p>One of my favourite moments of this trip was sitting on a dock at lake Brienz, watching the beautiful turquoise water, surrounded by mountains on each side. Everything was calm and quiet, except for piano music playing from one of the houses on the other shore. Such a magical moment.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/IMG_20210731_120531.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/IMG_20210728_172329.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/IMG_20210731_134416.jpg" width="2346" height="3272" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h2 id="bern">Bern</h2><p>I had a couple of hours to explore Bern in between switching trains. </p><p>Such a cute little city :) I loved the view point in the Rose Garden park.</p><p>I also loved the river Aar, and its striking blue color. </p><p>There's also a Bear Park here. It's an open space where several bears live. There's a platform above it where people can stand and watch the bears. They seem happy and cared for. </p><p>In the center of the city, there is a famous clock - which is beautiful, but very torusity. It was quite crowded when I walked around and I didn't enjoy it as much.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0900.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0870.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0941.JPG" width="3000" height="4496" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0958.JPG" width="3000" height="4496" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0889.JPG" width="3000" height="4496" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h2/><h2 id="geneva">Geneva</h2><p>I spent a full day in Geneva before flying out of Switzerland.</p><p>The city didn't really impress me, but I loved the lake.  I even jumped in the water for a dip! It was cold but nice. </p><p>Then I watched the sunset here. Can you spot the little rainbow in the photo?</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0649--1-.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The water jet was quite impressive too - it's 140m tall!</p><p>I also loved the botanical gardens.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/IMG_20210801_104524.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/IMG_20210801_105722.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/IMG_20210801_103745.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I woke up very early next morning to watch the sunrise on the lake before my flight.</p><p> Worth it!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0689.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/80f4b3183fc01b3075acae9384203b17.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking in the Swiss Alps! A dream come true"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Thank you for an amazing experience Switzerland, and see you again soon!</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[My favourite adventures]]></title><description><![CDATA[A list of my all-time favourite experiences (that I've documented) ☺️

I'll keep adding to this list as I go on new adventures.

Backpacking in Guatemala and Belize
This trip had everything! Hiking a volcano and roasting marshmallows on its heat
- watching another volcano erupt from the rooftop of my hostel - Mayan villages
along a mystical volcanic lake - staying in a lodge deep in the jungle -
swimming in natural pools - exploring caves by candleli]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/favourites/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__615e8c6193a6443031f7c630</guid><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sat, 09 Oct 2021 20:48:53 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/image-5-1.png" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/image-5-1.png" alt="My favourite adventures"/><p>A list of my all-time favourite experiences (that I've documented) ☺️</p><p>I'll keep adding to this list as I go on new adventures.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/image.png" class="kg-image" alt="My favourite adventures"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h3 id="backpacking-in-guatemala-and-belize"><a href="https://polinakocheva.com/guatemala-belize/">Backpacking in Guatemala and Belize</a></h3><p>This trip had everything! Hiking a volcano and roasting marshmallows on its heat - watching another volcano erupt from the rooftop of my hostel - Mayan villages along a mystical volcanic lake - staying in a lodge deep in the jungle - swimming in natural pools - exploring caves by candlelight - ancient Mayan ruins - paradise islands - snorkeling with sting rays - Caribbean beach bars....</p><h2/><!--kg-card-begin: html--><!-- Begin Mailchimp Signup Form -->
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<!--End mc_embed_signup--><!--kg-card-end: html--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/image-2.png" class="kg-image" alt="My favourite adventures"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h3 id="new-year-in-rio-2-weeks-in-rio"><a href="https://polinakocheva.com/nye-rio/">New Year in Rio</a> + <a href="https://polinakocheva.com/rio-de-janeiro/">2 weeks in Rio</a></h3><p>Welcoming the new year in Copacabana, among thousands of people, while dancing on the beach, was one of the most amazing moments of my life! </p><h2 id=""> </h2><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/image-1.png" class="kg-image" alt="My favourite adventures"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h3 id="iguazu-falls"><a href="https://polinakocheva.com/iguazu-falls/">Iguazu Falls</a></h3><p>An otherworldly place, no words for this experience!</p><h2/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/image-4.png" class="kg-image" alt="My favourite adventures"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h3 id="kyoto-mountains-temples-and-an-onsen"><a href="https://polinakocheva.com/kurama-temples-in-rainy-mountains-and-soaking-in-an-onsen/">Kyoto - Mountains, Temples and an Onsen </a></h3><p>One of my favourite memories from Japan. Visiting a serene mountain temple on a rainy day, then soaking in an onsen with a forest view, and eating a traditional meal.</p><h2/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/image-5.png" class="kg-image" alt="My favourite adventures"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h3 id="krabi"><a href="https://polinakocheva.com/krabi/">Krabi</a></h3><p>Another trip where I got to do everything I like! Incredible beaches, hiking, climbing, scooter driving, jungles, rivers... and pad thai and mango sticky rice :)</p><h2/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/image-6.png" class="kg-image" alt="My favourite adventures"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h3 id="lombok-roadtrip"><a href="https://polinakocheva.com/lombok/">Lombok Roadtrip</a></h3><p>What an adventure! We flew form Bali to Lombok, rented scooters and explored the island. Including a scooter accident, and our friends getting injured in the middle of nowhere! It all ended well though, as we made it back to safety, then hired a boat and explored beautiful tiny islands. </p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/image-7.png" class="kg-image" alt="My favourite adventures"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h3 id="amed-roadtrip"><a href="https://polinakocheva.com/roadtrip-to-amed-volcanoes-secret-beaches/">Amed Roadtrip</a></h3><p>Driving through Bali, visiting secret beaches and small villages! What can be better?</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/image-3.png" class="kg-image" alt="My favourite adventures"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h3 id="sekumpul"><a href="https://polinakocheva.com/sekumpul/">Sekumpul</a></h3><p>A place that felt just like Jurassic park!</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)]]></title><description><![CDATA[Last weekend, I hiked from Vall de Nuria to Coma de Vaca and then down to Ribes
de Freser. I loved this hike so much, I came back here again this weekend!

This hike started out similar to last. I took the train to Vall de Nuria, and
then I took the same trail.

Only this time, instead of going down to Cami dels Enginyers, I continued up to
Torreneules, a mountain peak. 

Climbing the peak was not difficult - but it was a steady uphill trail for a
couple of hours, so it was pretty tiring.

The l]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/adventures-in-the-catalan-pyrenees-part-2/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__60feae4293a6443031f7c369</guid><category><![CDATA[Catalunya]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Waterfalls]]></category><category><![CDATA[Barcelona]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Wed, 29 Sep 2021 14:37:27 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/polina-kocheva-4vjxlJl6xsU-unsplash.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/polina-kocheva-4vjxlJl6xsU-unsplash.jpg" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/><p>Last weekend, I hiked from Vall de Nuria to Coma de Vaca and then down to Ribes de Freser. I loved this hike so much, I came back here again this weekend!</p><p>This hike started out similar to last. I took the train to Vall de Nuria, and then I took the same trail.</p><p>Only this time, instead of going down to Cami dels Enginyers, I continued up to Torreneules, a mountain peak. </p><p>Climbing the peak was not difficult - but it was a steady uphill trail for a couple of hours, so it was pretty tiring.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/polina-kocheva-Fobza9i-BnI-unsplash.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/polina-kocheva-lyMzsHlTTTw-unsplash.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The last part of the trails was very rocky, fun but also a bit dangerous.</p><p>I made it to the peak and sat down to have lunch here with some awesome views :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210718_140058.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210718_141939.jpg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I was alone at the top, and during most of the hike, which was amazing.</p><p>After lunch, I descended on the other side of the peak, in a grassy valley. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/polina-kocheva-0RCS3Uch7Xc-unsplash.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>This place was full of mountain cows. I saw hundreds of them.</p><p>It was nice and easy to walk here, and the views were amazing.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/polina-kocheva-1qpORN3jiqU-unsplash.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>After an hour or two, I reached the Coma de Vaca hut again - this time, I was coming from the other side.</p><p>I didn't enter the hut this time. I just relaxed by the Freser river for a bit.</p><p>Then I continued on the same trail as last time. This time I wasn't in a hurry, I was enjoying it a lot.</p><p>After 2-3 hours, I was hiking though the lush forest again. The Freser river was nearby. I decided to take a little detour and look at the river.</p><p>It was a great decision - I had picked the perfect spot for this. The river formed a beautiful little pool, with crystal clear turquoise water, surrounded by lush greenery. I wanted to jump in but the water was freezing! And the sun was already going down so it was getting colder. I dipped my feet in anyways. Such a magical place!</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210718_182958.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210718_184423.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210718_184553.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Then I continued walking.</p><p>This time I had booked a hotel in a nearby village, so I wasn't very far.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210718_185004.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The last part of the hike was magical too. It was a narrow ledge - big cliff on one side, and the deep canyon of Freser on the other side. I was walking through fields of tall fern. The sun was going down and everything was purple-pink. The air smelled like herbs and plants.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210718_191217.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210718_191524.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210718_191914.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210718_192324.jpg" width="720" height="960" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I arrived at my hotel around 8pm. It was a traditional old building, made entirely of stone. I had a great dinner here. In my hotel room, I could hear the river outside. I slept with the windows open. Best sleep I've had in a long time!</p><p>The next morning, I woke up early, with the sun shining in my face (I love this). </p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210719_083512.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210719_092921.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I had coffee in the hotel, then I went for an early morning walk around the village of Queralbs. It's a small village made entirely of stone houses.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/polina-kocheva-N4QgD4dMBu4-unsplash.jpg" width="640" height="959" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/polina-kocheva-tkqfEbkbCyE-unsplash.jpg" width="640" height="959" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I had been planning to take the train back to Barcelona at 14:30. But the weather was so sunny and beautiful, I decided to stay a bit longer and do some more hiking!</p><p>I headed up the mountain again. It was going to be a short hike this time. I wanted to go back to that magical river pool I saw the day before.</p><p>Well, I couldn't find it! I searched the area, checking Google Maps and making sure I was at the right spot. But I couldn't find that place! It must have really been magical, showing itself only for a little bit then disappearing.</p><p>Also this was off trail, I was just making my way along the river which was pretty difficult to access.</p><p>I did find another pool on the river, just as beautiful. I decided to stop here. </p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210719_125759.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210719_134119.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>The water was crystal clear. I took off my shoes and stepped in. It was freezing! I felt pain in my feet. But slowly, I got used to it, and was able to go in above my waist. That was my limit! :)</p><p>The sun outside was very hot, so coming out of the freezing water and then lying on the grass felt really nice.</p><p>Around 14:00, I started heading back slowly.</p><p>I passed by Salt de Grill (a waterfall), where I met other hikers. I also went for a swim in the waterfall. This water was a bit warmer than the other river.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/221150053_681359922871588_675131171365074827_n.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 2)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>After that, I went back to my hotel to have lunch at the restaurant there. The lunch was amazing as usual. I stayed in the restaurant until 17:00, then headed down towards Ribes de Freser to catch the train back to Barcelona.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 1)]]></title><description><![CDATA[This weekend I spent 2 days in the Pyrenees and did one of the most beautiful
hikes I've ever done.

I started in Vall de Nuria. This is high-altitude valley is a ski resort in
winter. In summer, it's green and full of wild flowers. 

It takes about 3 hours to get here from Barcelona - 2 hours on a regular train +
1 hour on a monorail "mountain train". I started at 7am and arrived at 10am.

It gets packed later in the day, so I wanted to come here early. Also, I had a
big day of adventures ahead]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/coma-de-vaca/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__60edf69b6bf5186cace21d1b</guid><category><![CDATA[Barcelona]]></category><category><![CDATA[Catalunya]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sun, 05 Sep 2021 10:04:38 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/DSC_0484.JPG" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/DSC_0484.JPG" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 1)"/><p>This weekend I spent 2 days in the Pyrenees and did one of the most beautiful hikes I've ever done.</p><p>I started in Vall de Nuria. This is high-altitude valley is a ski resort in winter. In summer, it's green and full of wild flowers. </p><p>It takes about 3 hours to get here from Barcelona - 2 hours on a regular train + 1 hour on a monorail "mountain train". I started at 7am and arrived at 10am.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/DSC_0207-1.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 1)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>It gets packed later in the day, so I wanted to come here early. Also, I had a big day of adventures ahead of me :)</p><p>I took some time to walk around the valley, enjoying the morning light. Then I got a coffee and lied on the grass by a small river.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/DSC_0266-1.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 1)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Around 11:30, I decided it’s time to start hiking.</p><p>I had planned a big hike - it was going to take me though rocky trails, to remote places high in the mountain, and then down to the town of Ribes de Freser, where I had booked a hotel.</p><p>It started out well. The trail was easy to follow (or so I thought). </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/DSC_0384.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 1)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/DSC_0426.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 1)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Soon the adventure started!</p><p>I was an hour into the hike, and the trail was still going uphill. That wasn't right. I checked my maps and asked some people. I realised I had taken the wrong turn, and ended up way higher, on the way to a mountain peak (which I didn't intend to climb).</p><p>Far below me, I could see a thin line - the trail I was originally supposed to take.</p><p>So I went off road, all the way down a very steep hill, to make it back to the original trail. This took about 45 minutes, and I got lots of scratches in my feet from various plants and rocks.</p><p>Finally, I made it back down to the original trail.</p><p>I followed this trail for the next 2-3 hours. The views were insane! </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/DSC_0452.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 1)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>But also it was quite tiring, constantly going up and down over the rocks.</p><p>It was also quite extreme. I had to climb over rocks using my hands and feet, or hold to a rope while edging along a narrow path along a vertical cliff.</p><p>Still, it was one of the most beautiful hikes I've ever done.</p><p>Also, I saw a mountain goat up close!</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210711_152921.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 1)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210711_161907.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 1)"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Finally, after lots of struggle, the rocky trail turned into a nice flat footpath, leading straight down to a mountain hut - Refugi Coma de Vaca.</p><p>I arrived at the hut just a bit before 5pm - 2 hours later than my original plan.</p><p>This hut is very remote, surrounded by nothing but wilderness. The only way to get here is hiking, like I did. I would love to sleep here sometime! </p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/DSC_0454.JPG" width="1080" height="1620" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 1)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210711_170005.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 1)"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I went inside the hut. It's all made of wood on the inside, and very clean! I met the guy who worked there. I couldn't buy anything because I didn't have any cash. But they let me refill my water bottles, which was nice :)</p><p>After leaving the hut, I took some time to enjoy this place. It felt so raw, wild and powerful.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/DSC_0478.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 1)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/DSC_0473.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 1)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/DSC_0469.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 1)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Unfortunately, I couldn't stay long. It was past 5pm, and I had a long road ahead of me.</p><p>The trail took me up and away from the refuge.</p><p>Then it descended down into a beautiful pine forest.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210711_174001.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 1)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/DSC_0490.JPG" width="1080" height="1620" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 1)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210711_181823.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 1)"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>After 2 hours, the trail turned into a flat, grassy dirt road, going through an oak forest now. </p><p>After another hour on this road, I started seeing houses in the distance. Back in civilisation! :)</p><p>Around 8pm, I reached Fustanya, a “village” of 2-3 houses :) I stopped here, and sat down at the stairs of old church to eat a snack and relax for a bit.</p><p>Again, I couldn't stay long. The sun was going down, so I had to hurry.</p><p>From here I took an asphalt road taking me down through more villages.</p><p>At 9:15pm, I arrived at Ribes de Freser!</p><p>It was just starting to get dark.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/09/IMG_20210711_202726.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="Summer hiking in the Pyrenees (part 1)"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I was starving. I saw a crepe stand and immediately ordered a salty crepe with cheese and eggs. Perfect dinner :)</p><p>Then I walked to my hotel, checked in and passed out in the bed.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya]]></title><description><![CDATA[Today I woke up at 5:30am to do one of the most intense hikes I’ve ever done -
30km, including a mountain peak!

Taga is a 2040m peak. Although not very high, it has a very recognisable shape
that makes it stand out and dominate the valleys around it.

Of course I didn't want to just climb the peak, I wanted to explore the area
around it. So I looked for routes on Wikiloc.

I picked this one
[https://www.wikiloc.com/hiking-trails/ribes-de-freser-ripoll-15600291]. It
includes lots of interesting ]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/taga/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__60e440116bf5186cace21a1f</guid><category><![CDATA[Barcelona]]></category><category><![CDATA[Catalunya]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sun, 25 Jul 2021 22:54:05 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0035-1.JPG" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0035-1.JPG" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/><p>Today I woke up at 5:30am to do one of the most intense hikes I’ve ever done - 30km, including a mountain peak!</p><p>Taga is a 2040m peak. Although not very high, it has a very recognisable shape that makes it stand out and dominate the valleys around it.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/DSC_0819.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Of course I didn't want to just climb the peak, I wanted to explore the area around it. So I looked for routes on Wikiloc.</p><p>I picked <a href="https://www.wikiloc.com/hiking-trails/ribes-de-freser-ripoll-15600291">this one</a>. It includes lots of interesting places, such as small villages and old mines. It was long - 30km! The original hiker did it in one day. It took him 8-9 hours in total. It seemed intense but doable, so I decided to go with it.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/Screenshot-2021-07-26-at-00.58.18.png" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>So, I got up at 5:30am to prepare food and pack my backpack as usual.</p><p>I took the first train to Ribes de Freser, at 7:15. I enjoyed the train ride - the landscape looked beautiful in the foggy morning light.</p><p>I got off at Ribes de Freser around 9:15. It felt great to be here. The air was so fresh. I got a coffee and sat down on a bench to eat my breakfast.</p><p>Around 10:00am, I started the hike.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210704_095425.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210704_100647.jpg" width="720" height="960" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>It was a nice trail, winding through dewy grassy fields. There were cows. And lots of strawberries! I picked handfuls, and ate them on the spot.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210704_102807.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210704_112526.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Soon the trail led me into a forest. A mossy, green, fairytale forest. I loved it! I was walking uphill but I didn’t feel tired at all.</p><p>After an hour or so, the forest gave way to a vast meadow, covered in yellow flowers. I could see Ribes de Freser way below me. In the far distance, Puigmal was hiding behind the clouds.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0025.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I kept walking uphill through the meadows.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0028.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0035.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Just before I reached the summit, the weather changed. Fog started coming in. It was very windy. Soon I couldn’t see further than a couple of meters away.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0062.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I kept following the trail. I heard bells and mountain cows appeared out of the fog. It felt very surreal.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210704_135259.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210704_135047.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>And finally... After 3 hours of uphill hiking... At 1:15pm... I reached Taga!</p><p>It was totally foggy, so I couldn’t see anything.</p><p>I was a bit a disappointed, but happy that I made it up the peak.</p><p>I took a short break here. Originally, I had planned to eat my lunch here, but it was too cold and windy for that. So I didn't stay long. I met some other hikers who took my picture at the peak. </p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210704_133511.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210704_132307.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Then I continued. It was time to descend on the other side of the peak.</p><p>It was pretty weird walking through this fog, being able to see only the path under my feet. I wondered what the landscape looked like. I could see grass, so I imagined another grassy meadow, similar to the way up. I could still hear bells, so I imagined there's lots of cows around me.</p><p>Finally, I found a sign that pointed to Ogassa - my next destination - and I headed that way. It was a rocky and steep descent.</p><p>Halfway through, the fog slowly cleared, and I saw the landscape. I was walking down a huge grassy hill, as I suspected. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0070.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0093--1-.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0091.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0097.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0094.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0105.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I descended into a forest. I was walking along a nice little stream.</p><p>Around 3pm, I reached an Ermita (a stone building where a hermit used to live). Here I sat down to eat my lunch - I was starving. </p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0114.JPG" width="3000" height="4496" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0110.JPG" width="3000" height="4496" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>The steep, rocky trail ended here, and an asphalt road began.</p><p>I finished my lunch in 15 minutes, then I continued. I didn’t want to take too long - Ripoll (the next city, where I had to take the train back home) was still very far away.</p><p>The asphalt road felt nice and easy after the rocky trail. I saw more cows, meadows and forests.</p><p>Around 4pm, I reached Ogassa. This village was tiny. I didn't see any people. It felt a bit eerie, with the foggy mountains in the background.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0124.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0128.JPG" width="3000" height="4496" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>A bit further down I found a small, mossy waterfall. It was pretty. </p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0137.JPG" width="3000" height="4496" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Soon I found the “Iron road” trail. This is an old road that was used by miners in the past. It was going to take me to Ripoll - the next city. </p><p>On the way, I saw an old cement factory, which was quite cool.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210704_164728.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210704_164849.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I also stopped at a nice waterfall - Malatosca. It was beautiful - turquoise water and lush vegetation. It gave me Bali vibes.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0169.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>After the waterfall, the road was flat a kinda repetitive. The next 2 hours were the most boring part of this hike. There were a couple of interesting things, like old tunnels.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210704_184822.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210704_185616.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210704_190040.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hiking to Taga - a beautiful mountain peak in North Catalunya"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I made it to Ripoll just on time! I was at the train station exactly 10 minutes before the last train.</p><p>I got home around 10:30pm and immediately made dinner, then passed out in bed. I was exhausted.</p><p>I enjoyed this adventure a lot :)</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[The 7 Waterfalls of Campdevanol]]></title><description><![CDATA[Campdevanol is a small town at the foot of the Catalan Pyrenees. Surrounded by
forests and mountains, it's famous for its 7 waterfalls. 

This is a popular place, and I know that in summer families with children come
here to swim and cool off. 

That's why I thought it would be best to come here on a weekday, when it’s not

Honestly, I didn't have very high expectations for this. I thought it would be a
short, easy hike, and I imagined the waterfalls to be small and tame. 

Well, I was ]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/7-waterfalls/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__60ef451e6bf5186cace21d23</guid><category><![CDATA[Barcelona]]></category><category><![CDATA[Catalunya]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Waterfalls]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sat, 24 Jul 2021 06:45:48 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0795-1.JPG" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0795-1.JPG" alt="The 7 Waterfalls of Campdevanol"/><p>Campdevanol is a small town at the foot of the Catalan Pyrenees. Surrounded by forests and mountains, it's famous for its 7 waterfalls. </p><p>This is a popular place, and I know that in summer families with children come here to swim and cool off. </p><p>That's why I thought it would be best to come here on a weekday, when it’s not packed. </p><p>Honestly, I didn't have very high expectations for this. I thought it would be a short, easy hike, and I imagined the waterfalls to be small and tame. </p><p>Well, I was wrong!</p><!--kg-card-begin: embed--><figure class="kg-card kg-embed-card"><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/avevPzFNMn8?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""/></figure><!--kg-card-end: embed--><p>I took the train from Barcelona to Campdevanol, and arrived there around noon. I grabbed a coffee and had a quick walk around the town (it's very small). Then I headed for the waterfalls. The weather was nice and sunny.</p><p>I took a small path that led me out of the town and into the green fields around it. After 30 minutes on this path, I entered a forest. </p><p>The path led me to a nice open area with picnic tables, and a river running nearby. So peaceful. </p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210630_124954.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="The 7 Waterfalls of Campdevanol"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210630_125621.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="The 7 Waterfalls of Campdevanol"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>From here I took the trail to the waterfalls. It was a nice forest trail, surrounded by lush green grass and pine trees. I loved it!</p><p>And soon I arrived at the first waterfall! It was much bigger than I thought. And there was no one here. I was alone.</p><p>Of course the first thing I did was to jump in the water! It was freezing at first, but I got used to it quickly and it felt great.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0686.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="The 7 Waterfalls of Campdevanol"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I spent about an hour enjoying this waterfall, before moving on to the rest. There was a lot to see and do here!</p><p>I spent the whole day hiking from waterfall to waterfall, and swimming in each one. I met some people along the way, but not many. I was alone at most waterfalls. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0795.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="The 7 Waterfalls of Campdevanol"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0859.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="The 7 Waterfalls of Campdevanol"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0725.JPG" width="3000" height="4496" alt="The 7 Waterfalls of Campdevanol"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0743.JPG" width="3000" height="4496" alt="The 7 Waterfalls of Campdevanol"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0755.JPG" width="3000" height="4496" alt="The 7 Waterfalls of Campdevanol"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210630_172011.jpg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="The 7 Waterfalls of Campdevanol"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210630_142232.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="The 7 Waterfalls of Campdevanol"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>The last one was the tallest one, with the largest pool.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210630_163623.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The 7 Waterfalls of Campdevanol"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210630_181534.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The 7 Waterfalls of Campdevanol"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>By the time I was done with all 7 waterfalls, it was past 6PM and the sun was starting to go down. Clouds were coming out. It was time to head back.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide kg-card-hascaption"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210630_182841.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="The 7 Waterfalls of Campdevanol"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210630_191425.jpg" width="720" height="960" alt="The 7 Waterfalls of Campdevanol"/></div></div></div><figcaption>I met some sleepy sheep on the way back!</figcaption></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card kg-card-hascaption"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0901.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="The 7 Waterfalls of Campdevanol"><figcaption>The Pyrenees, hiding in the clouds in the distance</figcaption></img></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card kg-card-hascaption"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0914.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="The 7 Waterfalls of Campdevanol"><figcaption>The small town of Campdevanol</figcaption></img></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Back in the town, my train was late - a whole hour! It was the last train. I was worried I might have to camp out here 😅 But finally, it arrived. </p><p>It was nearly 11PM when I got back to my apartment in Barcelona. Tired but totally happy. </p><p>Such a beautiful, fun summer day in the mountains!</p><p/>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall]]></title><description><![CDATA[Salt de Mir is one of my favourite Google Maps discoveries. I found it while
looking for hikes and beautiful places that are not well known, but also easily
accessible by train (since I STILL don't have a driving license).

In the summer of 2021, I hiked here, then 2 weeks later I did the exact same
hike again, because I loved it so much.

The hike includes rivers, waterfalls (the main event), old ruins, mountain cwes,
forests, ridges, and more exciting stuff!

It begins in Sant Quirze de Besora]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/salt-del-mir/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__60bb60566bf5186cace21a0f</guid><category><![CDATA[Catalunya]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Waterfalls]]></category><category><![CDATA[Barcelona]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Wed, 14 Jul 2021 21:43:48 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0639-1.JPG" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0639-1.JPG" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/><p>Salt de Mir is one of my favourite Google Maps discoveries. I found it while looking for hikes and beautiful places that are not well known, but also easily accessible by train (since I STILL don't have a driving license).</p><p>In the summer of 2021, I hiked here, then 2 weeks later I did the exact same hike again, because I loved it so much.</p><p>The hike includes rivers, waterfalls (the main event), old ruins, mountain cwes, forests, ridges, and more exciting stuff!</p><!--kg-card-begin: embed--><figure class="kg-card kg-embed-card"><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/V_nUOUCsuCc?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""/></figure><!--kg-card-end: embed--><p>It begins in Sant Quirze de Besora, a small town near the Pyrenees.</p><p>I get off the train here and get a coffee at the main square, in the only café that's open. When I'm done with the coffee, I head out of town and I make my way to Riera de la Foradada, a small river making its way through the forest and the hills. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210603_122649.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The hike follows a nice dirt road along the river. After an hour or so, I stop for a snack. I cool off my legs in the shallow river as I eat a fruit salad in the sun. Perfection.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210603_133523.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210603_134516-2.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Then I continue. From here the route starts going up and into a forest.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210603_151952.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210603_150911.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>About 2 hours later, I see a sign "Salt de Mir" and an arrow. I'm almost at my destination :) I follow the path down to an abandoned water mill. The stone buildings have fallen apart and are now taken over by nature. </p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210603_153421.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210627_163103.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210603_155203.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>After exploring the ruins a bit, I keep following the path down... I can hear the waterfall very loud now... And soon I see it. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210603_155356--1--1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>It's more impressive than I thought. All covered in greenery - moss, ferns, and water-loving plants. </p><p>Of course the first thing I do is to take a dip in the pool. The water is freezing cold at first, but I get used to it very fast. It feels amazing after the sweaty hike in the sun.</p><p>Then I stand on a rock under the falling water, like a giant shower. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210603_155435-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>After enjoying this for a while, I get out and sit down in the sun to dry, and to eat my lunch. </p><p>Soon, other people start arriving, so I decide to explore more of the river further down. It's peaceful there, I'm alone. I walk along the shallow river - it's just up to my ankles. </p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210627_122525.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210627_160238.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Then I return  to the waterfall for a final look. And I begin the second leg of the hike.</p><p>From here the trail goes uphill and starts gaining elevation fast. It's tiring, I take my time with it.</p><p>A green, lush forEst surrounds me as I push uphill. I look at the forest floor and see wild strawberries! My favourite thing to find on a hike. I pick them and eat them as I go. There are also lots of beautiful wildflowers everywhere. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0615.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0666.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Finally, I reach the top of the ridge, and I'm greeted with an amazing view. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0639.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I take a break here to enjoy the view for a bit. Then I get back on the trail.</p><p>It takes me down to a small meadow full of mountain cows. The cows here are free to roam, there's no owner around. They are blocking my trail, there's about 20 of them. I'm a bit startled at first, but then I just keep walking through them. They are chill and pay no attention to me.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0648.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>From here, the trail follows the ridge, with beautiful views on both sides. I'm walking on big rocks and cliffs. </p><p>An hour later, the trail descends into a forest, and turns into a nice narrow path. </p><p>Eventually this path leads me back to the area where I started, and to Sant Quirtze de Besora - where I relax by the river for a while, before I take the evening train back to Barcelona :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210627_200807.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210627_194316.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Salt del Mir: A secret waterfall"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery-->]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró]]></title><description><![CDATA[In the beginning of 2021, I was in Barcelona, my home. I was spending winter in
Europe for the first time in a few years. It was cold and everything was in
lockdown. I wasn't allowed to leave the city.

Those were some bad times for me. 

When the restrictions finally began to lift in April, the first thing I wanted
to do was to go hiking!

I chose a small town called Figaró as my destination. It's super easy to get to,
just 40 minutes by train from where I live in Barcelona. It's surrounded by
]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/figaro/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__60bb604c6bf5186cace21a0b</guid><category><![CDATA[Barcelona]]></category><category><![CDATA[Catalunya]]></category><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sat, 10 Jul 2021 08:01:28 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/cingles-de-berti-1.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/cingles-de-berti-1.jpg" alt="Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró"/><p>In the beginning of 2021, I was in Barcelona, my home. I was spending winter in Europe for the first time in a few years. It was cold and everything was in lockdown. I wasn't allowed to leave the city.</p><p>Those were some bad times for me. </p><p>When the restrictions finally began to lift in April, the first thing I wanted to do was to go hiking!</p><p>I chose a small town called Figaró as my destination. It's super easy to get to, just 40 minutes by train from where I live in Barcelona. It's surrounded by hills, forests and cliffs.  It offers plenty of hiking routes and things to see.</p><p>It was extra special for me - being out in nature, in the spring time sun, surrounded by trees and plants and flowers and beautiful open views, all of this felt so amazing after the many cold, depressing months of lockdown!</p><p>During May 2021, I came to Figaró every weekend and explored as much as I could!</p><h2 id="figar-">Figaró</h2><p>Figaró is a small town with modernist architecture and about 1000 inhabitants.</p><p>The river of Congost splits the town in two. On the east side of the river is the mountain of Montseny. And on the west side lie the Cingles de Bertí (cliffs).</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/figaro2.jpg" width="534" height="800" alt="Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210502_194514.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I first noticed Figaró last year, on my way to Vall de Nuria.</p><p>I thought it looks beautiful, a small town with modernist architecture, nested between the hills. But also, I saw people in hiking gear were getting off here every time.</p><p>So I did some research, and found out there are some nice areas and things to see around here! For a month, I spent every weekend exploring more.</p><h2 id="sot-del-bac">Sot del Bac</h2><p>Sot del Bac sort of a valley between tall vertical cliffs. </p><p>At the top there is a viewpoint, where you can dangle your feet from the cliffs and enjoy the views to Montesny in the distance.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/sot-del-back.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>There are a few streams and tiny "waterfalls" on the way here.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/sot-del-back-2.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I first came to Sot del Bac in 2020 with a friend. It was a nice hike, but it was very hot and sweaty (we did it in July) and we couldn't go far.</p><p>This time, I was here in the end of April, and throughout May. It was spring, the temperatures were still cool, and it had rained a lot. Everything was green and lush, and wild flowers were blooming!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/vallcarquera-flower.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h2 id="the-cross-the-catalan-flag">The cross &amp; the Catalan flag</h2><p>From Sot del Bac, there is a trail leading up. This trail connects with a dirtroad which goes all around the area.</p><p>In this area there is a big cross made of stone, sitting at a perfect viewpoint of Figaró down below.</p><p>From the cross, there is a small trail. It goes through some bushes (and spiderwebs) leading to a "hidden" Cataln flag.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210502_170137.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210502_173422.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210502_172909.jpg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><h2 id="la-trona">La Trona</h2><p>"The Throne" is a cliff sticking out of the larger Cingles de Bertí. </p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/cingles-de-berti-2jpg.jpg" width="1000" height="667" alt="Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/trona.jpg" width="534" height="800" alt="Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>It is quite an uphil hike from Sot del Bac, but worth it.</p><p>From here, hikers can continue along the top of Cingles de Bertí and eventually descend to Figaro again, on the other side. I didn't do this yet.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/cingles-de-berti.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h2 id="vallcarquera">Vallcarquera</h2><p>This the lush, green area surrounding a little river on the east side of Figaró, in the beginning of Montseny mountain.</p><p>This was probably my favourite part, as I love lush places with lots of moss, vegetation, and water.</p><p>The route begins with an easy walk along the small river. There are various waterfalls and pools.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/polina-kocheva-QYX8HP6oPeQ-unsplash.jpg" width="640" height="959" alt="Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/polina-kocheva-rLfgtIAX6u4-unsplash.jpg" width="640" height="959" alt="Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/polina-kocheva-RY_p5-TxCFM-unsplash.jpg" width="640" height="959" alt="Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Then it takes us to an old hermitage. And then to a building used as a summer school (closed now).</p><p>Surrounding this building there are green meadows. Every time that I was here, I would have a picnic on a meadow, and just lie in the sun for a while. It was so good to finally enjoy the sun, after the long winter months!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/vallcarquera.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>There are several beautiful Catalan masias (traditional houses made of stones) in this area. </p><p>Throughout my hikes, I saw lots and lots of wildflowers, and I couldn't be happier! My favourite was the one that we call кандилки (kandilki) in Bulgarian. I don't know the name in English!</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210502_192402.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/IMG_20210502_192550.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Springtime hiking in the forests of Figaró"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I'm very happy that I got to enjoy Figaró in spring time! I'd absolutely recommend this as an easy hiking destination near Barcelona.</p><p/><p/><p/>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Snowy winter days in Bulgaria]]></title><description><![CDATA[I grew up in Bulgaria, where we have snowy winter and real cold weather every
year. I always suffered in the cold. So as soon as I could, I moved to sunny
Barcelona. Later I became a nomad, and every year I escaped the European winter
to a tropical paradise. 

In the winter of 2020/2021, the pandemic made me stay in Europe. During that
time, I visited my family in Bulgaria and got to experience real winter and snow
for the first time in many years.

I can't say I enjoyed it. I'm very much a warm]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/winter-in-bulgaria/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__60f1e64293a6443031f7bfd6</guid><category><![CDATA[Bulgaria]]></category><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sat, 22 May 2021 20:04:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0694-1.JPG" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0694-1.JPG" alt="Snowy winter days in Bulgaria"/><p>I grew up in Bulgaria, where we have snowy winter and real cold weather every year. I always suffered in the cold. So as soon as I could, I moved to sunny Barcelona. Later I became a nomad, and every year I escaped the European winter to a tropical paradise. </p><p>In the winter of 2020/2021, the pandemic made me stay in Europe. During that time, I visited my family in Bulgaria and got to experience real winter and snow for the first time in many years.</p><p>I can't say I enjoyed it. I'm very much a warm-sunny-weather person. Cold, gloomy weather makes me sad, and there's not much I can do about it.</p><p>Despite this, I had to appreciate how beautiful winter is. I was staying in my parents house, which is outside of the city, near a forest. Every day, I went on snow walks in this forest. </p><p>Here is a calm little video from my walks, and some photos.</p><!--kg-card-begin: embed--><figure class="kg-card kg-embed-card"><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/kgi2MhMdmfo?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""/></figure><!--kg-card-end: embed--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0694.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Snowy winter days in Bulgaria"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0300.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Snowy winter days in Bulgaria"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0353.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Snowy winter days in Bulgaria"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0309.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Snowy winter days in Bulgaria"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/07/DSC_0218.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Snowy winter days in Bulgaria"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><p/>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[The logistics of a permanent nomadic lifestyle]]></title><description><![CDATA[I've been a nomad for more than 4 years now, and I'm not planning to change this
lifestyle anytime soon.

But is the nomad life sustainable long-term? Recently I was talking about this
to a friend who's also been a nomad for a long time, and we came to the
following conclusions:

 1. Living out of a suitcase and moving every 1-2 months is not realistic;
 2. Staying in one place is also not realistic.

So, what's the solution?

First, let's explore the above a bit more.

🎒 Living out of a suitca]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/permanent-nomad-lifestyle/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5fe9227754d19c2265d5e6c0</guid><category><![CDATA[Nomad Life]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Thu, 14 Jan 2021 21:37:59 GMT</pubDate><content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I've been a nomad for more than 4 years now, and I'm not planning to change this lifestyle anytime soon.</p><p>But is the nomad life sustainable long-term? Recently I was talking about this to a friend who's also been a nomad for a long time, and we came to the following conclusions:</p><ol><li>Living out of a suitcase and moving every 1-2 months is not realistic;</li><li>Staying in one place is also not realistic.</li></ol><p>So, what's the solution?</p><p>First, let's explore the above a bit more.</p><h3 id="-living-out-of-a-suitcase-and-moving-every-1-2-months-is-not-realistic">🎒 Living out of a suitcase and moving every 1-2 months is not realistic</h3><p>Many people start out as "fast" nomads, moving every few months.</p><p>This can work in the short term, but after a while it becomes unsustainable. </p><p>Moving is stressful and usually slows down your work. You have to pack your bags, fly, find accommodation, find places to work from, to eat, etc. etc. Not to mention jetlag and getting used to time zone changes.</p><p>Also, living out of a suitcase is very limiting. You can only have a small amount of clothes and other possessions. Your things get damaged by packing and moving all the time. </p><p>And the feeling of always being in a new (often empty) hotel room, with nothing but a suitcase, can become quite depressing, at least for me.</p><p>I've noticed that after a year or two, many people either drop out of the nomad scene or transition to a slower pace.</p><p>It's just an unrealistic way of life long-term - especially if you want to have a family at some point.</p><h3 id="-staying-one-place-is-also-not-realistic">🏠 Staying one place is also not realistic</h3><p>So, is the nomad life a temporary thing? Do we live nomadically for a few years then "settle down" and go back to being "normal"?</p><p>Some people do and that's a totally valid choice, but for others (like me) it's not gonna happen.</p><p>There's a reason I became a nomad. I have always had, and will always have the drive to move and travel. I just won't be happy "settling down" in one place for the rest of my life!</p><p>But I also want a home and stability, especially as I get older...</p><h3 id="-my-solution">✨ My solution</h3><p>My solution is having two "bases": Barcelona and Bali.</p><p>I spend summers in Barcelona and winters in Bali. I stay 4-6 months in each place, while doing occasional trips to other countries in the area.</p><p>That allows me to be a nomad and to explore new places, while having a home that I can always go back to.</p><h3 id="-why-barcelona-and-how">💛 Why Barcelona, and how? </h3><p>I consider Barcelona my home. I've lived here since 2012, before I was a nomad. I love this city. After all my travels, I still haven't found a better place. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/01/j-shim-FtOHpWWoLHk-unsplash.jpg" class="kg-image"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I always keep a room here that I can come back to. I own quite a lot of "stuff" (for a nomad) and it all stays here: desk, chair, other furniture, plants, clothes, books, paintings, etc. etc.</p><p>When I'm away for a long time, I try to sublet the room (usually to friends). Sometimes I end up paying for it when I'm not there, but I'm ok with that, it's the cost of my lifestyle. I rent in shared flats so the price is lower.</p><p>My goal for 2021 is to put a downpayment on a flat in Barcelona, which will make things a lot easier (and financially sensible).</p><p>Barcelona is the perfect place for me because it offers all the things I like (beach, mountains, art scene, music, events, etc. etc.) I can also easily fly around Europe and visit Lisbon, London, Amsterdam, etc...</p><p>But, there are a few caveats:</p><ul><li>Winter is cold. One of the warmest in Europe, but it's still winter. Anything under 20C is too cold for me.</li><li>No nomad community :( Or a very small one at least. I still don't understand how Barcelona has gone under the nomad radar, as it's such a perfect city. Maybe it appears too touristy, or too expensive? Anyways, it's a shame but there are very few nomads here.</li><li>I can't live in one place. I need to move. That's why I became a nomad in the first place right?</li></ul><p>So, in the winters I go to Bali.</p><h3 id="-why-bali-and-how">💚 Why Bali, and how?</h3><p>This is a huge cliché, but Bali is basically the nomad capitol right now. There are different nomad groups and subcultures all around the island. I've found a big community of like-minded people in Canggu. I have many friends there that keep coming back every year, just like me. It feels like home now.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/01/niklas-weiss--2WlTWZLnRc-unsplash.jpg" class="kg-image"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>There's plenty of great coworking spaces and laptop-friendly cafes to work from. You are always surrounded by other people on their computers, and never feel isolated.</p><p>And of course, the life is great. Warm weather, surfing, healthy food everywhere, beautiful nature, etc. etc.</p><p>While I'm here, I can also explore other countries in Asia. I've travelled to Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore... These trips can be a short vacation (like <a href="/krabi">Krabi</a>), or can last more than a month if the new place is interesting (like <a href="/tag/japan/">Japan</a>).</p><p>Bali is easy. I don't keep a room here. I just fly in and rent a place. I've been here enough times that I already have my visa agent, my driver to pick me up from the airport, my scooter guy, etc. As soon as I arrive, I can walk into my coworking space and meet all my friends there (well, after I've slept through the jetlag ofcourse).</p><p>There are various types of visas that you can get for Bali. Most people get 30 days for free. You can get a visa on arrival that will give you 2 months. And if you want to stay longer, there are options such as social visa, which gives you 6 months.</p><p>And that pretty much sums up the logistics of my nomad life.</p><h3 id="-tldr">⭐️ TLDR</h3><ul><li>Having a base eliminates the stress of getting used to a new place every time I move. </li><li>Having two bases allows me to be a nomad and move whenever I want - for example, to escape the European winter. </li><li>And having my bases in good locations, well connected and with many interesting places nearby, allows me to explore and travel.</li></ul><p>This set up has been working pretty well for me the last few years and I expect it to work for many years to come. And it shouldn't be difficult to adjust it to accommodate a family one day.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Moving to headless Ghost + Gatsby frontend]]></title><description><![CDATA[Some time ago, I was in a coworking space in Bali, sitting next to Aileen while she was working on cool things for Ghost. One of these things was Gatsby Starter Ghost. "A starter template to build lightning fast websites with Ghost & Gatsby".]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/gatsby-ghost-netlify/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5de5030f54d19c2265d5defd</guid><category><![CDATA[Gatsby]]></category><category><![CDATA[Ghost]]></category><category><![CDATA[Frontend]]></category><category><![CDATA[Dev]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Mon, 04 Jan 2021 17:45:58 GMT</pubDate><content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Some time ago, I was in a coworking space in Bali, sitting next to <a href="https://twitter.com/AileenCGN">Aileen</a> while she was working on cool things for Ghost. One of these things was <a href="https://github.com/TryGhost/gatsby-starter-ghost">Gatsby Starter Ghost</a>. "<em>A starter template to build lightning fast websites with Ghost &amp; Gatsby</em>".</p><p>At the time, I was not very busy at work, and hadn't done a side project in a while, so I wanted to try coding something new. I mentioned that to Aileen and she suggested I try the new Gatsby Ghost integration.</p><p>I liked the idea. A lot of my friends were excited about Gatsby and I wanted to try it myself. Also, I don't use React much - I normally work with Angular - and it's always good to learn different things ☺️</p><p>I already had a Ghost site - the previous iteration of this website - so I decided to just rebuild that using Gatsby.</p><h2 id="-how-gatsby-ghost-work">👻 How Gatsby + Ghost work</h2><ul><li>Ghost runs on a server (in my case, a Digital Ocean droplet). This is the API.</li><li>Gatsby is deployed to Netlify. This is the frontend.</li><li>Gatsby uses an API key and a URL to get content from Ghost.</li><li>Gatsby builds static HTML using that content.</li><li>Every time a new blog post is published or an update is made to the site, Gatsby rebuilds the static HTML (automatically or through manual deployment)</li></ul><h2 id="-advantages-of-gatsby">💜 Advantages of Gatsby</h2><p>Simple - site speed. </p><p>It's <strong>very</strong> fast. Ghost is fast by itself, but Gatsby takes that to another level.</p><p>Gatsby is a static site generator - which means there are no server calls for content. Everything is a static HTML page, already generated during a build process.</p><p>Plus it's so easy (and free!) to deploy it with Netlify - and also deploy <a href="https://polinakocheva.com/public-staging/">stage environment branches</a>, PR previews and more cool things.</p><h2 id="-disadvantages-">💔 Disadvantages...</h2><p>Yes, there are also some disadvantages.</p><p>Gatsby requires knowledge of React and GraphQL - so if you're not familiar with these, it will take some time and effort to get started.</p><p>Also, static HTML comes with its own limitations. For example, you can't use the <em>window</em> object (I found that out the hard way). And setting up Prism for syntax highlighting was a hassle. Many things just don't work out of the box.</p><h2 id="-alternatives">🤔 Alternatives</h2><p>If you don't want to use Ghost, you can also use Gatsby as a blog, on its own, with markdown files for posts.</p><p>And if you don't want to go through the trouble of setting up Gatsby - then Ghost is still pretty good on it's own! Gatsby just makes it faster and a bit more interesting from a developer's perspective.</p><p>But if you have some time to spend, and want a super fast website - and like playing with new technologies - then I say go for Gatsby Ghost!</p><h2 id="-the-process">✨ The Process</h2><p>To start, I followed the instructions in the <a href="https://github.com/TryGhost/gatsby-starter-ghost">Gatsby Starter Ghost repo</a> - they are very clear and straightforward. </p><p>I didn't want to commit my Ghost API key, since my repo is public. So I set it as an environment variable on Netlify. I also added it locally with in an .env file at the root of my project. Here is what that looks like in <code>gatsby-config.js</code>:</p><!--kg-card-begin: html--><pre>
<code class="language-javascript">
require('dotenv').config({path: `./.env`});
const path = require(`path`)


let ghostConfig = {
    "development": {
      "apiUrl": "https://polinakocheva.stream",
      "contentApiKey": process.env.GHOST_CONTENT_API_KEY
    "production": {
      "apiUrl": "https://polinakocheva.stream",
      "contentApiKey": process.env.GHOST_CONTENT_API_KEY
</pre><!--kg-card-end: html--><p>I also set up the <a href="https://ghost.org/integrations/netlify/">Ghost+Netlify integration</a>, so that the static Gatsby site gets rebuild automatically whenever I publish a new post.</p><p>Now I had a working Gatsby site on a Netlify subdomain, pulling content from my existing Ghost. The Gatsby frontend was using a default theme. The next step was to add my own custom frontend.</p><h3 id="-rebuilding-the-frontend">🛠 Rebuilding the frontend </h3><p>I had already written a custom Ghost theme for my website (in vanilla JS and Handlebars). Now I had to rebuild that for Gatsby, in React.</p><p>This took a while but I learned a lot about Gatsby and React.</p><p>The final product looked identical to my previous website, but it was much faster. (My non-developer friends looked at me a bit weird when I showed them what I had been working on, and it looked exactly the same as before 🤷‍♀️)</p><p>Now that it was done I was ready to switch my domain <code>polinakocheva.com</code> to the new site!</p><h3 id="-hurdle-1-domain">👩‍💻 Hurdle 1: Domain </h3><p>So here I ran into my first problem.</p><p>Until now, the frontend and the API were both Ghost - in one place - on a Digital Ocean droplet. Both on <code>polinakocheva.com</code>.</p><p>But now <strong>frontend and API were going to split</strong>. </p><p>The frontend was moving away from Digital Ocean - to Netlify - so the <code>polinakocheva.com</code> domain had to be pointed there too.</p><p>What about the API? It stayed on Digital Ocean. So it was left <strong>without a domain</strong>. But the frontend still needed to call it somehow.</p><p>My first solution was to use the droplet's IP address instead of a domain for the API.</p><p>That worked fine for the text content (which was pulled and rendered), but not for the images (which were only linked).</p><p>Gatsby's static pages now linked to images directly on the droplet's IP. And since IPs don't have https, <strong>all images were now loaded over http</strong>, which is considered insecure - so browsers sometimes refused to load them.</p><p>So<strong> </strong>in short, <strong>some users were not seeing any images </strong>on my website any more. Which is a bummer, since my travel posts are photo-heavy. I even had random people messaging me to tell me about this (and I'm not getting huge traffic here so that was significant).</p><p>Confession... I left it like this for a whole year (or more) before coming back to fix it.</p><p>To fix, first I tried creating a subdomain - <code>ghost.polinakocheva.com</code><em> -</em> and pointing that at the droplet with the Ghost API.</p><p>It didn't work, because the domain was on Netlify DNS - so the certificate was provided by Netlify - but I was trying to point it at Digital Ocean.</p><p>Then I ssh-ed into my droplet and messed around with certs and nginx for a while, but nothing worked 🙃 So I gave up and bought a new domain for my API. </p><p>I went on Porkbun and searched for the cheapest <em>polinakocheva</em> domain I could find - which turned out to be <code>polinakocheva.stream</code><em> </em>for $2.50/year. So I bought that, and set it up on my droplet with nginx and certbot. My Ghost API finally had a secure https URL ✨</p><p>That solved the issue and all my images are loading now, without security issues!</p><h3 id="-hurdle-2-dark-mode">🌙 Hurdle 2: Dark Mode  </h3><p>Now everything was done and my Gatsby Ghost website was all good! So I decided to have some more fun and add a cool feature: <strong>dark mode</strong>!</p><p>I love dark mode toggles on apps and websites, so I really wanted to implement this in one of my own projects. I figured it would be mostly CSS and some logic to toggle it on/off... I was wrong.</p><p>First I designed the dark mode view and wrote the CSS for it, which was really fun.</p><p>Then I added a cute toggle component in the corner of my website.</p><p>My plan was simple. I was going to store the value of that toggle ('<em>dark</em>' vs '<em>light</em>') in localstorage. Then I would show different CSS depending on that value. (If no value was stored it would just default to a light theme).</p><p>That worked fine... until I started clicking around in dark mode. It was <strong>flickering 😬 </strong>The light CSS would still show for a second before switching to dark, whenever a page was loaded.</p><p>This happened because React was already rendered on the server, in default (light) mode. Then it would render again in the user's browser, taking into account the dark preference - but with a slight delay, which produced the flicker.</p><p>So I looked for another solution and found this amazing blog post: <a href="https://www.joshwcomeau.com/react/dark-mode/">https://www.joshwcomeau.com/react/dark-mode/</a></p><p>Looked like Josh had run into the exact same problem with his Gatsby website and found a great solution - which I implemented as well, following his instructions.</p><p>It's pretty complex and Josh does a much better job at explaining it than I would, so I'm not going to repeat it here - you can just read the blog post instead.</p><p>I should mention that this solution requires <strong>Styled Components</strong>, which I had never used before. And honestly, I'm not a huge fan of CSS in JS... So I only did the styles that were needed for the dark mode. I left everything else in regular CSS files. But it was still interesting to try a new thing.</p><p>I also had to figure out <strong>Theme Context</strong>, which took a while since I'm not very familiar with React. </p><p>In total, the whole Dark Mode thing took almost an entire weekend! But I'm very happy with the result and learned some cool things along the way ☺️</p><p>And that concludes the work I did on this project. I did develop some other cool features (like the map on my homepage), but I should probably talk about them in separate blog posts, as this one is already well over 1000 words!</p><h2 id="-tldr-">👀 TLDR;</h2><p>The main benefit of Gatsby + Ghost is a super fast website, using an awesome CMS.</p><p>It takes a bit of time to set up - compared to the one-click install Ghost on Digital Ocean - and requires programming knowledge, especially React. But once done it's easy to deploy, develop, and customise as you'd like.</p><p>Personally I'm very satisfied with it and definitely recommend it to developers that want to publish a blog. ✨</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[I made a public stage for polinakocheva.com]]></title><description><![CDATA[I've always loved the idea of building things in the open. Unfortunately, I don't have a project that I can build this way (yet). 
But I do have this website right here. This is my playground, where I experiment with ideas. So I was inspired to make a public stage for polinakocheva.com]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/public-staging/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5fe8f1e954d19c2265d5e6b5</guid><category><![CDATA[Frontend]]></category><category><![CDATA[Dev]]></category><category><![CDATA[Netlify]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sun, 03 Jan 2021 21:53:15 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/01/Screenshot-2021-01-03-at-22.51.51.png" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/01/Screenshot-2021-01-03-at-22.51.51.png" alt="I made a public stage for polinakocheva.com"/><p>I've always loved the idea of building things in the open - live coding, open startups, etc. </p><p>Unfortunately, I don't have a project that I can build this way (yet). </p><p>But I do have this website right here. This is my playground, where I experiment with cool technologies and silly ideas. </p><p>So I was inspired to make a public stage for <strong>polinakocheva.com</strong> - where you can see what I'm currently playing with (and probably breaking).</p><p>Here it is! <a href="https://develop.polinakocheva.com">https://develop.polinakocheva.com</a></p><p>It's the <code>develop</code> branch of this site, on its own subdomain. </p><p>This was incredibly easy to set up with Netlify. With the settings below, Netlify automatically creates a subdomain for every branch.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/12/Screenshot-2020-12-30-at-01.42.41.png" class="kg-image" alt="I made a public stage for polinakocheva.com"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>It also forced me to implement a proper development and release git flow for this website. Until now I used to push all commits to master - as I'm the only person working on this, and it's a fairly small project. But from now on, I will push to the develop branch, and merge to master to make a release. </p><p>All gets deployed automatically by Netlify.</p><p>Hopefully this will inspire me to keep working on new things on that stage, and maybe apply this concept to other projects as well!</p><p>P.S. the entire code of polinakocheva.com is also public: <br><a href="https://github.com/pkocheva/gatsby-ghost-personal-site">https://github.com/pkocheva/gatsby-ghost-personal-site</a></br></p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[How to make your Mac terminal look like a Linux terminal]]></title><description><![CDATA[I finally switched from Linux to Mac! I'm really enjoying the MacBook so far, but I do miss a couple of Linux things - especially the terminal. It comes with nice colours and fonts out of the box, and it's easy to use. I spend a lot of time in the terminal so that's important to me.]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/make-mac-terminal-look-like-linux/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5fe8f01154d19c2265d5e6b1</guid><category><![CDATA[Linux]]></category><category><![CDATA[Dev]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Wed, 30 Dec 2020 22:22:41 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/12/Screenshot-2020-12-30-at-23.19.26.png" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/12/Screenshot-2020-12-30-at-23.19.26.png" alt="How to make your Mac terminal look like a Linux terminal"/><p>I finally switched from Linux to Mac! </p><p>Well, not entirely - I still have my Linux laptop, and I use both of them at home. But when I go traveling again I'll only be taking the MacBook with me.</p><p> I'm really enjoying the MacBook so far, but I do miss a couple of Linux things - especially the terminal. It comes with nice colours and fonts out of the box, and it's easy to use. I spend a lot of time in the terminal so that's important to me.</p><p>That's not the case on Mac or Windows. The first time I opened a terminal on my new MacBook, it looked rather ugly and hard to read.</p><p>So I customised it to look like Linux:</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/12/Screenshot-2020-12-30-at-13.06.08-1.png" class="kg-image" alt="How to make your Mac terminal look like a Linux terminal"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>It also detects git and displays the current branch and status.</p><p>I used the <a href="https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k">PowerLevel10k</a> theme. </p><p>I set it to "lean" as I like to keep it to just text (coloured for readability).</p><p>Then I added a couple of touch-ups to make it look just like the Ubuntu terminal. </p><p>I changed the background to this colour: <code>#11071A</code> (not the exact same but it felt good on my eyes).</p><p>Finally, I changed the font to Ubuntu Mono and added 1.2 character spacing.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/12/Screenshot-2020-12-30-at-13.02.18.png" class="kg-image" alt="How to make your Mac terminal look like a Linux terminal"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>And done. Much better :) Now to do some actual coding!</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad]]></title><description><![CDATA[Bansko is a small ski-resort town in the mountains of Bulgaria. It has been
gaining popularity as a digital nomad spot recently due to the combination of
skiing, coworking, and low cost of life. 

This summer, some of my nomad friends wanted to check out Bansko, so we decided
to meet up there and share a house for two weeks :)

I'm Bulgarian, but I had never been to Bansko in its digital nomad days, so I
was also curious to go.

We booked a 7-bedroom chalet. However, several people in our group ]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/bansko-digital-nomad/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5f395e8654d19c2265d5e521</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Bulgaria]]></category><category><![CDATA[Bansko]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Fri, 18 Sep 2020 08:05:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200805_072136-1.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200805_072136-1.jpg" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/><p>Bansko is a small ski-resort town in the mountains of Bulgaria. It has been gaining popularity as a digital nomad spot recently due to the combination of skiing, coworking, and low cost of life. </p><p>This summer, some of my nomad friends wanted to check out Bansko, so we decided to meet up there and share a house for two weeks :)</p><p>I'm Bulgarian, but I had never been to Bansko in its digital nomad days, so I was also curious to go.</p><p>We booked a 7-bedroom chalet. However, several people in our group backed out... We were about to cancel the reservation, but the owner offered us a significant discount  - so we ended up keeping the whole chalet for only 4 people!</p><p>On our first day in Bansko, we headed for the mountains.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200802_151931.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Bansko lies at the foot of Bulgaria's most beautiful mountain, Pirin. It's an alpine mountain, with sharp peaks and green meadows.</p><p>We were aiming for the highest peak - Vihren, at 2914m - but we really understimated it. It turned to be a very challenging hike, and we were not prepared with good shoes, etc. So we decided to visit some lakes around it instead, keeping to an altitude of  2000-2200m.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200802_144359.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200802_152715.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>It was still a great hike with some breathtaking views :)</p><p>We spent the next two weeks living and working in Bansko. It was the perfect place for a mountain-addict like me. I was waking up every morning at 6:30am to hike for a few hours before work.</p><p>The town was very small, calm and pretty. I loved walking there in the early morning light, with no one around.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200805_072136.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200805_072017.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200803_090401.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><p>On my solitary morning hikes I explored forests and discovered rivers and waterfalls.</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200807_091122_1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200805_091823.jpg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200805_093857.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200806_093110.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200805_080835.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200805_094534.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200803_095755.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200806_092312.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><p>The mountain was berry heaven. It was the season for wild raspberries and they were everywhere! I ate handfuls of them on every hike, straight from the bush.</p><p>I also found a lot of strawberries, even though the season was over!</p><p>Foraging (and eating) wild berries is one of my favorite things in life.</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200809_155923-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200807_090124.jpg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200809_181236-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200805_081808.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200805_081055.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200806_081801.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200810_094441-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200810_194122.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><p>On the weekend we rented electric bikes and went mountain biking. We had lots of fun found some cool places, including a little abandoned house.</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200808_105224.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200808_105126.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><p>We also went to the hot springs together with the Coworking Bansko community. There were three pools of varying temperature. The hottest one was extremely relaxing.</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200806_204659.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><p>The two weeks passed quickly and it was time for us to leave... My friends got on their flights back to their countries. I decided to extend my stay - I just couldn't help it, I love the mountain too much.</p><p>I just walked into a traditional guesthouse that looked cute and booked it. This turned out to be a great decision. The place was beautiful and I loved working in the garden. I also enjoying my big and airy room.</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200810_154135.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200810_154147.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200810_181742.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><p>On my last weekend in Bansko, I went on a full-day solitary hike. I took the cable car to the top of the mountain, hiked around, then walked back down all the way to Bansko.</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200809_132309.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200809_131035.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200809_133740.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/09/IMG_20200809_150546.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Trying out Bansko as a digital nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><p>I had an absolutely amazing time in Bansko and the mountains, and I'm definitely coming back next summer :)</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[An abandoned village in North Catalunya]]></title><description><![CDATA[Last week I was on the train from Barcelona to Ribes de Freser, on my way to
Vall de Nuria. I was looking out of the window and enjoying the pre-Pyrenean
scenery, when something grabbed my attention. Abandoned, overgrown houses - not
one, but many! The train was passing through an entire abandoned village. 

The train even stopped at a station in this ghost village, and a couple of
people got out. My curiosity peaked. I had to investigate this later, so I took
a mental note of the station's name]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/abandoned-village-summer-river-catalunya/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5f17602754d19c2265d5e43b</guid><category><![CDATA[Catalunya]]></category><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Barcelona]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sun, 16 Aug 2020 06:44:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/PSX_20200721_190522-1.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/PSX_20200721_190522-1.jpg" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/><p>Last week I was on the train from Barcelona to Ribes de Freser, on my way to Vall de Nuria. I was looking out of the window and enjoying the pre-Pyrenean scenery, when something grabbed my attention. Abandoned, overgrown houses - not one, but many! The train was passing through an entire abandoned village. </p><p>The train even stopped at a station in this ghost village, and a couple of people got out. My curiosity peaked. I had to investigate this later, so I took a mental note of the station's name and location. Then I carried on with my trip to Vall de Nuria.</p><p>When I got home later, I looked up the abandoned place. Turns out that it used to be a textile factory that grew big in the 1940's. It employed nearly a thousand workers and the village was built to accommodate them. Later the business declined, and was completely shut down about 10 years ago. </p><p>However, the train station was still working. There was also a river, hiking routes and other fun things to do in the area. Of course, I immediately put this down on as my next destination. I love randomly discovering hidden places like this!</p><p>Next Sunday, I got on the same train to Ribes de Freser. I decided to get off a little before the abandoned place, so I could start by visiting a castle that I had noticed on Google Maps while virtually exploring the area.</p><p>I was in "deep Catalunya", far from the touristy sites. Here there were only small villages along the river Ter, green hills, forests and the Pyrenees in the distance.</p><p>I got off at a tiny train station in one such village. After a 20 minute walk through some fields and forests, I reached the castle. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_101526.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_101851.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_101645.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>It was a very well-maintained castle with a beautiful green lawn, surrounded by pine trees. There were even guided visits inside it, but I decided to skip this, as I had a big day ahead.</p><p>I had my breakfast (a sandwich) in the castle's garden, then started my hike towards the abandoned village.</p><p>I knew there was a hiking route there - I had seen it on a few websites - but it wasn't well marked. I asked a couple of people and they told me it was a long way and would take 2-3 hours. I shrugged and thought, "well that's what I'm here for" then kept on walking.</p><p>Turned out it only took me 1 hour. It was an uphill walk that got pretty narrow and muddy at one point, but nothing crazy. Quite a pleasant walk in fact. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_112548.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I found some mossy trees and a very old water fountain on the way there!</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/PSX_20200721_185955.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/PSX_20200721_190412.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_154454-1.jpg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>At one point, the trail started descending and came out at an opening with some houses. I had reached the abandoned villalge!</p><p>The houses seemed in pretty good condition. Most of the windows and doors were shut, however one was opened and there was some laundry on the balcony... Squatters?</p><p>It was very quiet and peaceful here.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_115618.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/PSX_20200721_190522.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I love this little overgrown bench :)</p><p>A little bit further I came out at the village's train station. It was completely taken over by the plants. Such a magical place! </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_120607.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_120626.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_120617.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_120723-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/PSX_20200721_185713-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>The train still stops at this forgotten, magical station. I could've gotten off here but I wanted to see the castle and do the hike.</p><p>From the train station I walked further into the village.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/PSX_20200721_190943.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_121738.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_121647.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Inside the factory - it was fenced off but I managed to take a couple of photos through the fence.</p><p>I walked around the ghost village, imagining what it was like to live and work here in the 1940's.</p><p>It was around 1pm and starting to get hot, so I decided to head to the river to cool off :)</p><p>I had to walk on a narrow passage next to the train rails, on a bridge over the river. Luckily no train passed while I was there :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_124131.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>On the other side of the bridge, I walked down to the river. There were a couple of people having a picnic, tanning and taking dips in the river. I walked a bit further down so I could get my own spot.</p><p>The river was crystal clear and cold.</p><p>It took me a while to get used to the temperature of the water and take a dip - but once I did, it felt soo refreshing, I didn't want to get out :) </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_124906.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_124908.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_134651-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/PSX_20200721_185609.jpg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_141332.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/PSX_20200721_183426.jpg" width="3105" height="4142" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_144256.jpg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_143127.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I spent a couple of hours here taking dips in the river and enjoying the sun.</p><p>Around 4pm I headed back to the train station.</p><p>On my way there I passed this beautiful forest church.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_151453.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>About an hour later I was back where I started, ready to take the train to Barcelona.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/08/IMG_20200719_170015.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="An abandoned village in North Catalunya"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>This was such a cute summer day in "deep Catalunya". I'll be coming back soon to explore more of the villages and rives around here :)</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail]]></title><description><![CDATA[Vall de Nuria is a picturesque green valley 2000m above the sea where you can
ski in winter and hike (or just chill) in the summer. It's one of my favourite
places in Catalunya, and for good reason. 

Arriving to the valley is always amazing. It takes nearly 3 hours from
Barcelona, but it's worth it every time.

First I got on an early morning train to Ribes de Freser. I watched the
landscape change from flat to hilly to mountainous, as we approached the
Pyrenees. Everything was getting greener,]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/vall-de-nuria-ii-hiking-the-catalan-pyrenees-in-sun-fog-and-hail/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5f175f4754d19c2265d5e437</guid><category><![CDATA[Catalunya]]></category><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Barcelona]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Fri, 31 Jul 2020 06:25:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/PSX_20200721_220940.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/PSX_20200721_220940.jpg" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/><p>Vall de Nuria is a picturesque green valley 2000m above the sea where you can ski in winter and hike (or just chill) in the summer. It's one of my favourite places in Catalunya, and for good reason. </p><p>Arriving to the valley is always amazing. It takes nearly 3 hours from Barcelona, but it's worth it every time.</p><p>First I got on an early morning train to Ribes de Freser. I watched the landscape change from flat to hilly to mountainous, as we approached the Pyrenees. Everything was getting greener, mossier and rockier. </p><p>After more than 2 hours on this train, I arrived at Ribes de Freser, a small town at the base of the mountains. I walked to another train - a rack railway (cremallera in Spanish) that goes steeply up the mountain and into Vall de Nuria.</p><p>The views got better and better - vertical cliffs, tall pine trees, rivers and waterfalls. Finally the train entered a tunnel - only to emerge in the valley, right by the lake.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/PSX_20200721_215655.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/PSX_20200721_220038.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The first thing I did was walk all around the lake and enjoy the views. It was sunny and beautiful. There was a bit of fog coming up from below, but it was quickly disappearing under the warm sun.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/PSFix_20200730_224432.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200712_112407.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200712_112450.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I wanted to come in July for the wildflowers, and I was not disappointed. Everything was blooming. There were beautiful, colorful flowers everywhere.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200712_115533-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200712_115954.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200712_120805.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><p>After walking all around, I sat on the grass by the lake and pulled out my picnic blanket. I ate my breakfast that I had in my backpack, then got a coffee from the restaurant. Life was good.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200712_124953-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200712_125618-1.jpg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>After I spent about an hour lying on the grass under the sun, the weather started changing. Clouds came out and I had to put on my jacket. I decided it was the perfect time to start my descend down.</p><p>I was going to hike to the lower station of the rack railway, about 3 hours in total.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/PSX_20200721_220940-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>There was a nice spot to take one last look towards the dam and the valley before heading down.</p><p>The trail followed the river, towering cliffs on both sides, through forests and meadows. The weather constantly changed between fog and sun.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/PSX_20200721_221154.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/PSX_20200721_221632.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I even found one of my favorite mountain things: tiny wild strawberries!</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200712_143021.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200712_143131.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>As I continued down, the fog kept growing. I was not seeing the sun anymore. At one point it started raining softly. I had a light rain jacket on so it was ok. The sound of the raindrops was actually very soothing.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200712_145400.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I also met Mr Frog here who had come out to enjoy the rain.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200712_153035.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The rain intensified and soon it was pouring. I waited under a cliff for a bit, then gave up and continued walking in the rain. I was getting cold, but my shoes and jacket were still holding up, so I was relatively dry.</p><p>At least I got some pretty good, mystical foggy views of the mountains.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200712_154251.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>In the next 1-2 hours I kept walking under the rain, which kept intensifying and subduing. I was getting a bit soaked now, but I was close to the village of Queralbs and the lower station of the rack railway.</p><p>And just before I reached the village... It started <strong>hailing</strong>! It wasn't stopping so I ran to find a place to hide. It was scary. I found a shed and hid in it. I saw it was attached to a house - a hotel. I tried getting in but it was closed, no one there. So I just waited out the hail in the shed.</p><p>Finally, the hail was over! I got out and walked the remaining 5 minutes to the village. I was totally soaked now, and kinda miserable. Luckily, my train was coming soon. I took a short walk around the village of Queralbs while I waited. The medieval stone houses were very pretty, even in the rainy windy weather.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200712_173819.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200712_173836.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Vall de Nuria II: hiking the Catalan Pyrenees in sun, fog, and hail"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Soon I was on the train back to Ribes de Freser, and then Barcelona, completely exhausted, soaked but happy with my mountain adventure :)</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel]]></title><description><![CDATA[The tiny village of Mura is (luckily) not a well-known tourist destination. It's
one of Catalunya's little secret treasures, which I keep discovering.

I found Mura randomly while combing through Google Maps, looking for an easily
accessible place near Barcelona that I hadn't visited yet. The lockdown had
ended recently, and I was eager to go somewhere new, but we weren't allowed to
leave the Barcelona region yet, so I had to find something close.

Needless to say, this trip was an extra joyful ]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/mura/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5e043aa154d19c2265d5e1dd</guid><category><![CDATA[Catalunya]]></category><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Barcelona]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Wed, 29 Jul 2020 16:21:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_142259-1.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_142259-1.jpg" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/><p>The tiny village of Mura is (luckily) not a well-known tourist destination. It's one of Catalunya's little secret treasures, which I keep discovering.</p><p>I found Mura randomly while combing through Google Maps, looking for an easily accessible place near Barcelona that I hadn't visited yet. The lockdown had ended recently, and I was eager to go somewhere new, but we weren't allowed to leave the Barcelona region yet, so I had to find something close.</p><p>Needless to say, this trip was an extra joyful and magical one, after spending 3 months in one single city (very unusual for me) and half of that time inside my apartment... I just wanted to get back somewhere deep in nature.</p><p>I picked Mura for my destination as it was right next to a river, a waterfall, and a national park with lots of hiking trails. Plus the village itself looked magical, ancient and very well preserved.</p><p>I got up early and cycled to the train station. It was a beautiful, sunny day - in fact it was the first hot summer day of the year! Perfect timing.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_090111.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Just being on the train itself was a novelty for me. I was feeling like a kid, watching the small towns and villages pass me by out the train window!</p><p>In the town of Terassa I got off the train and switched to a bus going to the mountains, full of hikers like me. The ride was beautiful (and a bit intense, as the road was extremely narrow and curvy). We were driving through pine trees and towering rock formations.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_180112.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><p>Finally we reached the little village, nested in the valleys between the strange cliffs. I got off the bus and began my explorations.</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_104034.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_172659.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_105757-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_105917.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_104733.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_104404.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><p>First I walked all around the village. It was very tiny, but I was taking my time and admiring all the details. All the houses were made out of stone and many were covered in ivy, or surrounded by beautiful flower pots.</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_105451.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_172554.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_105524-2.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_105320-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_105905.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_110110.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_105511.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><p>There was also a small, cold, clear river running through the village, surrounded by greens and moss. I sat by the river for a while, enjoying the freshness.</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_110240.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_110346.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><p>After walking every street of Mura, I had a coffee at the main square. There were many people around here now, mostly local families with children. I rested here for a bit before moving on to my next destinations - a waterfall and an ancient hotel built into a cliff :)</p><p>First I hiked to the waterfall. It was a short and very easy hike. It started at a small picnic area by the river, just outside of Mura. Then the path followed the river and continued through a lush green forest.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_121217.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_115520.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_121304.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>The place was pretty crowded, there were lots of groups of people along the river, having picnics, relaxing in the sun and dipping their feet in the cold water.</p><p>After 15-20 minutes I reached the waterfall. It was small but beautiful. I put my feet in the water - it was very cold. Despite this there were children swimming and playing in it. I enjoyed the waterfall, but didn't stay long as it was a bit too crowded for me.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_121508.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_121812.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><p>On the way back I took a detour to check out a nice view and some cool rocks :)</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_123534.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_123312-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Then I started my hike to the strange hotel. It was 2pm, the hottest time of the day, and the hike wasn't very shaded... So it wasn't the best idea. I did it anyways. It took me an hour, longer than I thought.</p><p>It was worth it though, as the hotel was so interesting. It was really built into the cliff, using the rock as natural walls. Only the front wall was made by people, the rest was natural.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_141455-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The little windows were hotel rooms available for rent - definitely a unique experience, even if not the most comfortable one. I might try it out if I decide to have a rural escape one day.</p><p>There was also a restaurant and a museum. Everything inside was ancient. The restaurant was full of people. I sat on a small bench and had a coffee. I also bought a big bottle of water and instantly drank half of it. Felt heavenly after an hour of hiking in the afternoon heat.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_144513.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_144538.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_142504.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_142259.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I relaxed in the restaurant for a while before making my way back to Mura.<br>I spent the rest of the time walking around a bit more, then sitting down in a cute cafe and having yet another coffee and a cheesecake.</br></p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_164118-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_164533-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>And finally, it was time to catch the bus back and return to Barcelona. Tired and happy, I enjoyed the ride back through the weird rock formations.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/07/IMG_20200621_180103.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Mura, a beautiful medieval village with a strange hotel"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Mura wasa great trip to kick off my summer of hiking, rural tourism, and exploring "deep" Catalunya :) I will definitely be coming back to this beautiful little village many times.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Krabi]]></title><description><![CDATA[In January 2020, I was in Bali and my next visa run was coming up. (When living
in Bali, we need to leave the country every two months, called a visa run.)

Most people just fly to Kuala Lumpur or Singapore, as those are the closest,
cheapest and easiest visa runs. However I see this as an opportunity to see new
places... After all I'm here to explore Asia (and the world) as much as I can!

However I was running out of destinations! I had already done Kuala Lumpur and
Singapore (many times), Ban]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/krabi/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5e4cbf1154d19c2265d5e1fa</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Thailand]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sun, 05 Apr 2020 20:46:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_131828.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_131828.jpg" alt="Krabi"/><p>In January 2020, I was in Bali and my next visa run was coming up. (When living in Bali, we need to leave the country every two months, called a visa run.)</p><p>Most people just fly to Kuala Lumpur or Singapore, as those are the closest, cheapest and easiest visa runs. However I see this as an opportunity to see new places... After all I'm here to explore Asia (and the world) as much as I can!</p><p>However I was running out of destinations! I had already done Kuala Lumpur and Singapore (many times), Bangkok, Saigon, and Taipei.</p><p>I thought I could do Australia, so I applied for an e-visitor. They asked me for a ridiculous amount of documents - like 2 years of taxes! As you can imagine I gave up on that pretty quick.</p><p>So I ended up settling on Thailand. I had already been to Bangkok and Chiang Mai, but I hadn't visited the islands yet - and really wanted to - so I decided to take that opportunity. So I bought flights to Krabi and booked a place there for 4 nights!</p><p>I didn't have any big expectations. I knew it was gonna be a touristy place. I just wanted to experience something new and get a taste of Thai island life.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200212_102312.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h2 id="day-1-ao-nang">Day 1: Ao Nang</h2><p>I landed early in the morning. It immediately felt great to be back in Thailand :)</p><p>My hotel was between Krabi town and Ao Nang, in the middle of nature. I loved it!</p><p>It was too early in the morning to check in, so I dropped off my backpack and went out to explore the area. I went straight to the closest beach. It wasn't the beast one, but I could already see the limestone cliffs that the area is famous for!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200212_102503.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I had Pad Thai for breakfast at this cute restaurant and hanged out on the beach until it was time to check in to my hotel.</p><p>Around noon I walked back to my hotel and checked in. The lovely staffed also helped rent a motorbike. They also gave me a list of things to see in the area.</p><p>I took a quick shower, then jumped on my new bike to explore properly!</p><p>I drove towards Ao Nang. The nice, big, empty road felt amazing after the traffic jams of Bali :) The area around my hotel was very quiet and relaxed, nothing but nature and some local houses here and there. </p><p>As I got closer to Ao Nang, it started getting more and more populated. Soon I entered the tourist zone full of people and shops.</p><p>I drove all the way to Ao Nang beach, parked my bike and went to check out the place.</p><p>It was full of tourists, as I expected. It was still very beautiful though, I absolutely loved the limestone cliffs! I felt like I was in a pirate movie.</p><p>Plus the further I walked from the center, the less tourists I saw.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200212_121654.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200212_120826.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200212_121816.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200212_122623.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>After spending some time here, soaking it all in, and lying in the sun, I walked back to my bike and drove in search of something less touristy and secluded.</p><p>I found another beach a few minutes down the road with no restaurants and little tourists. </p><p>At this point I was starting to feel tired from the early flight this morning, so I took a 1-hour nap in the shade on this beach.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200212_132132.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I woke up around 3pm. That was enough beach time for today. The staff at my hotel had recommended me a nice cafe so I drove there.</p><p>It was a nice drive through palm tree forests and small towns.</p><p>When I arrived at the cafe, I was blown away. It was so cute!</p><p>It was right on the beach and very large. There were so many different tables, hammocks, beanbags to sit and watch the sea! It was also decorated for St. Valentine, as that holiday was approaching.</p><p>I ordered a pineapple rice and spent a goood few hours hanging out here!</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200212_160432-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200212_160532-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200212_171559-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Finally I drove back to my hotel, as I was very tired. I was so happy to find my beautiful room and comfy bed waiting for me! I could hear only crickets and frogs outside.</p><p>I had the best sleep in a long time.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200212_193811.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h2 id="day-2-railay">Day 2: Railay</h2><p>The next morning I woke up early and got ready for more adventures :)</p><p>I enjoyed coffee on the porch for a while. I had this whole house to myself, including a hammock!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_095704.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I left around 9am and drove to Ao Nang, where I had a very overpriced breakfast. Then I got on a speedboat to Railay beach.</p><p>Railay is surrounded by limestone cliffs and only accessible by boat. Like a pirate hideaway.</p><p>Admittedly, the place was very touristy and crowded, but that didn't make it less beautiful and impressive. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_111610.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_114226.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_113303.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_114536.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_114542.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_114806.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I started at Tonsai beach. This one was more secluded than the rest. There were only two very basic beach bars, and a lot of rock climbers. </p><p>Then I walked over to Railay. Here I found the typical Instagram scene with the colorful boats. It was very pretty, but I didn't spend much time here as it was definitely the most crowded place around.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_123103.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I walked over to the other side of Railay where I found a small jungle with some trails, caves and a lagoon. My kind of place :)</p><p>There was a stunning view of the area from the top of the trail!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_131931.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Then I took the trail to the hidden lagoon. It was just like something out of Jurassic park - surrounded by tall cliffs and prehistoric-looking plants, monkeys jumping somewhere high up in the tree tops.</p><p>Unfortunately I could not get to the lagoon - it required some very sketchy climbs that I was not prepared for. I did manage to get a glimpse of it though :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_132811.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_133020.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_134801.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>After exploring most of this little jungle, I came out at another beach. Here I found boats turned into food stalls, selling coconuts and pad thai!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_151438.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><p>Tired from the trails and climbing, I relaxed on this beach with a coconut for a while, before heading back to the speedboat pick-up spot.</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_151844.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><p>On the way back I also managed to see a cute monkey up close (with a ridiculously long tail) and a huge lizard!</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_153248.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_152804.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><p>Finally I got on the speedboat and headed back to Ao Nang. </p><p>It was late in the afternoon. I wanted to find a nice spot to watch the sunset. I drove to Tub Kaek, a beach with a great view of the entire Phang Nga bay and all the islands and cliffs inside it. </p><p>It was low tide when I arrive which made the experience even better. The sea had retreated very far back. There were thousands of tiny crabs everywhere running around and digging holes.</p><p>A perfect way to end this lovely day.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_180035.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_180554.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200213_182803.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h2 id="day-3-dragon-crest-hike">Day 3: Dragon Crest hike</h2><p>After spending two days checking out the famous beaches, I decided to dedicate the thrid day to something else, something I had been missing for a while... Hiking in a mountain!</p><p>I was going to hike to Nong Thale peak, an elevation of 600m, nothing crazy but we can call it a mountain :) </p><p>I started the hike around 10am. The forest was beautiful and refreshing, there were clear streams running next to the trail.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200214_102530.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200214_105418.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200214_110949.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>It started out easy but got moderate as I got closer to the top. All in all it took me over 5 hours to complete it (total to the top and back) and I enjoyed all of it.</p><p>I absolutely love hiking, and the views over this exotic landscape were amazing.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/PSX_20200216_194216.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/PSX_20200216_195821.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/PSX_20200216_195442-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/PSX_20200216_200017.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200214_120754.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200214_120238.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200214_120824.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200214_125214.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200214_143833.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I finsihed the day at another beach restaurant, where I had pineapple rice once again!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200214_151352.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h2 id="day-5-swimming-holes-and-rivers">Day 5: Swimming holes and rivers</h2><p>This was my last day in Krabi and I had no clear plan of what to do. I loved my mountain adventure yesterday and wanted to do something similar but wasn't sure where.</p><p>The staff of my hotel had recommended me a swimming spot on a river a bit north. I had looked it up on Google Maps and there wasn't much information but it looked kinda cool. It was also in a forest. I decided to check it out.</p><p>I also wanted to revisit some of the beaches, so I spent the morning relaxing at Pai Plong (the one after Ao Nang). It was low tide and there were almost no tourists.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_095332.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_102530.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Around noon I drove north towards the river. Soon I was out of the cities and surrounded by forests and towering limestone cliffs. I was already happy, if nothing else it was worth it only for the drive there!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_122538.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_122707.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The place was in deep in the countryside, just nature and some small farms and shacks around here. </p><p>I parked my bike and walked to the swimming hole. Around me there were caves and big tree roots hanging down.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_123211.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_123026.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_123216.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>The swimming hole was an incredible blue color, like nothing I've ever seen before! </p><p>When I arrived there were people diving here. Apparently it's the deepest freshwater hole in Southeast Asia, over 200 meters deep!</p><p>I went in for a swim and it was magical.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_123658.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_123449.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_124315.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>And the reviews on Google Maps said "Nothing special, don't come all the way here just for this" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯</p><p>When I was done swimming and admiring the blue water, I took a walk in the surrounding area. I found some caves and a lot of awesome nature.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_132516.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_132644.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_125156.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Then I got back on my bike and drove around to the other side of the cliffs. There was a river. I didn't expect much but I found out it was a popular local swimming spot!</p><p>The bluish water was still and crystal clear. There were lots of kids jumping and playing, but I walked a bit further down and managed to din a little secluded pool just for me :)</p><p>The cool fresh water was so refreshing in the humid heat!</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_143001.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/PSFix_20200215_164055.jpeg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_143036.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_143947.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>After swimming in this pool several times, and relaxing on the shore for a while, I finally decided it was time to start heading back. The road was long and I was also getting hungry.</p><p>On the way back I passed another cafe that was recommended by the hotel staff. So far all of their suggestions had been great, so I decided to stop and check it out.</p><p>One of the best decisions I've ever made :) The place was amazing - a huge area with several treehouses conected by walkways, a pool, a river, and soo many beuatiful tables and spots to lounge! </p><p>This was all in the middle of nowhere, surrounded only by nature.</p><p>I got a romantic table by the river just for myself and ate an awesome pad thai. I stayed here for hours, until it finally started getting dark and I had to head back to my hotel.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_152829-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_152832.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_154001.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_153937.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_170746.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_170947.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_171604.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_171916.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_171744.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Krabi"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>On the way back I passed Ao Nang, and decided to stop here once more to watch the sunset.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_181343.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_181944.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200215_182910.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The perfect end to this day and my short vacation in Krabi.</p><p>As you can tell I loved it and I can't wait to be back for longer!</p><p>On the way back to Bali I had an overnight layover in Singapore. I got to see this great art installation in the Gardens by the Bay, and also the supertrees. Aa nice little extra to my trip :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200216_180629.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200216_192535.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200216_191635.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2020/02/IMG_20200216_191415.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Krabi"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image-->]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Adventures in South Lombok]]></title><description><![CDATA[I finally visited Lombok - Bali's "sister" island, and had lots of fun and
adventures exploring it. 

Long post ahead!

BTW I made another vlog out of this trip - watch it below :)

Lombok is super easy to reach from Bali - just a 20 minute flight away, which
usually costs $35 for a return ticket.

On December 19, 2019, early in the morning, I drove to the airport with five
friends. We got on Air Asia flight, one of the shortest of my life. I think the
plane started preparing for landing immedia]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/lombok/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5e01877e54d19c2265d5e0f5</guid><category><![CDATA[Bali]]></category><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sat, 28 Dec 2019 13:49:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_173033-1.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_173033-1.jpg" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/><p>I finally visited Lombok - Bali's "sister" island, and had lots of fun and adventures exploring it. </p><p>Long post ahead!</p><p>BTW I made another vlog out of this trip - watch it below :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: embed--><figure class="kg-card kg-embed-card"><iframe width="480" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ee16Kw0q8jE?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""/></figure><!--kg-card-end: embed--><p>Lombok is super easy to reach from Bali - just a 20 minute flight away, which usually costs $35 for a return ticket.</p><p>On December 19, 2019, early in the morning, I drove to the airport with five friends. We got on Air Asia flight, one of the shortest of my life. I think the plane started preparing for landing immediately after take off :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191219_093514.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>From my window I saw some of the places we were going to visit - like the three Gilis below. Those are not the famous Gili islands - these are other, "secret" Gilis in the south of Lombok (well, not so secret as they were still very touristy).</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191219_113854.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>After landing, we rented motorbikes and drove to Kuta - a town on the south coast of Lombok. Although it has the same name as the Kuta in Bali (which is overcrowded, dirty and not a nice place to be in), the Lombok Kuta is a chill, sleepy town with nice beaches.</p><p>We had booked a nice resort a little bit out of Kuta.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191219_145547.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The resort was even better than I expected. I had a big room to myself with a nice private patio. There was a nice pool outside (although the water was quite hot due to the Lombok sun). The place was super chill.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191219_150848.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>We relaxed in our resort for a bit, then drove down to Tanjung Aan, a nice beach nearby.</p><p>The beach also exceeded my expectations! It was calm, with clean blue water and white sand.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191219_180746.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191219_182041.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191219_182900.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>We went for a swim, then sat down at one of the beach cafes for an early dinner. We got to enjoy a pretty spectacular sunset!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191219_182009.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I also made some cute new friends at this beach 😍😊</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191219_174359-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191219_174442.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191219_180702.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191219_183440.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191219_182846.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191219_184403.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191219_184354.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>After sunset, we drove back to our resort, where it was happy hour - two drinks for the price of one :) Of course we had some cocktails in the pool!</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191219_202335.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191219_193040.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>The next morning, I woke up early and was the first to have breakfast. I was by myself, everything was so quite and relaxing.</p><p>Soon my friends started waking up and joining. We stayed in the resort until noon, enjoying the place.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191220_074133-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191220_121456.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>After checking out, we decided to drive to Pink Beach, which was on the other side on the island.</p><p>I had a suspicion that Pink Beach wasn't pink, but I was up for driving and seeing more of Lombok anyways.</p><p>However, the drive wasn't very exciting. The south and southeast parts of Lombok turned out very dry, almost like a desert. There was not much to see. Also the drive was getting quite long - over 2 hours already - so we were really looking forward to reaching Pink Beach.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191220_173959.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>After a while we saw a sign for Pink Beach, finally. We were driving quite fast, anxious to reach our destination.</p><p>At one point the road turned into a dirt road. </p><p>Suddenly, we were driving on gravel - there were large stones under our bikes. This only lasted a couple of seconds but it felt like ages. I braced myself for falling and getting really hurt. The worst part was, I had another passenger on my bike, which was going to make it worse.</p><p>Miraculously, we crossed the gravel successfully, and came to a stop. Two of our friends (also one one bike) were in front of us. They also made it through successfully. I opened my mouth to laugh with relief at the craziness of the situation.</p><p>Then I looked back and saw that out two other friends were on the ground, along with their bike! We ran over to help them up. They were in shock, and one of them had lots of blood on his arm.</p><p>We started cleaning them up and helping them calm down. Thankfully the injuries weren't serious, but they were in pain, shocked and couldn't walk very well.</p><p>Also their motorbike wouldn't start - we thought it probably got damaged during the crash.</p><p>We were in the middle of nowhere - nothing around us, just the dry desert-like Lombok landscape.</p><p>We decided to go looking for help - the best option would be to find a taxi to get the injured ones to the hotel we had booked for this evening. I took one person on my bike, and my friend took the other. We left two people behind, to keep our backpacks.</p><p>First we found a little shack that was also a shop. They sold water and basic snacks. We stopped and try to talk to the owners, but they didn't speak any English. We showed them the injuries of our friends, hoping they would point us to a pharmacy or hospital.</p><p>Instead, the woman grabbed some leaves and some hot water and started making a mixture. We decided to allow her to rub this mixture on the injured guy's arm and wrap it with a trash bag - hoping the local medicine would work our. </p><p>We were wrong - later we found out the guy was alergic to those plants... the irony.</p><p>Anyways - the story continues - we kept on driving in search of a pharmacy, a bigger shop, a hotel or any place could at least help us find a taxi. There was nothing but small huts and dry desert landscape. We had already been driving around for an hour.</p><p>Finally, we saw a small shop with a big car parked in front of it. We went in and used Google Translate to convince the owner to drive our friends to the hotel. He gave us a ridiculously high price, but we had no choice.</p><p>We let a sigh of relief as we watched the car drive away with our friends. Then we started driving back - we still had to figure out what to do with the bike they left behind (which we assumed was broken).</p><p>We passed a motorbike repair shack and grabbed one of the boys that worked there. He drove with us to the site of the crash and looked at the bike. It turned on with no effort at all.... He explained that after a crash, we need to wait 20-30 minutes, and that it was normal.</p><p>We still needed him to help us drive the bike back to the rental place. But before that, we decided to finish our drive and check out that Pink Beach.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191220_171049.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Just as I thought... I t wasn't pink. And it wasn't clean. It was a very average, unimpressive beach. All that trouble for this.</p><p>Anyways - after relaxing here for 20 minutes, we decided to start driving all the way back, to the rental place and then on to our hotel, which was on the other side of the island.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191220_173942.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The drive took over 3 hours, but we managed to drop off the (now unneeded) bike, and arrive at our hotel safe. Our friends were already there, they had been to the hospital and the hotel staff had taken great care of them.</p><p>We downed our welcome drinks, had some dinner and then immediately passed out in our beds after the crazy day.</p><p>The next day, however, everythin was better!</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_082057.jpg" width="3136" height="4224" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_082708.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I woke up at 7am. The sun was shining and the air was fresh. Our new hotel was beautiful, right on the beach.</p><p>We had a quick breakfast, then arranged a snorkeling trip with one of the local boat guides.</p><p>(Our injured friends decided to stay in the hotel and recover).</p><p>At 10am we hopped on the boat below and headed for the "secret" Gilis!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_101137.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_120032.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_123705.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Lombok has 3 famous Gilis in the north - Air, Meno and Trawangan. However, it has more Gilis in the south and also in the east! Actually Gili simply means "island" in the local language 😅</p><p>We went to Gili Nanggu, Gili Sudak and Gili Kedis. </p><p>Our first stop was GIli Nanggu, where we snorkled. Our guide gave us bottles of water filled with mushy bread - which we could squeeze out to attract the fish. I did, and was surrounded by a huge cloud of Seargeant Majors! I don't have any pictures of it, but that was so much fun.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_115607.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_114613.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Afterwards, we visited Gili Sudak where we didn't snorkel but relaxed for a bit.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_123630.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Then we were off to the next island.</p><p>From the shore, we saw some floating "houses" built by local fishermen. Our guide agreed to stop at one of them, so we can see it up close - and climb it, then jump :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_120529.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_140543.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_141508.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>On the way to the next island, my friends decided to try an innovative way to ride the boat :)</p><p>Apparantely it wasn't as fun as it initially looked, as they soon asked to stop the baot so they can climb back in.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_141746.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_141650.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Then we stopped at Gili Kedis. That was probably the tiniest island I've ever been on, just 10-15 meters in diameter with a couple of trees growing in the middle :) It was a bit overcrowded though.</p><p>We did see some huge, beautiful starfish here!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_142119.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_142249.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_143848.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>After this it was time to start going back.</p><p>We got one more glimpse of the floating fishing houses on our way back to our hotel!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_144442.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>At the hotel, I got a shower and rested for a little bit, then decided to go for a drive. This area - southwest Lombok - looked much greener and more beautiful than the rest.</p><p>I was not disappointed! I found ricefields, rolling hills, little villages, and an amazing wild beach.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_171832.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_172806.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_173033.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_175539.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_180417.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_180605.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_180601.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_180824.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><p/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_181026.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_183505.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191221_184859.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I stayed until sunset, and drove back to the hotel just before dark.</p><p>I liked so much that I decided to wake up at 6am the next day to explore more - as it was our last day and we had to catch our flight back to Bali at 12!</p><p>I was very happy I made that decision, as the place was insanely beautiful in the early morning light!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191222_070148.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191222_070225.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191222_070340.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191222_070427.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191222_073437.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191222_073954.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191222_074715.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191222_075351.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191222_075039.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>We made it just on time for our flight at noon. </p><p>Once in Bali, we drove back to Canggu. I relaxed for a couple of hours, then headed to a Christams celebration on the beach - as it was December 23!</p><p>We watched the sunset, built a "snowman" out of sand (ok we failed at that) and made a bonfire when it got dark. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191223_183347.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191223_190446.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Adventures in South Lombok"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Perfect end of the year vacation! Looking forward to all the new adventures 2020 will bring.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Nusa Penida]]></title><description><![CDATA[After coming to Bali regularly for over 3 years, I finally ventured out to visit
Nusa Penida - a small nearby "adventure" island with beautiful beaches and
horrific roads.

Boat trip
We got up at 6am to drive from Canggu to Sanur, so we can get one of the first
boats. It took us less than an hour. The drive was nice as there was no traffic
and no heat.

In Sanur, parking was a bit of a problem as I didn't expect there to be so many
bikes at the bay! There were literally hundreds of them, if not ]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/nusa-penida/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5def4a5e54d19c2265d5df0c</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Bali]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sun, 15 Dec 2019 05:59:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191213_200949.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191213_200949.jpg" alt="Nusa Penida"/><p>After coming to Bali regularly for over 3 years, I finally ventured out to visit Nusa Penida - a small nearby "adventure" island with beautiful beaches and horrific roads.</p><h2 id="boat-trip">Boat trip</h2><p>We got up at 6am to drive from Canggu to Sanur, so we can get one of the first boats. It took us less than an hour. The drive was nice as there was no traffic and no heat.</p><p>In Sanur, parking was a bit of a problem as I didn't expect there to be so many bikes at the bay! There were literally hundreds of them, if not thousands. It took a while but with some help from a local we managed to find a parking spot.</p><p>We paid 350 000 rupiah for a return ticket (that's about $25 USD). Rather expensive, could have been less probably, but we didn't feel like haggling.</p><p>We were lucky - the weather was perfect and the sea was completely flat. I enjoyed the ride, even though the boat was a bit crowded!</p><p>It took just about 30 minutes to cross over to Nusa Penida.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSFix_20191208_091544.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Nusa Penida"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h2 id="arriving-in-nusa-penida">Arriving in Nusa Penida</h2><p>Arrical was quite chaotic, similar to any other touristy placein South East Asia. Several boats arrived at once, passengers crowded the beach, locals were offering scooter rentals and hotel rooms. </p><p>We wanted to rent a scooter as soon as possible. We paid about 80 000 rupiah (about $5) for the day - again, this could have been less but we didn't feel like haggling.  We got the shitties scooters I had ever seen - but I doubt any scooter can stay in good condition on Nusa Penida with those horrific roads.</p><p>My friend looked online and found a decent homestay nearby, so we went straight there and booked it. It was an average twin room (very clean tho), for which we paid about $3 per person. Perfect - we were only going to sleep there anyways.</p><p>We had breakfast at a cafe nearby - Sunny Cafe, it was actually really nice with healthy food options. Then we relaxed in our room for an hour before hitting the road.</p><h2 id="gamat-bay">Gamat Bay</h2><p>First we drove to Gamat Bay. It took a while getting used to the broken roads of the island, but we managed. </p><p>To get to Gamat Bay, we had to do a steep hike down. It was worth since the beach was completely empty, save for a few boats in the distance.</p><p>This place had a total "castaway on a deset island" vibe, I loved it.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191208_145500.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Nusa Penida"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191208_132230-1.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Nusa Penida"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>We spent about an hour here before heading back. </p><p>The hike back up in the blasting sun was a challenge, but we made it. We got some water from the small warung at the top, then continued driving.</p><h2 id="crystal-bay">Crystal Bay</h2><p>Our next destination was Crystal Bay. This beach was completely different - lots of people and restaurants around here. We didn't like it too much, but we took refuge from the heat under an umbrella and spent an hour or two here drinking coconuts.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191209_212229.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Nusa Penida"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><h2 id="klingkling-t-rex-beach">Klingkling (T Rex) beach</h2><p>It was getting late - around 3:30pm. We had planned to watch sunset at a special bar, but we also wanted to see the famous Klingkling beach. So we had to drive fast.</p><p>The T Rex beach didn't disappoint. It's very touristy and for a reason. The view from the top is incredible.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSFix_20191208_213928.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Nusa Penida"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>We only had about 15 minutes to enjoy the view and take some photos before heading back for sunset.</p><h2 id="amok-sunset-bar">Amok sunset bar</h2><p>Someone recommended this bar for watching the sunset and we really wanted to make it there in time. We drove like crazy on the windy Nusa Penida roads. </p><p>The last few kilometers were a dirt road through the jungle.</p><p>And then we arrived at the bar, which completely exceeded our expectations! It was a luxury place in the middle of the Nusa Penida jungle.</p><p>We sat by the pool and were given complimentary towels. We ordered spicy mango cocktails, which tasted amazing. We also had some pretty decent food. And we paid less than $10 each for all of this!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191208_211210.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Nusa Penida"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191208_181312-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Nusa Penida"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG-20191208-WA0035.jpg" width="1200" height="1600" alt="Nusa Penida"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG-20191208-WA0020.jpg" width="1200" height="1600" alt="Nusa Penida"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG-20191208-WA0033.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Nusa Penida"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>We stayed for a few hours watching the beautiful sunset. At night the whole place lit up with fairy lights, it was magical. </p><p>Around 7pm we left (unwillingly) as we had to be back in town to return the scooters. Driving back on the jungle dirtroads - at night - between palm trees and the full moon in the sky - was such an experience.</p><p>We made it back to town and returned the scooters. </p><p>We collapsed in our beds soon after. The next day we woke up at 6am to get the first boat back to Bali, as it was Monday and I had to work.</p><p>Nusa Penida was an adventure and I will definitely be back to explore more.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali]]></title><description><![CDATA[Still one of my favourite memories from Bali.

I made a little vlog out of this trip! Watch it below :)

This trip to East Bali was one of my best experiences on this island. We drove
along the east coast, visiting "secret" white sand beaches, through lush
ricefields and small villages.  We spent the night in the super chill diving
town of Amed, with the towering Agung volcano in the background. The next day we
drove up mt. Batur (all offroad!) then down through Ubud and back to Canggu.

Our tot]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/roadtrip-to-amed-volcanoes-secret-beaches/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5de4caa654d19c2265d5de9f</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Bali]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sun, 15 Dec 2019 05:12:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191118_133227-1.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191118_133227-1.jpg" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/><p>Still one of my favourite memories from Bali.</p><p>I made a little vlog out of this trip! Watch it below :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: embed--><figure class="kg-card kg-embed-card"><iframe width="480" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/xoKALJURTYU?start=273&feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""/></figure><!--kg-card-end: embed--><p>This trip to East Bali was one of my best experiences on this island. We drove along the east coast, visiting "secret" white sand beaches, through lush ricefields and small villages.  We spent the night in the super chill diving town of Amed, with the towering Agung volcano in the background. The next day we drove up mt. Batur (all offroad!) then down through Ubud and back to Canggu.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card kg-card-hascaption"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/east-bali-trip-1.png" class="kg-image" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"><figcaption>Our total trip (over 2 days)</figcaption></img></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The trip started early in the morning. We drove for about an hour from Canggu to the east side of Bali. Once there, we took a nice big road along the coast, with the ocean on the right and ricefields and mountains on the left. Everything was green and beautiful.</p><p>After about 30 minutes on that road, we arrived to our first destination: Secret Beach.</p><h2 id="secret-beach">Secret Beach</h2><p>Although Bali is known as a "beach destination", there's actually not many picturesque swimmable beaches on the island. Most beaches have black sand and/or big waves (great for surfing but not swimming). </p><p>On the east coast however, there are a couple of "hidden" beaches with white sands and beautiful blue water. The best thing is that they are not very well known - and far from everything - so not many people here.</p><p>When we arrived at Secret Beach - around 10:30am - we actually had it all to ourselves! About 30 minutes later, a couple of other people showed up, but it remained mostly empty the whole time we were there.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191118_131506.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191118_131619.jpg" width="2869" height="3824" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191118_131307.jpg" width="2104" height="2805" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>As you can see we had tons of fun playing in the waves, taking photos, exploring the surroundings and just lying in the sun with a coconut.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191209_104001_368.jpg" width="856" height="1280" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191209_104004_717.jpg" width="854" height="1280" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191209_150131.jpg" width="742" height="1112" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>We left about 12:30pm, as it was getting hot and we still had lots of driving ahead of us - and two more beaches to visit :)</p><p>Secret beach is still one of my favourite places in Bali.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191118_131727.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><h2 id="blue-lagoon">Blue Lagoon</h2><p>Next on out list was the Blue Lagoon. This one is a bit more well-known, especially for snorkeling and diving. It's also next to Padang Bay, where boats to the Gilis and other surrounding islands depart.</p><p>We got here around 1pm and it was already too hot to be in the sun, so we found a nice shadow spot inside a little beach cave and bought some food from the nearby warung.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191118_131904.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191116_134050.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191209_103934_623-3.jpg" width="854" height="1280" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191116_133708.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><h2 id="virgin-beach">Virgin Beach</h2><p>Around 2:30pm we left for our next destination - Virgin Beach. This one was another 40 minute drive. There were no big cities here and we drove through beautiful ricefields and jungles. Agung volcano appeared in the background and got bigger and bigger as we drove further.</p><p>Finally we reached Virgin Beach. It was quite remote and my friends said it has a vibe similar to Coron in the Philippines (I still haven't been to this country, I need to go). </p><p>We loved it here and stayed for a while. The sun was gone and it we didn't feel like swimming, so we just walked around and took some photos, then relaxed with a beer. </p><p>There were some chill warungs on the beach, selling nasi goreng and Bintangs.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191116_161052.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191116_154236.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>We left around 5pm, as we wanted to get to Amed before dark. </p><p>On the way out we stopped at this amazing viewpoint. The clouds were gone and we were rewarded with a beautiful view of Agung and the surrounding landscape.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191116_171932-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191117_125331.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h2 id="arriving-in-amed">Arriving in Amed</h2><p>We drove for about an hour more up northeast towards Amed. It was another beautiful drive through jungles, ricefields and small villages, with the towering volcano in the background. We even had to drive over bamboo bridges at one point!</p><p>We arrived at sunset. I had booked Tanaya Homestay, a really nice local house owned by a very kind and friendly local family. They welcomed me with tea and cake. Then I took a shower relaxed at my room for a while. </p><p>Before leaving for dinner, I went to the roof of the house for an amazing sunset view of Agung!</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191116_183940.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I met up with my friends again (they had booked a different hotel) and we went for dinner at a nice restaurant nearby. There was even a musical perfomance by some local men. </p><p>We were very tired from the day so we went straight back to our hotels after dinner, and I passed out in my bed around 10pm.</p><h2 id="sunrise-and-agung">Sunrise and Agung</h2><p>The next morning I woke up at 6am for sunrise! I watched it from the rooftop. The sky was clear and it was beautiful. This was easily one of the most chill and relaxing moments I've ever had in Bali.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191118_133227.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191118_133312.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Around 6:45am I went downstairs for coffee and breakfast. The food was simple yet soo delicious!</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191125_061343_1-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191125_065126-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191117_070130-2.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>After breakfast I met up with my friends again. We quickly checked out Amed - the town was very small and there was not much going on other than diving. Nothing was open yet, save for some 24 hour shops.</p><p>We stocked up on some water and gas for our bikes before hitting the road again.</p><h2 id="offroad-adventures">Offroad adventures</h2><p>As we drove north, the landscape got very dry. We were now going along the east slope of Mt. Batur. At one point, we took a small road going up the mountain.</p><p>Climbing that mountain on our scooters was an adventure! The road soon turned into a dirt road. It was very dry and rocky, and we only saw a couple of very rural houses.</p><p>The got steeper and steeper, and at one point it seemed like our bikes could barely handle it. The road also wasn't there all the time, at some point we had to drive over rocks. </p><p>It took us over 2 hours but we made it!  Near the top of the mountain, trees and houses started appearing. We drove a final crazy steep road - barely made it - and suddenly we were at the top of Batur!</p><h2 id="batur">Batur</h2><p>As we finally made it to the top, we were rewarded with a view of the volcano lake. We rested here for a while before driving down to the village on the lake.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191117_104801.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>We checked out the village but there was not much there. Instead of stopping here, we decided to keep driving. </p><p>We made a pit stop at Kintamani for food, and to escape the midday heat. Then we drove down towards Ubud. I enjoyed the road down - it was all straight and downhill so I almost didn't have to drive :) </p><h2 id="tegalalang">Tegalalang</h2><p>Before Ubud, we stopped at the dfamous Tegalalang ricefields as my friends wanted to see them (I had been here before). It was very touristy so we didn't even bother entering. We just had some drinks in a restaurant with the view.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191117_135018.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Secret beaches and volcano views in East Bali"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>After Tegalaland, we drove through Ubud and stopped at the raw chocolate shop before heading back to Canggu.</p><p>Overall this trip was one of my best experiences in Bali.</p><p>We liked it so much that the next week we came back to Amed for some snorkeling. We did it at the Japanese shipwreck and saw so many colorful fish and beautiful coral. (I didn't take any photos this time, just enjoyed the trip.)</p><p>Spending the night in the chill town of Amed was also incredibly relaxing. At night I lied on the roof of my hotel, watching the clear night sky with millions of stars. It left me feeling so rejuvenated. I can't wait to come back.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan]]></title><description><![CDATA[Nara is a mountain town where hundreds of friendly deer roam free! Along with
Kurama-dera, Nara was my favourite place in Japan that I visited.

Travelling to Nara from Osaka
Nara is a very easy daytrip from Osaka. I had to be back before 5pm for work, so
I took the train early in the morning. In total it took about an hour from the
center of Osaka. 

The train ride was beautiful - passing through forests, hills and towns - and
the weather was nice and sunny.

Nara is a small town and the train ]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/japan-nara/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5db9380f54d19c2265d5d956</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Japan]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Wed, 11 Dec 2019 16:13:53 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191016_183309-1.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191016_183309-1.jpg" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/><p>Nara is a mountain town where hundreds of friendly deer roam free! Along with Kurama-dera, Nara was my favourite place in Japan that I visited.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191016_182741.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h2 id="travelling-to-nara-from-osaka">Travelling to Nara from Osaka</h2><p>Nara is a very easy daytrip from Osaka. I had to be back before 5pm for work, so I took the train early in the morning. In total it took about an hour from the center of Osaka. </p><p>The train ride was beautiful - passing through forests, hills and towns - and the weather was nice and sunny.</p><p>Nara is a small town and the train station is very near the deer park and all the tourist attractions - so very easy to get around once you arrive.</p><h2 id="touristy-stuff">Touristy stuff</h2><p>Getting off the train, the first things I saw were very touristy. First I passed some of the usual shopping streets and markets (mostly closed, as I was there quite early). </p><p>Then I walked around the Kofuku-Ji temples and pagodas - as they were right next to the train station. They were beautiful but getting crowded already, so I left quickly.</p><h2 id="the-deer">The Deer</h2><p>Walking out of Kofuku-Ji, I entered the Nara Park and immediately saw some deer! I was happy as that was the main reason I came here :) </p><p>There were a lot more deer than I imagined - the park was huge and I just saw more of them as I walked further. They approached everyone looking for food, and quickly lost interested if you didn't have any. They were still friendly tho, and some even let me pet them!</p><p>Obviously they were all really cute :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191016_204453.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191016_184441.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h2 id="nara-park">Nara Park</h2><p>After hanging out with the deer for a while, I decided to explore the park and the hill above it.</p><p>I briefly checked out the famous temple in the park, again that was way too crowded for my taste. It had a pretty garden though.</p><p>And of course I treated myself to a matcha soft serve from one of the many stands :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191016_185032.jpg" width="3136" height="4224" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191016_185119.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191016_204712.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>After walking around the garden, I took a path that went under a big Tori gate, then into the forest and up. It led me to another set of temples. There were less people up here. The temples were smaller, quieter, and covered in beautiful moss :) </p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191016_184226.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191016_184306.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h2 id="the-hike">The hike</h2><p>After walkng around Nara Park, I found a trail that went into the forest and to the top of the hill. I took the trail without hesitation since I love being in the forest so much :)</p><p>I spent about 30 minutes of walking up the easy path - and constantly stopping to take pictures of moss, leaves, trees, and little creatures.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191015_120032-2.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191015_120122-2.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191015_120212-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191015_124313-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191015_124019-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191015_121935-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>The path led me to an opening and I was suddenly at the top of the hill, looking to the city of Nara below me! The weather was perfect and the view was beautiful. The deer were here as well. That moment was one of the highlights of my trip to Japan :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191016_204908.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191016_183309.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191016_183425.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191016_183726.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I sat on the grass, in the warm sun, admiring the view and just relaxing for a while. Unfortunately soon it was time to start going back.</p><p>I decided to take a different path on the way back. It was the scenic one and I got to enjoy lots of beautiful views to the surrounding hills and forests. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191016_205233.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191016_205116.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191015_132555.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191015_132653.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191015_135624.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Hanging out with deer in Nara, Japan"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I had a short break at the magical-looking house above (actually a restaurant) before walking to the station and taking the train back to Osaka.</p><p>Nara was magical and I hope I will come back here in the future :)</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Mountains & temples in Kurama-Dera]]></title><description><![CDATA[On my last day in Japan, I returned to Kyoto. As I wrote in a previous post, I
wanted to see more of Kyoto - especially its less touristy side. And I did!

I decided to visit Kurama, a small mountain village above Kyoto. I was missed
the mountains and was looking forward to some hiking! 

There was also an onsen (hot spring spa) in Kurama and I really wanted to visit
one of those before leaving Japan.

Fushimi Inari 
On the way to Kurama, I spontaneously visited Fushimi Inari. It's a very famous]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/kurama-temples-in-rainy-mountains-and-soaking-in-an-onsen/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5dc04c3354d19c2265d5dcb9</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Japan]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Mon, 02 Dec 2019 09:04:17 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_214134.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_214134.jpg" alt="Mountains & temples in Kurama-Dera"/><p>On my last day in Japan, I returned to Kyoto. As I wrote in a previous post, I wanted to see more of Kyoto - especially its less touristy side. And I did!</p><p>I decided to visit Kurama, a small mountain village above Kyoto. I was missed the mountains and was looking forward to some hiking! </p><p>There was also an onsen (hot spring spa) in Kurama and I really wanted to visit one of those before leaving Japan.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_214814.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Mountains & temples in Kurama-Dera"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h3 id="fushimi-inari">Fushimi Inari </h3><p>On the way to Kurama, I spontaneously visited Fushimi Inari. It's a very famous place. A tunnel of 10 000 red torii gates forms a tunnel all the way to the top of a small mountain. There are also fox statues everywhere.</p><p>It is a very beautiful and special place, unfortunately full of tourists - and that's why I have been avoiding it. </p><p>However, I saw it from the train and made the decision in a split second. It was my last chance to see it so I hopped off!</p><p>Luckily the rain had scared a lot of the tourists away! There were a lot of people around the first shrines, but I didn't see many on the way up, and in some spots I had the place all to myself!</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191019_134838.jpg" width="3136" height="4224" alt="Mountains & temples in Kurama-Dera"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_222249.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mountains & temples in Kurama-Dera"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_222652.jpg" width="3136" height="4224" alt="Mountains & temples in Kurama-Dera"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>It was magical. Everything was mossy and wet from the rain. The air was so fresh, and there was mist. It felt like a fairytale.</p><p>Unfortunately I didn't have time to go all the way up, but I spent about 2 hours in total here and I really enjoyed it.</p><h3 id="kurama-dera">Kurama-dera</h3><p>After I was done with Fushimi Inari, I hopped back on the train to Kurama. I had to change to a small specialize train that goes up there. We travelled up the mountain through small villages, it was raining quite a lot, and I was really feeling the magic of Japan here.</p><p>After I got off the train, I stayed in the train station watching the rain, waiting for it to stop. The station was surrounded by hills covered with dark green pine trees, and a few wooden houses at the bottom. So magical.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191019_143229.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Mountains & temples in Kurama-Dera"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The rain stopped after 10 minutes and I walked out. The village was very small - only one main steet - and there was no one around. I climbed the stairs into the forest and took a cable car to Kurama-dera temple.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_221317.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mountains & temples in Kurama-Dera"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_221007.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mountains & temples in Kurama-Dera"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_221451.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mountains & temples in Kurama-Dera"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>After the cable car I walked for about 10 minutes through the forest to reach the temple. I was all alone and the forest was absolutely beautiful.</p><p>When I reached the temple - again there was no one there! I was so lucky. I spent a long time looking at the misty green mountains. The sun even shined through the clouds for a few minutes, adding to the magic.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_220613.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Mountains & temples in Kurama-Dera"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_215315.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Mountains & temples in Kurama-Dera"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_213932.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Mountains & temples in Kurama-Dera"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_215749.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Mountains & temples in Kurama-Dera"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Afterwards people started coming and I decided it was time to go back. It was also getting late in the day.</p><p>I didn't take the cable car, instead I walked all the way down, surrounded by crazy tall pine trees and lots of moss. I could feel the forest spirits and the magic around me :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_213707.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mountains & temples in Kurama-Dera"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_213829.jpg" width="3136" height="4224" alt="Mountains & temples in Kurama-Dera"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_214944.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Mountains & temples in Kurama-Dera"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h3 id="onsen-and-traditional-dinner">Onsen and traditional dinner</h3><p>After the hike I headed straight to the onsen. It was an open air onsen with a view to the forest and I was really looking forward to it.</p><p>It was not completely traditional as there were a lot of foreigners there, but it was still an amazing experience. I soaked in the hot water for two hours, watching the misty forest as it got dark and lanterns were lit. </p><p>I don't have any pictures of the onsen as everyone there was naked and photos, obviously, were not allowed!</p><p>When I walked I felt so light, like I was walking on air. I didn't even know I could feel this relaxes. </p><p>I went into the restaurant and had a very cozy dinner - a traditional tempura course - before taking the train back to Kyoto and then Osaka.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191019_181422.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Mountains & temples in Kurama-Dera"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Kurama was a truly magical place, especially for me as I love forests and nature so much. I miss it already and can't wait to be back.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Rainy walks in Kyoto]]></title><description><![CDATA[I visited Kyoto twice while I was in Osaka. The first time I went with two of my

The train ride was beautiful, through little towns, rivers and hills in the

After we arrived, the first thing we did was have breakfast at a cute
European-style bakery. There's lots of those in Japan, especially French - the
Japanese love French stuff for some reason.

We walked around  lot and visited Shosei-En garden, the Imperial Palace, Nishiki
Market and the old town.

We also saw an innu]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/japan-kyoto/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5db9380654d19c2265d5d952</guid><category><![CDATA[Japan]]></category><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Mon, 02 Dec 2019 08:23:44 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_142142.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_142142.jpg" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/><p>I visited Kyoto twice while I was in Osaka. The first time I went with two of my friends.</p><p>The train ride was beautiful, through little towns, rivers and hills in the background.</p><p>After we arrived, the first thing we did was have breakfast at a cute European-style bakery. There's lots of those in Japan, especially French - the Japanese love French stuff for some reason.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_122018.jpg" width="3136" height="4224" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_121619.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>We walked around  lot and visited Shosei-En garden, the Imperial Palace, Nishiki Market and the old town.</p><p>We also saw an innumerable amount of temples and shrines.</p><p><strong>Shosei-En garden</strong> was beautiful but a little bit boring for me. Honestly I could have skipped on this one.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_110438.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_111915.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>The <strong>Imperial palace</strong> was nice but we couldn't go inside, so not much to see. However the walk in the huge park around it was really nice and refreshing.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_142120.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>We also passed by Nijo castle, but immediately decided to skip it when we saw the amount of tourist buses and queues. </p><p>All in all Kyoto was quite touristy. I had to come back a second time to visit some less touristy places (more on that in a second post).</p><h3 id="nishiki-market-street">Nishiki Market street</h3><p>This is another long covered market street, full of all kinds of food and shops. It was actually really fun walking here and looking at all the stuff for sale! We ate a lot and everything was great. We also saw how mochi and matcha is made.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_163431-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_163806-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_165112.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_125625.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>The street ended in a touristy but pretty shrine, where we had a robot give us out fortunes (so Japanese!) and took some nice photos.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_131612.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_131622.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_131900.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_132018.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_132117.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_135517.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h3 id="the-old-town">The old town</h3><p>Later we walked around the old town, which was also incredibly touristy. After sunset the crowds started thinning out and it was actually nice to walk around. We even saw a Maiko - Geisha apprentice!</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_173643-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_173658-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191013_173720.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Rainy walks in Kyoto"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>We walked A LOT this day and were crazy tired by 6pm. We took the train home, but I decided to come back to Kyoto once more and look for its less-touristy side.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[2 weeks in Osaka - daily life and remote work]]></title><description><![CDATA[After Tokyo, I traveled to Osaka where I spent about 2 weeks. In Tokyo I took
some time off, but in Osaka I had to work. As usual I work European hours, so I
started in the afternoon around 4-5pm. During the day I would explore the city
and my neighborhood.

I wasn't sure how that would turn out - there was also not much info online -
but it was great! I had no problem living and working remotely from Osaka.

My apartment
I was lucky to find a studio that was big - for Japan standards - and very]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/japan-osaka/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5db937f554d19c2265d5d94e</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Japan]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sun, 01 Dec 2019 11:53:46 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191201_193611.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191201_193611.jpg" alt="2 weeks in Osaka - daily life and remote work"/><p>After Tokyo, I traveled to Osaka where I spent about 2 weeks. In Tokyo I took some time off, but in Osaka I had to work. As usual I work European hours, so I started in the afternoon around 4-5pm. During the day I would explore the city and my neighborhood.</p><p>I wasn't sure how that would turn out - there was also not much info online - but it was great! I had no problem living and working remotely from Osaka.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_225903.jpg" width="2808" height="3744" alt="2 weeks in Osaka - daily life and remote work"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_230011.jpg" width="2932" height="3910" alt="2 weeks in Osaka - daily life and remote work"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_230258.jpg" width="2869" height="3824" alt="2 weeks in Osaka - daily life and remote work"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h3 id="my-apartment">My apartment</h3><p>I was lucky to find a studio that was big - for Japan standards - and very comfy. It was perfect for working, with a desk. It also had a cute little kitchen where I cooked breakfast every day. </p><p>There was even bathtub that was quite small and didn't look very usable. But I ended up using it every day during my last week! Apparently most Japanese apartments have bathtubs. Taking a hot bath before bed is a big thing in Japan and I can see why. I always slept like a baby and felt great the next morning.</p><p>My studio was big - for Japan standards - and very comfy. I was paying about $25 per night, wihich was a great deal. The place was a little bit out of the city and I had to take the train for 15 minutes to get to the center, but that didn't bother me. There was enough shops and restaurants in the area if I didn't feel like going far. </p><p>My friends ended up booking a room in the same building so we were actual neighbors for 2 weeks, which was super fun! We had dinners together and went to the nearby Whiskey bar (and spent a lot of money). </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191020_230143.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="2 weeks in Osaka - daily life and remote work"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h2 id="shinsaibashi">Shinsaibashi </h2><p>Of course we went shopping and walking the covered street of Shinsaibashi. This is a very long street lined with shops, somewhat similar to Harajuku in Tokyo. I gotta admit I spent a lot of money here as well and could barely close my suitcase when I had to leave Japan... </p><p>At the end of Shinsaibaishi was the Dotonboro bridge, an area full of neon signs, restaurants and more shops. We had okonomiyaki and Takoyaki here. It was verytouristy but still great.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191010_172541.jpg" width="3136" height="4224" alt="2 weeks in Osaka - daily life and remote work"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191013_223957.jpg" width="2620" height="2620" alt="2 weeks in Osaka - daily life and remote work"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191013_224209.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="2 weeks in Osaka - daily life and remote work"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h2 id="osaka-castle">Osaka Castle</h2><p>I was lucky to visit the Osaka castle on a beautiful sunny day. I'm not always impressed by such landmarks, but I loved this place. It was jsut aws good, if not better, than the photos. All the details were very beautiful. </p><p>I also loved hanging out in the park around the castle and trying the street food.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191007_150944-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="2 weeks in Osaka - daily life and remote work"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191007_151427.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="2 weeks in Osaka - daily life and remote work"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191007_145152.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="2 weeks in Osaka - daily life and remote work"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h2 id="moriguchi">Moriguchi</h2><p>This is the neighborhood I stayed in. It was a residential, very calm place. Honestly, after two weeks I was starting to get bored there. But it was a nice place to get work done and relax. Also it was very very cute to walk around! I'm absolutely in love with even the most mundane Japanese houses.</p><p>The local supermarket was great and I could cook at home all the time if I wanted to. So much salmon!</p><h2 id="coworking-space">Coworking Space</h2><p>I spent a day working from a coworking space in the center of Osaka with a friend. The internet was extremely fast and the place was very comfortable. It was a small space with about 15 people, no one talked. It was not cheap - I paid about $20 or $25 for the day. Also, it closed at 8pm, which was way too early for me. But all in all it was a nice experience.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/PSX_20191008_192350.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="2 weeks in Osaka - daily life and remote work"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191009_212017-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="2 weeks in Osaka - daily life and remote work"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191010_215116.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="2 weeks in Osaka - daily life and remote work"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h2 id="food">Food</h2><p>Osaka is known for its food and I can see why. In Dotonbori, had an awesome Okonomiyaki (a savoury thick pancake that is served still cooking on a hot plate) and Takoyaki (fried dough balls stuffed with octopus). But we also walked into a random izakaya in our neighborhood and had the best sashimi ever!</p><p>Every day we had lunch at a local restaurant that served a set meal consisting of kushikatsu (deep fried skewered veggies, eggs and seafood), sushi/sashimi, grill mackarel and more.</p><h2 id="conbini-food">Conbini food</h2><p>I continued eating tons of conbini food. It's just so cute, small, tasty - and convenient! I loved the coffee jelly, the fluffy pancakes, all sorts of mochis, and several kinds of soba.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191011_203446.jpg" width="4224" height="3136" alt="2 weeks in Osaka - daily life and remote work"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191011_203621-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="2 weeks in Osaka - daily life and remote work"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/12/IMG_20191011_203739.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="2 weeks in Osaka - daily life and remote work"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h2 id="going-out">Going out</h2><p>We spent several nights at the local whiskey bar. It was a surprise to find such a nice whiskey bar in a random residential neighborhood :) We tried several kinds of Japanese whiskey and it was awesome. Not very friendly for our pockets tho... But worth it!</p><h2 id="daytrips">Daytrips</h2><p>Osaka is perfect for daytrips, there is so much to explore in the area. I went to Nara and Kytoto (twice).</p><p>All in all I enjoyed Osaka, it's a  very comfortable city to live and work in. I will likely be back here in the future!</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Tokyo, a new favourite city]]></title><description><![CDATA[I recently spent 3 weeks in Japan and I loved it! 

I'm a fan of Japanese culture and I knew I would like the place - but it
exceeded my expectations.

Arriving in Japan
I flew from Bali to Tokyo on the 1st of October. It's actually quite a long
flight - 7 hours - I didn't realize it's that far.

I arrived on Tokyo on a perfect sunny morning. The first thing that I noticed
about it was how ordered and clean everything was, and how polite people were!
Those two things continued to impress me thro]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/japan-tokyo/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5db937eb54d19c2265d5d948</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sun, 03 Nov 2019 16:34:32 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/PSX_20191008_174626.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/PSX_20191008_174626.jpg" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/><p>I recently spent 3 weeks in Japan and I loved it! </p><p>I'm a fan of Japanese culture and I knew I would like the place - but it exceeded my expectations.</p><h2 id="arriving-in-japan">Arriving in Japan</h2><p>I flew from Bali to Tokyo on the 1st of October. It's actually quite a long flight - 7 hours - I didn't realize it's that far.</p><p>I arrived on Tokyo on a perfect sunny morning. The first thing that I noticed about it was how ordered and clean everything was, and how polite people were! Those two things continued to impress me throughout my entire trip.</p><h2 id="my-favourite-places-in-tokyo">My favourite places in Tokyo</h2><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/PSX_20191008_175331.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/PSX_20191008_175218.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191005_183556.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191006_112605.jpg" width="3136" height="4224" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191005_221316.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191005_221328.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h3 id="harajuku">Harajuku</h3><p>This area is most famous for the street fashion, which is at its most creative and innovative here. I loved it, I came back here several times. </p><p>I walked around Takeshita a lot, this is a busy street with lots of shops and trendy goods. There was some really unique stuff that I had never seen outside of Japan. I bought a lot of things with cat ears on them (for example a wallet) and other cool stuff.</p><p>I also had a typical Harajuku crepe, rolled in a cone and looking like an icecream. They had lots of creative foods there, including rainbow grill cheese, but I didn't get to try that.</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191003_170124-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191003_170532.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h3 id="shibuya">Shibuya</h3><p>Shibuya is famous for the busiest crosswalk in the world. That was the first time I saw people standing in line to cross the street. I actually enjoyed the busy craziness of this places. There were also plenty of shops, restaurants and malls around here.</p><p>What I liked the most, though, was the Hachiko statue. Hachiko was the dog of a man who worked on the trains. Every day he went to Shibuya station to start his job, and the dog waited for him at the entrance all day, until he finished his work. One day, the old man died. That day, Hachiko the dog was waiting for him as always, but he never came back. So the dog stayed there, in front of Shibuya station, waiting for his owner, for the rest of his life. </p><p>The Japanese people were so moved by Hachiko's loyalty and love for his owner, that they built him a statue to remeber him. I love this story so much :)</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191003_101340.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191003_101613-2.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/PSX_20191008_171646.jpg" width="3136" height="4224" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191003_102059-1.jpg" width="3136" height="4224" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191002_120403-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191002_120322.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h3 id="zojoji-temple">Zojoji Temple</h3><p>I actually came here by accident - it was close to my hotel and I walked by it so I entered :) Then I realized I had read about it online. The Garden of Unborn Children was here.</p><p>The garden is filled with little statues of children, to represent those lost to miscarriages, stillbirths and abortions.. The statues have colorful knitted hats on their heads and pinwheels in their hands.</p><p>There were also temple buildings and shrines of course, and a nice view to the Tokyo tower.</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191004_140108.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191004_141614.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191004_140256-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191004_141912-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191004_145044-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191004_144918.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h3 id="meiji-shrine">Meiji shrine</h3><p>This is another famous temple and I expected it to be quite touristy, however there were not many people when I visited. A pleasant surprise :)</p><p>The temple is in the middle of a forest and it's a nice walk to get there. Actually, I walked around the forest for a while after I visited the temple, it was so beautiful and peaceful.</p><p>I also loved the giant wooden gates throughout the forest. Felt like a fairytale.</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/PSX_20191008_174816-1.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/PSX_20191008_175122.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/PSX_20191008_175000.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h3 id="koenji">Koenji</h3><p>This is a hipster area a bit far from the center. We came here to have some drinks and food at an izakaya. The place had a cool vibe at night, with many small cozy bars and mostly local people. </p><p>I had to come back here the next day since I forgot my shopping bags from Harajuku in the izakaya... However, my friends assured me that I would find them, and I did! The bartenders kept them for me.</p><p>After I picked up my stuff, I walked around Koenji a bit. I saw a lot of vintage and second hand shops, live music bars, tiny restaurants, and food stalls. A cute hipster neighborhood worth visiting during the day :) </p><p>	</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191005_130813-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191005_130929_1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191005_132519.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191005_132246.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191005_131113.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h3 id="tsukiji-market">Tsukiji Market</h3><p>This fish market is famous for auctioning giant tuna and selling huge quantities of fresh fish. However Google kind of lied to me about it - the market had moved, but Google maps showed me the old one, so I ended up there.</p><p>There was still plenty of stalls and food, just not a lot of fish. Oh well. I had a lot of street food, including rolled omelette (love this), mochi on a stick and some other things. </p><p/><h2 id="the-food">The food</h2><p/><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191002_151851.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191008_231449.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191006_191201-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h3 id="conbini">Conbini</h3><p>OK so this is a thing I wasn't aware of before coming to Japan. The "conbini" are convenience stores that have snacks, meals (like ramen) and an assortment of items like batteries, face masks and even white shirts. They also have microwaves and disposable chopsticks/cutlery. Some even seats and chairs to eat. And fast WiFi!!</p><p>The conbini food is fresh, cute and cheap - and much better than you would expect from a convenience store. I often had my lunch here!</p><p>From the sweet snacks I loved the warabi mochi, chocolate daifuku and coffee jelly (among others). I like how those are not very sweet and have a very different texture than what I'm used to - and also relatively little calories! I also liked the creampuffs and fluffy pancakes of course, but those had a bit more calories :)</p><p>From the salty food I loved the egg sandwich (unfortunately that was also kinda high in calories) and the soba was surprisingly good.</p><p>By the way I'm talking a lot about calories because every food item in Japan had the exact number of calories printed on it! Why don't we have this in other countries?</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191003_151035-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191003_151132.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h3 id="sushi">Sushi</h3><p>I was so excited to have sushi in Japan! A friend took me to a semi-local place in Shibuya and it didn't disappoint.</p><p>I had a tray that included grilled eel, sea urchin, tuna, salmon, and a bunch of other fish. That also came with miso soup and some pickles. Some of the fish had a very strong taste but the tuna and salmon were perfect! It was also my first time eating eel (I loved it) and urchin (was ok). </p><p>Later I had more sushi in Osaka, but I this one in Shibuya was the best :)</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191006_135014-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191006_134426.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191006_134701.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h3 id="ramen">Ramen</h3><p>I didn't eat much ramen in Japan, since I don't eat meat and it usually contains pork. However I did eat a porkless bowl while I was in Tokyo. It was actually really good! The dumplings had seafood inside them.</p><p>The cool thing was we paid for the ramen using a machine in front of the restaurant, then just handed our order to the waiter when we walked in. So convenient :)</p><h3 id="izakaya">Izakaya</h3><p>I went to the izakaya in Koenji to have some drinks with friends. Izakayas are bars that offer small-sized food (like tapas) that goes well with drinks. We had edamame (of course), fried cheese (I didn't know that was a thing in Japan but it is), tempura and other things. Smoking is also allowed inside these bars, which was a bit weird but part of the experience.</p><h2 id="safety-cleanliness-and-politeness">Safety, Cleanliness and Politeness</h2><p>What impressed me the most about Tokyo and Japan, however, was how polite people were, and how clean everything was.</p><p>There were no trash bins on the street - you had to carry your trash with you home. People were always cleaning after themselves. When I landed in Tokyo, even the plane looked pristine - the Japanese had folded their blankets perfectly and cleaned their seats!</p><p>People were also extremely polite and respectful.  No one ever bothered me or annoyed me in any way. I walked through the center of Tokyo at 2am and didn't feel nervous for a second. Definitely the safest city I've been to.</p><p>Also, I had never bowed this much in my life :) In Japan everyone bows to each other all the time. So nice.</p><h2 id="where-i-stayed-in-tokyo">Where I stayed in Tokyo</h2><p>I stayed in First Cabin, a luxury capsule hotel. I wanted to experience a proper Japanese capsule place and still have a comfortable stay - and that's exactly what I got :) The place even had a hot mineral water pool! </p><p>The capsules were actually tiny rooms and had plenty of space. Women were separate from the men. The women's bathroom included vanity mirrors with seats and all essentials provided - skincare, toothbrushes, razors, etc. etc. Every night a new pajama was waiting for me on my bed. And obviously the place was crazy clean.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191002_170801-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191002_170808-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/11/IMG_20191002_170846-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Tokyo, a new favourite city"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><h2 id="the-shinkansen">The Shinkansen</h2><p>After 5 days, I left Tokyo on the Shinkansen - a train that moves at 300km/hour - to Osaka. The Shinkansen was crazy fast and super comfortable. It was not cheap - I paid over $100 - but it was so much better and more convenient than a plane! Plus, a normal train ride would take 9+ hours, while the Shinkansen took only 2.</p><p>Overall, I loved Tokyo. It's insanely big, with so much stuff to do, and so many different areas! Usually I don't feel great in cities, but this one was so organized, clean and full of nature. At the same time there was the busy vibe of super modern city. I will definitely come back here and spend more time, possibly a month. It's not the cheapest place, but it's so worth it!</p><p>My Japanese adventures continued in Osaka :)</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[A spontaneous little vacation in Athens]]></title><description><![CDATA[While looking for plane tickets from Europe to Bali last time, I found a super
cheap flight with Scoot - under $300! The flight was from Athens and I had not
been to Greece in many years, so I decided to combine that with a little
vacation and spend a couple days in the Greek capitol. 

I ended up buying 3 flights: Barcelona-Sofia, Sofia-Athens and Athens-Bali. All
of those combined were cheaper than a Qatar ticket from Barcelona to Bali :)

First I flew to Bulgaria - my home country - to spend ]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/athens/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5dabc3a18be70404d8b573b1</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Wed, 30 Oct 2019 07:07:19 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190829_142310.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190829_142310.jpg" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/><p>While looking for plane tickets from Europe to Bali last time, I found a super cheap flight with Scoot - under $300! The flight was from Athens and I had not been to Greece in many years, so I decided to combine that with a little vacation and spend a couple days in the Greek capitol. </p><p>I ended up buying 3 flights: Barcelona-Sofia, Sofia-Athens and Athens-Bali. All of those combined were cheaper than a Qatar ticket from Barcelona to Bali :)</p><p>First I flew to Bulgaria - my home country - to spend a couple of days with my parents and enjoy late summer in the mountains.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/PSX_20190826_112622.jpg" width="2787" height="3839" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190825_172545.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190825_162023.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190824_200642.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190825_174957.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Then I flew from Sofia to Athens with my mom. Greece is next to Bulgaria so those flights are very short and frequent.</p><p>We spent our first day visiting the Acropolis and walking around the old neighborhood. I'm not a huge fan of historical landmarks, but it was interesting to see something so old and legendary.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190829_141421.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190829_141527.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190829_141718.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190829_143458.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190829_142607.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190829_145950.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190829_155604.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190830_121107.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>My favourite part, as you can probably guess, was the beach. </p><p>fewThe beaches near Athens are not great, but if we traveled south (about 1 hour with public transport) and found some really nice hidden calas with crystal blue water.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190831_133125.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190831_143330.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190901_163744.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>And of course we had tons of delicious Greek food.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190830_184059.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190831_153837.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/10/IMG_20190830_185438.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A spontaneous little vacation in Athens"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Overall a nice spontaneous holiday and perfect goobye to Europe before heading to Asia for several months :)</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Summer on the Costa Brava]]></title><description><![CDATA[Summer is almost over. As always, I spent it in Barcelona. I worked from home
during the week but spent every weekend at the Costa Brava :)

The Costa Brava is a paradise of little coves, tall cliffs, pretty beaches,
castles and small towns. The water is completely clear and perfect for
snorkeling, diving, or jumping and swimming. It's an amazing place to have so
close to Barcelona!

Admittedly, it's a well-known vacation spot and the beaches can get overcrowded
by both locals and tourists. Howe]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/summer-on-the-costa-brava/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5d63cda48be70404d8b5724f</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Barcelona]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Mon, 26 Aug 2019 13:45:53 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/PSX_20190706_210238-1.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/PSX_20190706_210238-1.jpg" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/><p>Summer is almost over. As always, I spent it in Barcelona. I worked from home during the week but spent every weekend at the Costa Brava :)</p><p>The Costa Brava is a paradise of little coves, tall cliffs, pretty beaches, castles and small towns. The water is completely clear and perfect for snorkeling, diving, or jumping and swimming. It's an amazing place to have so close to Barcelona!</p><p>Admittedly, it's a well-known vacation spot and the beaches can get overcrowded by both locals and tourists. However, if you're willing to do a bit of hiking, you can find many hidden coves that are (almost) free of tourists!</p><p>I don't have a car, and the buses are quite expensive (and also a hassle). So I came here with the train. It's very convenient, as it goes every 30 minutes, so I can go in the morning and come back the same day. It's also a beautiful trip along the coast :)</p><p>The train only goes to Blanes, but from there you can take a very easy bus that goes to Lloret de Mar and Tossa. </p><h2 id="blanes">Blanes</h2><p>This is the very first town on the Costa Brava. It's relatively unknown to tourists and it's not a party town, which make it perfect for a relaxing weekend.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/PSX_20190706_211702.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/PSX_20190706_210618.jpg" width="2801" height="3735" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/PSX_20190706_211106.jpg" width="2125" height="2835" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/PSX_20190706_210347.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/PSX_20190706_210238.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/PSX_20190706_204822.jpg" width="3411" height="4549" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/PSX_20190706_204933.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><p>Blanes also has famous botanical gardens! I love places like this and spent several hours here. Of course I took a million photos.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/IMG_20190706_161814.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/IMG_20190706_161916.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/PSFix_20190709_145810.jpeg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/IMG_20190706_162841.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/IMG_20190706_165624.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/IMG_20190706_165812.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/IMG_20190706_170414.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/IMG_20190706_164213.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/PSFix_20190709_150627.jpeg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/IMG_20190706_170045.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/IMG_20190706_165904.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/IMG_20190706_165939.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h2 id="lloret-de-mar">Lloret de Mar</h2><p>Unlike Blanes, Lloret is overcrowded with tourists - especially younger ones that came to party. The town is full of clubs and cheap restaurants.</p><p>However, if you go a little bit outside of the town, you can find some very nice and chill places, like the ones below. Pictured in the last photo, a cove that I had all to myself, since it required climbing over some cliffs.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/PSX_20190722_171406.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/PSX_20190722_171322.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/PSX_20190722_171911.jpg" width="3142" height="4189" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/PSX_20190722_171642.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>And finally, some photos from a rare rainy weekend in Lloret - still nice even though I had to skip tanning that day :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/PSX_20190714_204738.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/08/PSX_20190714_210449.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Summer on the Costa Brava"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[A weekend in Andorra]]></title><description><![CDATA[Andorra is a microstate on the border between Spain and France (or, well,
Catalunya and France). All of the country is in the Pyrenees, consisting only of
mountains, great for skiing in the winter and hiking in the summer.

Andorra is about 3-4 hours away from Barcelona by car.  Perfect for a weekend
trip. This summer I finally decided to visit it. I definitely needed some time
in the mountains :)

Arriving in Andorra
I left after work on a Friday evening. I took a bus which was very comfortable]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/a-weekend-in-andorra/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5d1a782fb569cc5806b4a578</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Andorra]]></category><category><![CDATA[Barcelona]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sat, 06 Jul 2019 08:21:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/PSX_20190610_132827.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/PSX_20190610_132827.jpg" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/><p>Andorra is a microstate on the border between Spain and France (or, well, Catalunya and France). All of the country is in the Pyrenees, consisting only of mountains, great for skiing in the winter and hiking in the summer.</p><p>Andorra is about 3-4 hours away from Barcelona by car.  Perfect for a weekend trip. This summer I finally decided to visit it. I definitely needed some time in the mountains :)</p><h2 id="arriving-in-andorra">Arriving in Andorra</h2><p>I left after work on a Friday evening. I took a bus which was very comfortable and had wifi. I enjoyed the views - I was able to see the massive Montserrat from a distance and then watch as we drove into the Pyrenees. The north of Catalunya was lined with small villages made entirely out of stone houses.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card kg-card-hascaption"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/IMG_20190607_200443.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="A weekend in Andorra"><figcaption>Montserrat from my bus window</figcaption></img></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I arrived in Andorra la Vella (the tiny capitol of Andorra) around 11pm and went straight to my hotel. The city was even smaller than I expected, it was also very nice and clean.</p><h2 id="vall-del-madriu">Vall del Madriu</h2><p>On my first days, I hiked to the valley of the Madriu river. The trail started just outside of the city. It was a very pretty trail, following the river up into the mountain. It was not difficult, but it kept steadily going uphill.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card kg-card-hascaption"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/IMG_20190608_105644.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="A weekend in Andorra"><figcaption>Andorra la Vella in the morning</figcaption></img></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I did my first break near a pretty stone bridge and some waterfalls. </p><p>I decided to explore this area a bit, and found a small stone hut and it's inhabitant - a black cat :) The cat started purring and wanted to be pet. I spent about an hour relaxing in the sun on some massive stones with the cat lying next to me.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/PSX_20190610_191940.jpg" width="3000" height="3003" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/IMG_20190608_115904.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/IMG_20190608_121920.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/IMG_20190608_121107.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Afterwards I was back on the trail. Now I was walking through open green fields, with cows walking around and grazing the grass, like a Swiss post card. There were also small stone huts, but I didn't see anyone living there.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/PSX_20190610_133511.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/PSX_20190610_133041.jpg" width="3000" height="3000" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Also, I made friends with a butterfly that kept landing on my hands and shoulders!</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/IMG_20190608_123206.jpg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/IMG_20190608_123335.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/IMG_20190608_122927.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>About 4 hours into the hike, I reached the valley. It was beautiful and peaceful - much better than in the photos :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/PSX_20190610_132827-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/IMG_20190608_141953.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/IMG_20190608_142649.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/IMG_20190608_143029.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I had lunch by the river, then laid on the grass for ages.</p><p>I had to start going back after this, since it was already late in the afternoon and I was tired. In total the hike took about 7-8 hours (but I had a couple of long breaks). </p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/PSX_20190608_222831.jpg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/IMG_20190608_170625.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/IMG_20190608_143202.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Back in my hotel, I had dinner and a shower, then passed out on the bed immediately. Another day of hiking was waiting for me tomorrow.</p><h2 id="vall-d-incles">Vall d'Incles</h2><p>The next day, I got up early and took a bus to Vall d'Incles, which is on the other side of the country. It only took about 30 minutes to get there since Andorra is so small :)</p><p>I expected a village there, but actually there just some hotels and resorts, most of which were closed during the summer. </p><p>The hike started with a very nice and easy path through a picturesque valley, full of pretty flowers. There were lots of people walking around, and the stone huts were here once again. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/IMG_20190609_123206-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>After about 30 minutes of slow, relaxed walking, I reached the end of that path. The actual trail started here. Big rocks and tall pine trees began to appear. There were no more huts now.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/PSX_20190610_093336-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/PSX_20190610_093537.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/PSX_20190610_093940.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Soon I got to a point where I had to start climbing up a steep hill. That's where the trail became difficult. Most people stopped here.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/PSX_20190610_092541.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>After climbing for one hour, I saw snow. I was already above 2000m of elevation. I passed several big waterfalls.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/PSX_20190610_092735-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/PSX_20190610_092105-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/PSX_20190610_093235-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>One more our of climbing and I was starting to get tired. I had to walk through the snow a couple of times. There was no tall vegetation now, only yellow grass and flowers. I was surrounded by massive cliffs, and the views down to the valley were incredible.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/PSX_20190610_092221.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/IMG_20190609_143730.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Finally - after a somewhat dangerous walk on a narrow snow-covered ledge - I reached my destination: Estany de l'Illa, a beautiful mountain lake.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/PSX_20190610_092323.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>After chilling here and admiring the lake for a while, I went to the Refugio to have a coffee. The Refugio is a hut that offers drinks and meals as well as bunk beds to spend the night here. There was also a nice hammock for everyone to use, the perfect place to relax :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/PSX_20190609_201200.jpg" width="3235" height="4313" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/IMG_20190609_153649.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Finally, I started making my way back down. That was a lot easier than the climb up. Luckily I had good weather and didn't get rained on.</p><p>It was already dark by the time I arrived back in my hotel. I treated myself to a nice meal in the hotel's restaurant and an awesome desert, then passed out in my bed, very happy about my weekend hiking adventures.</p><h2 id="andorra-la-vella">Andorra la Vella</h2><p>The next day was already time to leave. I had the bus back to Barcelona at 4pm, so I had time to enjoy the city.</p><p>Andorra la Vella is very small and I managed to explore it quickly. I went into some shops - as it's supposed to be a shopping destination - but the prices weren't that great and I didn't feel like carrying bags back to Barcelona. </p><p>However, I did enjoy the architecture and the views of the mountains around the city.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/07/IMG_20190610_112248.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="A weekend in Andorra"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>All in all, an enjoyable weekend trip for someone obsessed with mountains like me :)</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)]]></title><description><![CDATA[Taiwan has been on my list for a while. In April 2019, while I was in Bali, I
decided to visit Taipei for a week and see if I like it enough to live here for
a couple of months in the future.

Arriving in Taiwan
The flights from Bali to Taipei were no cheap. After all, it's a 6-hour flight,
which can be considered long-haul. I ended up paying around $400, and that was
the cheapest deal I could find. 

I had a long layover in Singapore, which I didn't mind at all! Singapore is
probably my favouri]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/one-week-in-taipei-and-my-first-missed-flight/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5d189942b569cc5806b4a436</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Taiwan]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sun, 30 Jun 2019 21:56:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/PSX_20190630_135804.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/PSX_20190630_135804.jpg" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/><p>Taiwan has been on my list for a while. In April 2019, while I was in Bali, I decided to visit Taipei for a week and see if I like it enough to live here for a couple of months in the future.</p><h2 id="arriving-in-taiwan">Arriving in Taiwan</h2><p>The flights from Bali to Taipei were no cheap. After all, it's a 6-hour flight, which can be considered long-haul. I ended up paying around $400, and that was the cheapest deal I could find. </p><p>I had a long layover in Singapore, which I didn't mind at all! Singapore is probably my favourite city in Asia. The first thing I did when I got off the place was to eat Kaya toast at the airport (I love Changi airport so much). Then I went to the city and spent a couple of hours in the Gardens by the Bay - I never get tired of this. I spent the afternoon working from my favourite cafe, the Book Cafe. Then I had laksa and dim sum from my fave street food places. </p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/IMG_20190414_123720.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/IMG_20190408_215512.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/IMG_20190408_211651.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Finally I headed back to the airport and got on the plane to Taipei.</p><p>It was a night flight and I arrived early in the morning. I landed in an airport outside Taipei and had to take a train to get to the city. The views from the train were perfect - the sun rising over layers of misty green hills.</p><h2 id="taipei">Taipei</h2><p>I had to wait until 4pm to check in to my Airbnb, so I spent the day sightseeing. Taipei was my first far-east country and I was pleasently surprised by it. The city is very clean and well organized, and there's lots of green everywhere. The main roads are busy but there's plenty of small, quiet streets. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/PSX_20190630_134259.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Somehow Taipei looked just how I imagined it. For some reason it was strangely nostalgic.</p><p>I visited a busy Chinese temple. Despite the traffic, people were meditating in the front courtyard. Older women were practicing calligraphy in small books that looked handmade.</p><p>Then I took a walk in a botanical garden and saw a temple on the water, surrounded by beautiful lotuses. </p><p>Afterwards I visited to a couple of the main attractions, and decided to spend the rest of the time relaxing in the Daan park, which was near my Airbnb (unfortunately I got completely destroyed by mosquitoes).</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/PSX_20190630_134929.jpg" width="2284" height="3047" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/PSX_20190630_134513.jpg" width="2663" height="3739" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/PSX_20190630_135252.jpg" width="2257" height="3010" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I enjoyed my week in Taipei. I worked in the evening and spent the days exploring Daan (my neighborhood) and the rest of the city.</p><p>Of course I visited the famous 101 building. Then I hiked up the hills for a view of the city. I loved this hike and would have gone further, unfortunately I had a cold and was not feeling good, so I only did the first part. Still worth it for the views and all the nature. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/PSX_20190630_135804-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I also met up with <a href="https://twitter.com/stephsmithio">Steph</a>, who happened to be here at the same time as me :) We had some dim suLet me know what time workm and a giant mango shaved ice. </p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/14.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/15.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I visited a couple of night markets and ate a lot of street food there. Lots of Japanese food. I loved the mochis! It was the first time I had real, fresh mochi, rolled in front of me.</p><p>The coffee in Taipei was amazing. There are small coffee shops everywhere that make perfect (and very strong) espresso. Also great for working. </p><p>Also, pastries - for some reason there were lots of pastry shops and bakeries in Taipei, very unusual for an Asian country in my experience! The pastries were amazing and I probably ate too many. They were almost European... but with an Asian twist of course.</p><h2 id="jiufen">Jiufen</h2><p>On my last day, I went on a day trip to Jiufen, a small traditional village near Taipei.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/PSX_20190630_140240-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/PSX_20190630_140546.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I got a bus from Fuxing and it took about an hour to get there. It was nice drive through misty green hills. </p><p>Jiufen was very touristy, especially the main street. That's a market street full of small shops that sell mostly food and souvenirs. I had coffee bubble tea (!), fried mushrooms, icecream mochi and some other snacks. </p><p>Then I left the busy market street to walk around the city. It was raining a bit but I didn't mind. I saw almost no tourists outside of that market! So peaceful, I had the little streets all to myself.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/PSX_20190630_140859.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/PSX_20190630_141013.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Jiufen is said to be the inspiration for Spirited Away. It definitely felt like being inside a fairytale anime. The city is built on the face of a hill and there's lots of tiny stairways between the houses. Some of the "streets" go right through people's porches or rooftops. </p><p>There was also a "cat village" nearby, but I didn't visit as I had very little time, and it was raining too hard. I figured all the cats would be hiding from the rain anyway.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/PSX_20190630_141856.jpg" width="2431" height="3240" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/PSX_20190630_141714.jpg" width="2448" height="3289" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/PSX_20190630_142013.jpg" width="2529" height="3372" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/06/PSX_20190630_141349-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="One week in Taipei (and my first missed flight)"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h2 id="showing-up-a-day-late-for-my-flight">Showing up a day late for my flight</h2><p>So * <strong>I thought *</strong> that I had my flight Saturday night at 1am. I arrived at the airport at 10pm and started walking around casually... Then I looked at the departures screen... Then I looked again... My flight wasn't there!</p><p>Then it hit me - my flight had already gone the night before!! 1am Saturday is actually Friday night, not Saturday night!...</p><p>In short, after running around the airport for 30 minutes, I managed to get a new flight to Singapore. It cost me over $200 and it was leaving in 40 minutes. I raced to the gate like crazy.</p><p>In Singapore I had to also buy a new flight to Bali, which cost me about $50. </p><p>A very stressful experience but it all ended well. I lost some money but nothing to cry over. In my 10 years of travelling on planes alone, it was bound to happen one day. I didn't imagine I would be a day late to my flight though :) </p><p>Anyways... here is some practical info about my week in Taipei.</p><h3 id="my-airbnb">My airbnb</h3><p>I was actually very happy with my airbnb. It was a studio on the 15th floor, not too small, with a very nice and clean bathroom and kitchen. Also a big desk and fast wifi, perfect to work from. I paid about $30 per night which is a decent price. </p><p>It was between Daan and the Fuxing metro station. Daan is a nice area with lots of quiet streets and cozy cafes, and Fuxing is a very central station so it's easy to get everywhere with the metro.</p><h3 id="the-weather">The weather</h3><p>I was definitely not prepared for the weather. One day it was too hot, the next day it was cold and rainy and windy. I even got sick on my last day!</p><p>I only had Bali clothes with me (flip flops, shorts and beach tops) which were no good for the rainy days. And even on hot days, I was not happy with my clothes - most people worked in offices and dressed smart, so I often felt like a bum in my beach clothes.</p><h3 id="obstacles">Obstacles</h3><p>One thing I was not prepared for was the language barrier. Everything is in Chinese and people speak very little English.</p><p>Also, the plugs! They have American plugs and all my stuff is European (and I forgot all my adapters in Bali). It was impossible to find an adapter in the shops in Taipei :( Thankfully my airbnb had one, which saved me. So if you're coming here with non-American electronics, don't be like me and make sure you bring your adapter!!</p><p>And finally, the food. This was a big issue for me since I don't eat meat. Almost everything had beef, pork or chicken in it. Also there was lots of bread and fried stuff, which I try to avoid. I ended up eating in "healthy" western restaurants a lot, which are not cheap... I was paying around $15 for a meal. If I had stayed longer, I would have found a supermarket and cooked at home. </p><h3 id="verdict">Verdict</h3><p>Despite the obstacles and missing my flight, I would definitely like to come back and spend a month or two here in the future. I'd really like to rent a motorbike and explore the island. The mountains in the center seem very interesting. I'd also like to visit the famous Sun Moon bridge, and the beaches in the south. Maybe in 2020, let's see :)</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia]]></title><description><![CDATA[I came to Patagonia to do 2 things: visit Perito Moreno glacier and hike in the
Southern Andes. 

After visiting the glacier, I took an afternoon bus to the little village of El
Chalten. It sits at the bottom of a famous mountain - Fitz Roy  - which I
intended to hike. 

TL;DR at the end of the post if you don't feel like reading it all (it's long).

El Chalten means "the mountain that smokes" because it's always covered in

At the bottom of Fitz Roy there is a beautiful turquoise lagoon]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/el-chalten/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5c48c4ea685218782956c72e</guid><category><![CDATA[Patagonia]]></category><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Mon, 28 Jan 2019 23:55:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190122_195254.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190122_195254.jpg" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"/><p>I came to Patagonia to do 2 things: visit Perito Moreno glacier and hike in the Southern Andes. </p><p>After visiting the glacier, I took an afternoon bus to the little village of <strong>El Chalten</strong>. It sits at the bottom of a famous mountain - <strong>Fitz Roy</strong> - which I intended to hike. </p><p><em>TL;DR at the end of the post if you don't feel like reading it all (it's long).</em></p><p>El Chalten means "the mountain that smokes" because it's always covered in clouds.</p><p>At the bottom of Fitz Roy there is a beautiful turquoise lagoon, called <strong>Laguna de Los Tres</strong>. The mountain itself is extremely difficult to reach, as most of it is a vertical wall. So, instead of hiking towards the summit, you hike to the Laguna and observe it from there. </p><p>It's still a sight to see, especially at sunrise and sunset. Because of its composition, it's very reflective and turns bright pink-red. Many hikers camp at the bottom, so they can wake up early and see the sunrise.</p><p>When I came, unfortunately, I wasn't prepared for camping - I wasn't prepared for anything! </p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190122_113148.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"><figcaption>Arriving in El Chalten</figcaption></img></figure><h2 id="what-i-did-wrong">What I did wrong</h2><p>I did a lot of things wrong on this particular trip, so let me get them out of the way before I start the post.</p><p><strong>1. I didn't plan enough time!</strong> I only gave myself 3 (yes, THREE) full days in Patagonia. 1 in Calafate and 2 in Chalten. Not nearly enough! Well guess what, spoiler alert, I was unlucky and the weather was bad during the whole time. More on that later in the post.<br>Come to think of it, it was kinda stupid to go to such a remote place - travel this far - fulfill such a big dream - and give myself so little time! <br>Why? Reason #1 was that I'm not used to taking a long time off work. Reason #2 was that I wasn't sure if I'd like it. Well, now I know that I definitely like it down here, and next time I'm booking a minimum of 7 days just for El Chalten.</br></br></p><p><strong>2. I didn't bring the proper clothes and equipment!</strong> I severely underestimated the mountain, which is always a big mistake. Maybe that's why I got punished with the bad weather :) Seriously, I went hiking with old gym shoes (that had holes in them) and a light spring jacket. At least I bought a thermal shirt and pants before I left. I would probably be frozen to death without them.<br>Why? In the past I always overpacked and brought a lot of unnecessary stuff with me. In recent years I've been very relaxed with packing, and I bring very little stuff with me. Which is OK since I'm usually a beach bum and spend all of my time in bikini and shorts. <br>I knew I was coming to Patagonia - I knew it's 1500km away from Antarctica - and I still somehow thought "Well, it's summer down there, I'll be alright..."<br>Lesson learned, I guess.</br></br></br></p><p>Now that's out of the way, here is the story of my encounter with Fitz Roy.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190120_215914.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"/></figure><p>I arrived to the little village of Chalten around 6pm. The place is very small - I literally walked through all of it while going from the bus station to my hostel. It's made to look like a Swiss Apline town, just like El Calafate. The main street was lined with cute restaurants. Everyone I saw in the streets were hikers with big backpacks.</p><p>Fitz Roy was towering above the hills in the distance. A bit of it was visible but most was covered in clouds. I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Fitz, I thought as I went into my hostel.</p><p>The hostel (called Rancho Grande) was actually very nice, and had a 24-hour open restaurant, so I could have super early morning coffee before my hikes! The downside was that the room was shared. I booked too late and there were only dorm rooms left, so I took that. I hadn't stayed in one of those for years. Brought back some nice memories, although I ended up really tired - roommates kept on making noise at 2am...</p><h2 id="day-1">Day 1</h2><p>Next day, I managed to wake up at 6:30am. I took my time having a coffee at the hostel, then walking around Chalten and buying empanadas, water and other "supplies" for my hike.</p><p>I also bought a last-minute rain poncho from one of the shops, as the sky was cloudy and I thought it would be a good idea in case of rain.</p><p>I ended up starting the hike at 10:30am, which was quite late.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190121_183109.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"><figcaption>Start of the hike to Laguna de los Tres from El Chalten.</figcaption></img></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190121_183329.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"><figcaption>First views!</figcaption></img></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190122_112050.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"><figcaption>The town of El Chalten</figcaption></img></figure><p>Judging from the landscape in El Calafate, Google Maps, and videos I've seen online, I expected it to be quite empty and rocky here. I was wrong! </p><p>From the start of the hike I entered a magical forest, different from any other forest I've seen. The trees were short and grayish, bent and twisted. Long grey moss was growing all over them, like in a fairytale. I was told that this is a sign of absolutely ZERO pollution in the air!</p><p>The first kilometer of the hike was steep, but I was rewarded with views! I was stopping every other minute to take pictures.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190122_195254-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"><figcaption>Rio de Las Vueltas</figcaption></img></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190122_195659.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190122_195527.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190122_201034.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"><figcaption>Patagonian caterpillar</figcaption></img></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190122_200450.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"/></figure><p>About 1 hour in, I reached the Mirador (view point). If I was lucky, I would get a beautiful view of Fitz Roy here. Unfortunately, the mountain was hiding in the clouds. I waited for a bit but the clouds weren't moving. I pressed on, hoping it would clear by the afternoon. I was ready to wait if I had to.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190122_162737.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"><figcaption>Fitz Roy hiding in the clouds</figcaption></img></figure><p>I kept walking for two more hours. It started drizzling and my rain poncho came in handy. I walked through forests and open swampy areas. Everything felt like a fairytale. So much pure wilderness! </p><p>There are no big cities in Patagonia - just tiny villages very far from each other, spread over hundreds of miles. And Patagonia is very, very big. I had never felt such freedom and rawness before.</p><p>I was walking along a river that came straight from the glacier and was drinkable. No need to bring water here, just empty bottles to fill up!</p><p>There were people on the trail, but not many. The weather was bad, cloudy and rainy.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190120_125204.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190120_135344.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"/></div></div></div><figcaption>All the water in the national park is drinkable - you can just fill your bottle here!</figcaption></figure><p>As I started ascending the last 1km - the most difficult one - it got foggy. And kept getting foggy. For the last 30 minutes of the hike I could barely see where I was going. But I kept it up. I had gotten that far, can't give up at the last 5%!</p><p>When I finally got to the top...<strong> I saw nothing.</strong> No mountain. Not even the lagoon. Just fog. I could barely see the rocks around my feet.</p><p>I don't have any pictures from that moment as it was all blank... Just white fog.</p><p>The disappointment I felt was hard to express. But at least I had one more day, I told myself.</p><p>In this fog I met a group of Argentinian guys. They were also very disappointed. We made our way back together, stopping at the Refugio hut to share a mate (that was actually my first time trying mate). </p><p>So I went back all the way, back to my hostel, had dinner and then to bed. </p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190122_194829.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"><figcaption>Laguna Capri on the way back from Fitz Roy.</figcaption></img></figure><h2 id="day-2">Day 2</h2><p>The next morning, I rose early and set off to do the hike AGAIN! I was confident that I was gonna see Fitz Roy. I mean, I can't come that far and not see it, right?</p><p>The weather was nice, even though crazy wind was forecasted. "Cool, it will blow the clouds away" silly me thought, as I took the trail again. This time I was early - I started at 7:30am.</p><p>It as going well and the sun was shining. Fitz Roy was still hiding in the clouds.</p><p>Towads the middle of the hike, the crazy wind came out and it became very difficult to walk. It was also blowing rain in my face, which wasn't making it easier! The rain poncho was saving me.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190121_114653.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"><figcaption>Looking back at the valley I had just crossed</figcaption></img></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190122_201341.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"><figcaption>Passing by "small" mountains on the way up</figcaption></img></figure><p>I started the last kilometer of the trail. I was already tired from doing the day before, so it was even more difficult now. Also, I was freezing. But I pressed on! I was so close.</p><p>There was no fog this time, and I felt hopeful as I was ascending the last kilometer of the trail. I could see the mountains around me. It's coming, I'm almost there, I'll finally see mount Fitz Roy...</p><p>Well, I was wrong. Here's what I saw when I finally got to the top.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190121_165554.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"/></figure><p>Yes, the lagoon was beautiful (and this picture is not edited, that's the real color of the water). But Fitz Roy did not show himself.</p><p>On top of all, a few seconds after this picture was taken, it started SNOWING! The crazy wind blew the snow into my face and it felt like needles. I could not stay here. I had to start going back.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190121_120011.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"/></figure><p>By that time my hands were completely frozen. Remember those mistakes I wrote about in the beginning of the post? My gym shoes were soaked and my light spring jacket was not helping. The only thing saving me was my poncho.</p><p>Which got completely torn apart by the wind a few minutes later.</p><p>And then it started raining (well, at least it wasn't snowing anymore).</p><p>So, I had to walk back <strong>10 kilometers in the rain</strong> - no rain poncho, no rain jacket, no hood, no head protection at all, and no hiking shoes. On top of all I was surrounded by hikers, all wearing their top equipment! I felt like such a fool.</p><p>I still don't know how I survived those 3 hours on the way back. Finally, I left the rain behind (I could still see it in the distance) an the sun came out! It felt like magic. I was still soaked and freezing, but it was sunny and beautiful around me.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190121_094501.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"/></figure><p>I wasn't able to take many pictures, as I couldn't move my fingers - they were frozen!</p><p>When I finally reached my hostel and walked into a heated room, I felt like crying happy tears. I took a 45-minute hot shower. I could finally move my hands again. Then I ran to the restaurant next door - a "Waffleria" - and had cognac hot chocolate and omelette with waffles.</p><p>The next day was my flight back to Buenos Aires. I was very sad that I did not get to see Fitz Roy. And - guess what - that day was going to be a sunny one! Just when I was leaving.</p><p>I decided to wake up early and do another quick hike - this time only to the Mirador at the 3rd kilometer - hoping I would be able to see Fitz Roy from far away.</p><p>Once again, Mr. Fitz was hiding in the clouds. At least the weather was nice and sunny and I got to see the magical forest and the views around it in their full glory.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190122_202020.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190122_194544.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"/></figure><p>At 11am I got on the bus to the airport. I spent the whole time looking back at the cloud-covered Fitz Roy. And just before it got out of sight, as if to mock me... It cleared completely and I saw it for 2 seconds.</p><p><strong>The hike was 25km total, and 8 hours long</strong>. I did that twice in a row, and I also did the short hike! I was completely destroyed when I arrived in Buenos Aires, it took me a couple of days to recover.</p><p>I must admit, I cried a lot that night. I'm incredibly grateful for my trip to Patagonia, and I fell in love with the wilderness there. But not being able to see Fitz Roy - especailly after all the effort I made - broke my heart. </p><p>That's why I'm coming back here next year. This time with all the equipment: tent, sleeping bag, clothes, shoes... And I'm spending at least a week at El Chalten. And while I'm at it, I might as well check out Torres del Paine in Chile, and do the W trek. </p><p>Maybe that happened to give me a reason to come back to Patagonia and see it properly? Not sure, but I'm definitely counting the days until I'm back here :)</p><p>Patagonia is one of the most magical places I've been to, and I'm happy I have a reason to come back here very soon.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190122_165549.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The mountain that smokes in magical Patagonia"/></figure><p><strong>TL;DR:</strong> I came to El Chalten unprepared, with no proper clothes and very little time. I did the hike twice and couldn't see Fitz Roy because of bad weather conditions. I also got soaked in the rain and nearly froze. I'm coming back next year with ALL the equipment and lots of time to do this properly - and do Torres del Paine while I'm at it.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[The ice kingdom of Perito Moreno in Patagonia, Argentina]]></title><description><![CDATA[From 40 degrees in Rio de Janeiro to a frozen land just 1500km away from

I've wanted to visit Patagonia for years. I've always been fascinated by how
remote and wild this land is. A true wilderness - which is still relatively easy
to access. 

To come here, I had to fly from Buenos Aires to El Calafate, a small town with
the only airport in the area. The town is actually quite touristic. A lot of
people come here for the glaciers and to hike in the surrounding mountains.

It was not]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/perito-moreno-glacier/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5c48c476685218782956c72b</guid><category><![CDATA[Patagonia]]></category><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Mon, 28 Jan 2019 19:50:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190123_122208.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190123_122208.jpg" alt="The ice kingdom of Perito Moreno in Patagonia, Argentina"/><p>From 40 degrees in Rio de Janeiro to a frozen land just 1500km away from Antarctica.</p><p>I've wanted to visit Patagonia for years. I've always been fascinated by how remote and wild this land is. A true wilderness - which is still relatively easy to access. </p><p>To come here, I had to fly from Buenos Aires to El Calafate, a small town with the only airport in the area. The town is actually quite touristic. A lot of people come here for the glaciers and to hike in the surrounding mountains.</p><p>It was not easy to get my ticket to Calafate! LATAM was not accepting any of my cards so I had to go to their office in Buenos Aires and pay there. First time I've done that. Cost was around $350, not cheap but I was buying it only a few days in advance.</p><p>The night before my flight I couldn't sleep, I was so nervous and excited that this dream is finally coming true!</p><p>I spent the 3-hour flight looking at the desert below me, a landscape that belonged on the moon or on Mars.</p><p>We landed around 1pm in Calafate. I spent the rest of the days exploring the small town. It had a touristy main street that was made to look like an Alpine Swiss town - despite the fact that it was in the middle of the desert, surrounded by flat dry lands for miles and miles. </p><p>El Calafate sat on Lago Argentino - a giant turqioise lake with milky waters produced by the glaciers to the west. The lake is inhabitted by flamingos! Unfortunately I wasn't able to take pictures as they were very far away and looked like tiny pink dots.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190118_204827.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The ice kingdom of Perito Moreno in Patagonia, Argentina"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190118_213036.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The ice kingdom of Perito Moreno in Patagonia, Argentina"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190118_213510.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The ice kingdom of Perito Moreno in Patagonia, Argentina"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190118_215609-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The ice kingdom of Perito Moreno in Patagonia, Argentina"/></figure><p>I booked a tour to Perito Moreno glacier at my hostel. I usually try to avoid group tours, but in this case the only other option was renting a car - and I don't have a licence.</p><p>The trip started early in the morning. We drove through the Patagonian steppe for about an hour, then entered the Los Glacieres national park and paid the entrance fee (about $20).</p><p>Inside the park, the landscape turned from dry yellow flat lands to hills covered with small trees, and mountains in the background.</p><p>Finally we arrived at the glacier. This was one of the most otherworldly things I've seen. It felt like I was entering an ice kingdom in a magical, surreal world.</p><p>The first view was shocking - I did not imagine it to be that tall. It was over 70 meters! The tour boats dwarfed next to it. And there was a lot more underwater. </p><p>The gigantic ice was constantly cracking and it sounded like thunder. Once in a while pieces were breaking in off and falling into the water, some were the size of a house!</p><p>Luckily this is a stable glacier - it's not shrinking, it stays the same size (or can even grow) so no need to be worried when pieces fall off - enough new ice is produced to replace them! </p><p>I did the boat tour, then got off the boat and explored all of the walkways in the area.</p><p>We were only allowed to go on the walkways, as coming near the glacier was dangerous. Apparently it can shoot out ice pieces that killed 32 people in the past. So now no one is allowed to get that close.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190123_122029.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The ice kingdom of Perito Moreno in Patagonia, Argentina"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190123_123656.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The ice kingdom of Perito Moreno in Patagonia, Argentina"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190123_123112.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The ice kingdom of Perito Moreno in Patagonia, Argentina"/></figure><p>Notice the boat in the picture above? It's a pretty big catamaran transporting 30-50 tourists at a time. Just for scale.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190123_123439.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The ice kingdom of Perito Moreno in Patagonia, Argentina"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190123_122954.jpg" width="2858" height="2859" alt="The ice kingdom of Perito Moreno in Patagonia, Argentina"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190123_124136.jpg" width="3456" height="3456" alt="The ice kingdom of Perito Moreno in Patagonia, Argentina"/></div></div></div></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190123_122559.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The ice kingdom of Perito Moreno in Patagonia, Argentina"/></figure><p>The last walkway took me away from the glacier and down to the turquoise "beach". I loved how green this place was, despite the cold. I stayed for a while, watching the layers of mountains of the backgrounds.  Unfortunately, soon it was time to take the bus back to Calafate, where I continued my journey to El Chalten.</p><p>Perito Moreno was one of my favourite experiences so far, and I think I will be visiting more glaciers in the future, and hopefully get to Antarctica sometime soon!</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro]]></title><description><![CDATA[In the very end of 2018 and beginning of 2019, I fulfilled a long-time dream of
mine and visited Rio de Janeiro, welcomed the new year on Copacabana beach, and
spent two weeks there afterwards.

I had very mixed expectations of Rio. On one hand it looked like the perfect
city for me! Tropical weather, full of nature (the jungle is basically a part of
the city), beaches, music, art, people from all over the world, very relaxed
culture, and a little bit crazy. Well, more than a little.

On the oth]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/rio-de-janeiro/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5c38fbde685218782956c66d</guid><category><![CDATA[Rio de Janeiro]]></category><category><![CDATA[Brazil]]></category><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Fri, 25 Jan 2019 20:58:05 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190111_150823.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190111_150823.jpg" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/><p>In the very end of 2018 and beginning of 2019, I fulfilled a long-time dream of mine and visited Rio de Janeiro, welcomed the new year on Copacabana beach, and spent two weeks there afterwards.</p><p>I had very mixed expectations of Rio. On one hand it looked like the perfect city for me! Tropical weather, full of nature (the jungle is basically a part of the city), beaches, music, art, people from all over the world, very relaxed culture, and a little bit crazy. Well, more than a little.</p><p>On the other hand, I kept hearing stories about how dangerous it is, how you can only walk on certain streets, how you have to carry cash so you can easily hand it over if you get robbed... that I'll see children in alleyways doing crack, and a lot of horrible things like that.</p><p>Well, the latter turned out to be very exaggerated. I did not get robbed. I did not feel very threatened in any way. However, I did stay in the "safe" areas (the south zone mostly) and I didn't got out at night much. I like to think I didn't stand out as a tourist. Being my usual beach bum, I always walked around in old gym shorts and a bikini top. I never wore fancy clothes and didn't have anything expensive looking on me.</p><p>With that out of the way, here's a little recap of my time in Rio. I could already write a book on this city, and guess what - I'm definitely coming back here for more this or next year!</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190111_145512.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190111_145743-2.jpg" width="2750" height="3667" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190111_150046-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div></div></div></figure><h2 id="the-perfect-start-to-2019">The perfect start to 2019</h2><p>My first day in Rio was also the last day of 2018. I welcomed 2019 on Copacabana beach along with 2 million people. The next day I woke up late (11am, the latest I've woken up during my 3 months here) and met up with my new friends on the beach again.</p><p>It was a perfect day - lying on the beach with a group of fellow solo travelers (somehow new people kept joining), slightly hungover, buying all the food from the beach vendors walking around. You can get anything on the beaches of Rio... I got shrimp, gilled cheese, and a vegan burger!</p><p>When the sun started going down, we got up and walked to Arpoador. This is a famous rocky spot between Ipanema and Copacabana, where everyone goes to watch the sunset.</p><p>It was the perfect moment - the sky and the water turned all orange pink, with the famous silhouette of Dois Iramos in the background. The Arpoador rock was full of people watching the sunset. Once it was finished, everyone started clapping and whistling! Apparantely this happens often here, because the sunset is so beautiful. They applaud the Sun for its performance.</p><p>While the sky and the ocean were still red, I jumped in for a swim. One of my favourite moments in Rio, and the perfect start to 2019!</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190111_145356.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></figure><h2 id="my-two-airbnb-s">My two airbnb's</h2><p>The next day I moved out of my hostel. I had rented a private room in a hostel for the nights of 31st Dec and 1st Jan, since everything else was booked out or ridiculously expensive. The room was nice but I was happy to have my own airbnb again.</p><p>I actually booked 2 airbnbs, each one for a week, both in the Santa Teresa area.</p><p>My first apartment was on the famous Selaron stairs, which was really nice! I got to climb to the middle of the stairs, then turn into a private street with a couple of houses. The street was very relaxed and overgrown with plants and trees. There were also 8 cats living there!!</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190102_170716.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190102_170802.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190107_000217.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div></div></div><figcaption>The private street, the cat houses, and the cats who live there</figcaption></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190107_104848.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"><figcaption>My first airbnb</figcaption></img></figure><p>The apartment was nice. Unfortunately the AC broke and they couldn't fix it the whole week that I was there... So I had to spend a few days working in 40 degree heat!</p><p>For my second week in Rio, I moved my next airbnb, which was just a few streets away. This one was really nice and I could spend a lot longer there. Bohemian apartment with an eclectic, Balinese-like interior; a nice balcony with a view to the city center; big windows surrounded by plants and nature. I loved everything about this place.</p><p>There was also a neighborhood cat that regularly came to visit, and even let me pet him! Best airbnb ever.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190108_101907.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190108_101852.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190111_193104.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190111_193407-1.jpg" width="4608" height="3456" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div></div></div></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190108_100714.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></figure><h2 id="living-in-santa-teresa">Living in Santa Teresa</h2><p>Santa Teresa is an old neighborhood that has been overtaken by the jungle. It has a very relaxed, bohemian feel. I loved staying here.</p><p>The area had a small "center" with several cute restaurants and cafés. I always went to Café Alto - they served great northeastern food like Bobo de Camarao, Moquecas and Tapiocas.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190107_132727.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190107_140734.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div></div></div><figcaption>Northeastern food &amp; my temporary office set up</figcaption></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190109_092500.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></figure><p>The narrow streets looked a but sketchy to me, especially after dark - but I had no problems the whole time I stayed here, and in the end I felt quite safe.</p><p>On my last night in Rio, went to a little bar that had live samba music. We sat on the street on small plastic chairs and listened to the music. Some of the locals were getting up, singing along and dancing. One of my favourite memories from Rio :)</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190109_092310.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></figure><p>The area below Santa Teresa - called Lapa - turns into a party zone at night. The streets fill up with caipirinha vendors, there's music coming from all the clubs, people are dancing in the street. I went out only once and didn't stay late, since I had to wake up at 6am every morning. I'll try to go out more the next time I'm in Rio!</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190111_224752.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></figure><h2 id="on-top-of-the-sugarloaf-pao-de-acucar-">On top of the Sugarloaf (Pao de Acucar)</h2><p>The Sugarloaf is that famous egg-shaped rock on the beach in Rio, almost 400m tall.</p><p>I came here with a friend. First we hiked up the smaller hill and enjoyed the view from there. Once again I was amazed by the jungle that exists right in the middle of the city.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190104_110432.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190104_092813.jpg" width="3456" height="3455" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div></div></div></figure><p>When we were on top of the smaller hill, we decided to take the cable car to the top of Sugarloaf. There was a huge line and we had to wait about 30 min, but we managed to make it just in time for sunset!</p><p>The space with the best view was very small and very crowded. Nevertheless we stayed here and watched the sunset, then kept looking over the sparkling lights of Rio as darkness came.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190111_145743-1.jpg" width="2750" height="3667" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190111_150211-5.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div></div></div></figure><h2 id="visiting-christ-the-redeemer">Visiting Christ the Redeemer</h2><p>Christ the Redeemer is one of those super-touristy places that I would usually avoid. However, this one is so iconic that I decided to visit it. Plus, it has amazing 360 views of the entire city.</p><p>I came with a friend. We met in Corcovado station and too the train up. It was a very nice sunny day, so we had the perfect views!</p><p>The place was super crowded, as I expected. We had a lot of fun trying to take pictures with the towering statue of Cristo... It was more difficult than I thought! My friend had to lie on the ground to get all of the statue and my head in the same shot :)</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190110_171651.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190110_172413.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190110_172639.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div></div></div></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190111_150823-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></figure><h2 id="parque-lage">Parque Lage</h2><p>This is one of my favourite places in Rio. It's a park that has a cave, abandoned castles, and an aquarium. It's surrounded by jungle. </p><p>The trail to hike up to Christ the Redeemer also starts here. It's a 3-hour advanced hike - I would do it but apparently it's dangerous, especially for solo girls. </p><p>I spend all day exploring Parque Lage, and I'm hoping to spend a lot more time here next year when I come back to Rio.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190109_084307.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190108_165259.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190108_165324.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190108_165444.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div></div></div><figcaption>A cave in the middle of the park</figcaption></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190108_172530.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSFix_20190109_212024.jpeg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190108_173950.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div></div></div><figcaption>Abandoned castle and me with some giant tree roots</figcaption></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190108_174657.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190108_174748.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190108_174923.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div></div></div><figcaption>The aquarium</figcaption></figure><h2 id="the-botanical-gardens">The Botanical gardens</h2><p>The Botanical gardens are just next to Parque Lage. They are huge - I could've stayed for hours. They have a sensory garden with many plants that you can smell and touch. There's also monkeys!</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190105_154222.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190105_154256.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190105_154913.jpg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190105_154947.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190105_155025.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190105_155046.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div></div></div></figure><p>If you know me in real life, you probably know I'm crazy about plants... Of course I took hundreds of photos :)</p><p>Also here's a jackfruit and two bamboo-eating monkeys.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190105_160716.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190105_160729.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190105_161120.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></div></div></div></figure><p>The entire area is very nice. There's a big lagoon nearby, which is perfect for cycling or walking. I walked around it twice. People are having picnics on the grass and watching the sunset. Often there are concerts and live music.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190109_092028.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></figure><h2 id="ipanema-and-copacabana">Ipanema and Copacabana </h2><p>I loved going to these beaches. I usually dislike city beaches, especially overcrowded ones. But Copacabana and Ipanema just have this unique energy. Especially during sunsets!</p><p>When the sun sets on Ipanema, everyone claps. This is one of my favourite things about Rio. I immediately felt at home the first time I saw it.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190111_150614-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Two weeks in Rio de Janeiro"/></figure><p>I can keep writing about Rio de Janeiro, but I'll stop here for now. Can't wait to come back here next year!</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Paradise beaches in Arraial do Cabo]]></title><description><![CDATA[Arraial do Cabo is a little town 160km away from Rio de Janeiro with some of the
best beaches in the area - and possibly all of Brazil.

While in Rio, I had time for only 1 dayrtip (unfortunately), so I chose Arraial
do Cabo. I decided to leave Paraty and Ilha Grande for next time, simply because
they require more than 1 day to properly enjoy them.

With Arraial, I thought  it would be easy... One hour bus ride there in the
morning, spend the whole day, one hour bus ride back. Two hours if there]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/arraial-do-cabo/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5c38fbf5685218782956c670</guid><category><![CDATA[Rio de Janeiro]]></category><category><![CDATA[Brazil]]></category><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Fri, 25 Jan 2019 14:15:41 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190109_093435-1.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190109_093435-1.jpg" alt="Paradise beaches in Arraial do Cabo"/><p>Arraial do Cabo is a little town 160km away from Rio de Janeiro with some of the best beaches in the area - and possibly all of Brazil.</p><p>While in Rio, I had time for only 1 dayrtip (unfortunately), so I chose Arraial do Cabo. I decided to leave Paraty and Ilha Grande for next time, simply because they require more than 1 day to properly enjoy them.</p><p>With Arraial, I <strong>thought</strong> it would be easy... One hour bus ride there in the morning, spend the whole day, one hour bus ride back. Two hours if there's traffic.</p><p>Well... I was wrong. It took exactly 3 hours to get there. The last 45 minutes were spent in a huge traffic jam, all going into the small town of Arraial. I guess it was the peak of Brazilian summer, right after New Year, and everyone was on holiday and going to the beach.</p><p>Oh well, there was nothing I could do to avoid the crowds. </p><p>When I finally got to Arraial, it was 11am. I had a quick Acaì for breakfast, then headed for my first beach: Praia do Forno!</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190109_094215.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Paradise beaches in Arraial do Cabo"/></figure><p>This beach required a quick hike up a hill. The 40-degree heat made it a bit more difficult than I thought, but I was rewarded with the views!</p><p>The beach was absolutely packed. I managed to find a spot with relatively few people in the water. The water was crystal clear and amazing to swim in. </p><p>After about an hour here, I decided I had enough of the crowds. and was ready to move on.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190106_133918.jpg" width="3000" height="3000" alt="Paradise beaches in Arraial do Cabo"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190106_120600.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Paradise beaches in Arraial do Cabo"/></div></div></div></figure><p>I hiked back over the hill and did a quick lunch break in town for pastel de camarao and coconut water. Then I walked to the other side of town (it's very small) and started the hike to the next beach - As Prainhas do Pontal do Atalaia.</p><p>Those are actually two small beaches, divided by a cliff in the middle. During low tide they become one beach. People usually come here by boat, by car or by pick-up truck (there are a few of those that drive the touristts around). However, I decided to hike.</p><p>I didn't get very far though - an empty pick-up truck stopped and the driver offered to take me to the beach for free, so I jumped in :)</p><p>This was the view when I got off the pick-up truck.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190109_094052.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Paradise beaches in Arraial do Cabo"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190109_093751.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Paradise beaches in Arraial do Cabo"/></figure><p>All those beautiful shades of blue! I couldn't wait to get in that water.</p><p>Yes it was crowded, not as much as the previous beach. Again I managed to find some spots without many people. I hid my things between the rocks and went swimming! I spent the entire day here, playing in the small waves. </p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190109_093435.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Paradise beaches in Arraial do Cabo"/></figure><p>When it was time to leave, I tried to do a different hike back, and pass by a small hidden beach - Praia Brava. Unfortunately, the trail was closed off. I did see some nice views from the cliffs though.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190106_165227.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Paradise beaches in Arraial do Cabo"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190106_171558.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Paradise beaches in Arraial do Cabo"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190106_174721.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Paradise beaches in Arraial do Cabo"/></figure><p>Soon I was back in town, just in time to have another acaì and a coffee before getting on the bus back to Rio.</p><p>The journey back was even worse than the first one - it took exactly 4 hours. The first 2 hours were spent in traffic jams, just to get out of the area! To top it off, the driver had the bus AC at 18 degrees and was not willing to raise the temperature. I spent 4 hours shivering in my beach dress! I've never been happier to get off at a hot and humid bus station than that day.</p><p>Despite the difficulties with transportation, I loved the paradise beaches of Arraial,and would love to come back in a less touristy time :)</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Celebrating New Year's Eve in Rio de Janeiro!]]></title><description><![CDATA[This one was a big dream-come-true for me. I'll never forget the moment that I
welcomed 2019 on Copacabana beach with 2 million other people.

Let me start by saying that organizing this wasn't an easy task. I started
looking for accommodation more than a month in advance, and most places were
booked out already! Also the prices went 4x or 5x on NYE and the days around it.
An airbnb that costed $30 per night would cost $150 or more.

Moreover, I needed to consider the area - apparently going bac]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/nye-rio/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5c38fbcb685218782956c66a</guid><category><![CDATA[Rio de Janeiro]]></category><category><![CDATA[Brazil]]></category><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Thu, 24 Jan 2019 16:57:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190111_145217.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190111_145217.jpg" alt="Celebrating New Year's Eve in Rio de Janeiro!"/><p>This one was a big dream-come-true for me. I'll never forget the moment that I welcomed 2019 on Copacabana beach with 2 million other people.</p><p>Let me start by saying that organizing this wasn't an easy task. I started looking for accommodation more than a month in advance, and most places were booked out already! Also the prices went 4x or 5x on NYE and the days around it. An airbnb that costed $30 per night would cost $150 or more.</p><p>Moreover, I needed to consider the area - apparently going back home after the party was very difficult. Forget taxi or Uber. I needed to be in walking distance or at least somewhere near the metro (only reliable way of transportation on that day).</p><p>Finally, I needed to avoid certain areas (like Centro) that became abandoned and somewhat dangerous during the holidays.</p><p>Ideally, I would stay in Copacabana or Ipanema (safe areas near the beach and the party), but the accommodation options there were ridicolously expensive. A friend I met later was paying over $100 for a dorm bed in Ipanema!</p><p>I ended up booking a very basic private room in a hostel for $85 per night. It was in Botafogo, one metro station away from Copacabana (the beach where the party was taking place). </p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20181231_110302.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Celebrating New Year's Eve in Rio de Janeiro!"><figcaption>Botafogo</figcaption></img></figure><p>I was going alone, but after posting on some Facebook friends I organized a group with a few other solo travelers :) </p><p>I arrived in Rio early morning on the 31st of December. I dropped my stuff off at the hostel and went to explore Botafogo. Those first hours in Rio were absolutely surreal. The city is built right in the middle of the jungle, wrapping around crazy rock formations (like the famous Sugarloaf). </p><p>I found an awesome vegan Asian restaurant just in time for lunch. This one event had a grill with mock-meat and tofu! Plus a ton of Chinese &amp; Japanese dishes (vegan version), raw dishes, and amazing desserts. It's called <strong>Refeitório Orgânico</strong>, Ill definitely visit many more times when I'm in Rio again :)</p><p>In the afternoon I got ready and took an Uber to Copacabana to meet my new friends. We met at 6pm - quite early. The beach was already full of people getting ready for the party. The music was on. Street vendors everywhere selling tapioca, churros, caipirinhas. I got a huge caipi (half a litre!) from one of them.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190101_133059.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Celebrating New Year's Eve in Rio de Janeiro!"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20181231_193623.jpg" width="4608" height="3456" alt="Celebrating New Year's Eve in Rio de Janeiro!"/></div></div></div></figure><p>We spent the next hours drinking and dancing on the beach, watching the sunset. Around 9pm the beach started getting very crowsed and the music very loud. We met the last 2 memebers to our group (we were now 6 people) and moved closer to the water to get ready for the fireworks!</p><p>The beach was now packed, everyone was dancing, we were already finishing our second or third caipirinhas.</p><p>When the fireworks went off at 00:00, it was an incredible moment. As far as I could see, the sky was filled with explosions. Everyone was screaming and popping champagne.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190101_173324.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Celebrating New Year's Eve in Rio de Janeiro!"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190101_000433.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Celebrating New Year's Eve in Rio de Janeiro!"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190101_001015.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Celebrating New Year's Eve in Rio de Janeiro!"/></div></div></div></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190101_000334.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Celebrating New Year's Eve in Rio de Janeiro!"/></figure><p>When the show was over, people started jumping in the water. The tradition here is to jump over 7 waves on New Year's Eve! Coming from the northern hemisphere on the world, such warm-weather traditions always make me happy. My friends dipped their feet in the water, but I went all in - I was wearing my swimsuit under my clothes (as I always do in Brazil) and went swimming after I jumped the waves. The water was not the cleanest, since it was full of offerings to the orishas (Afro-Brazilian deities), but that didn't matter.</p><p>We spent the night dancing on the beach, eating tapiocas and churros from the street vendors. I ended up walking home sometime in the early morning.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20190101_005015.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Celebrating New Year's Eve in Rio de Janeiro!"/></figure><p>I'll never forget the moment that I welcomed 2019 on Copacabana beach with 2 million other people!</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Big city life in Sao Paulo]]></title><description><![CDATA[WIth over 11 million people, Sao Paulo is the biggest city in South America. In
the end of December 2018, I spent 10 days here before going to Rio de Janeiro
for New Year's.

I had planned to go straight to Rio, but it seemed quite packed with tourists,
and very expensive over Christmas. So I chose to spend those days in Sao Paulo,
working and talking with family&friends over the holidays.

I got a very nice Airbnb in Copan - a landmark building in the center of the
city, designed by Brasil's fa]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/sao-paulo/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5c38fba8685218782956c667</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Brazil]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Thu, 24 Jan 2019 13:17:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20181226_104551.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20181226_104551.jpg" alt="Big city life in Sao Paulo"/><p>WIth over 11 million people, Sao Paulo is the biggest city in South America. In the end of December 2018, I spent 10 days here before going to Rio de Janeiro for New Year's.</p><p>I had planned to go straight to Rio, but it seemed quite packed with tourists, and very expensive over Christmas. So I chose to spend those days in Sao Paulo, working and talking with family&amp;friends over the holidays.</p><p>I got a very nice Airbnb in Copan - a landmark building in the center of the city, designed by Brasil's famous architect Niemeyer. The apartment was on the 23rd floor and the view was amazing! I also got to go on the roof of the building to get a 360 degree view of this monster city.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/PSX_20190114_100527.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Big city life in Sao Paulo"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20181226_113812.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Big city life in Sao Paulo"/></div></div></div></figure><p>I'm not a big city girl, especially if the place doesn't have access to a beach or soome kind of nature. But I did enjoy Sao Paulo - the variety of restaurants (vegan ones too!), the shopping, and the museums &amp; cultural activities.</p><p>Let's start with the restaurants. OMG. First of all, most places here have the typical buffet system, where you fill your own plate with all the food you want, and pay by weight. Why doesn't this system exist in other countries??</p><p>The vegan restaurants in Sao Paulo are some of the best I've seen. <strong>Panda Vegano</strong> was one of my favs. Vegan asian food with all kinds of plant-based protein: tofu, tempeh, seitan... <strong>Lotus</strong> was also great - they serve perfect vegan versions of typical Chinese dishes. With tofu, mock meat, mock fish etc. <strong>Nutrisom</strong> was an all-you-can-eat place, where you pay once and then you have free access to all the food inside... Very healthy and balanced dishes with lots of vegetables and raw ingredients. Here I had garlic pudding! </p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20181227_112658.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Big city life in Sao Paulo"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20181229_130846.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Big city life in Sao Paulo"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20181228_120221.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Big city life in Sao Paulo"/></div></div></div></figure><p>I also got to visit the <strong>Coffee Lab</strong>, a perfect place for a coffee nerd like me. I got to try "microroasts" brewed with various pour-over devices. </p><p>Walking along Avenida Paulista on a Sunday was great! It's a huge road that gets closed off on Sundays - no cars, just pedestrians, market stalls, food, and concerts everywhere :) </p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20181223_141736.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Big city life in Sao Paulo"/></div></div></div></figure><p>Shopping was nice too. I'm definitely not an impulsive shopper, and I'm trying to be as minimalist as possible... But I just love the fashion in Brazil! I ended up buying several tops and skirts/shorts here. </p><p>Also, crystals. Brazil has lots of crystals, they are sold everywhere. Here's my crystal collection so far....</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20181224_091827.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Big city life in Sao Paulo"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20181224_091858.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Big city life in Sao Paulo"/></div></div></div></figure><p>And of course I visited some museums. I'm an art nerd so seeing another Monet in person made me very very happy. I also got introduced to Rubem Valentim: an Afro-Brazilian artist from Bahia, who paints abstract geometric representations of Bahian and African mythology. </p><p>I also saw the Beco do Batman - several small alleys covered in amazing grafitti. Unfortunately the place was swarmed with tourists taking selfies.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20181229_170939.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Big city life in Sao Paulo"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2019/01/IMG_20181226_153413.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Big city life in Sao Paulo"/></div></div></div></figure><p>I took a lot of time to relax in my apartment, especially over Christmas. The city was completely dead during those days, like something out of a post-apocalyptic movie!</p><p>My 10 days in Sao Paulo passed quickly. On the 31st on December, I woke up at 4am and left my Aribnb, then got on a plane to Rio de Janeiro, going to the biggest New Year Celebration in my life :)</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad]]></title><description><![CDATA[A few days ago I left Florianopolis, after living there for 2 months. This
destination was a bit different from my previous ones. And it exceeded my
expectations :) 

Here's a recap of my experience. 

Spoiler: this blog post is mostly beach photos, as almost everything I did in
Floripa was working + chilling on the beach.

Why Florianopolis
As explained in a previous post [http://polinakocheva.com/salvador-brazil/], I
decided to spend the winter of 2018/2019 in South America.

I've wanted to go]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/living-in-florianopolis-brazil-as-a-nomad/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5c196f47685218782956c247</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Florianopolis]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sun, 30 Dec 2018 11:08:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/PSX_20181217_184725.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/PSX_20181217_184725.jpg" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/><p>A few days ago I left Florianopolis, after living there for 2 months. This destination was a bit different from my previous ones. And it exceeded my expectations :) </p><p>Here's a recap of my experience. </p><p>Spoiler: this blog post is mostly beach photos, as almost everything I did in Floripa was working + chilling on the beach.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/PSFix_20181214_182212.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h2 id="why-florianopolis">Why Florianopolis</h2><p>As explained in a <a href="http://polinakocheva.com/salvador-brazil/">previous post</a>, I decided to spend the winter of 2018/2019 in South America.</p><p>I've wanted to go to South America for a long time. Living in Barcelona, I've met plenty of South American and learned so much about their culture. That continent had almost a mystical vibe for me now.</p><p>Brazil was the most appealing country in South America to me, simply because of how tropical and exotic it was. I'm always looking for beautiful beaches, wild nature, good food and relaxed people. Brazil had plenty of that, so I decided to start there.</p><p>I know that other countries in South America fit this description - Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. Here the main problem was the time difference, it was just too big. I'd have to wake up very early in the morning to start work. But I'll definitely spend some months in Peru sometime in the future!</p><p>In the south of Brazil, the time difference is only 2 hours with UK (because of daylight savings, too confusing for me to explain here, look it up if interested). So I would start work at 7am, which was perfectly reasonable.</p><p>So, I picked Brazil. Now it was time to choose a city.</p><!--kg-card-begin: html--><!-- Begin Mailchimp Signup Form -->
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<!--End mc_embed_signup--><!--kg-card-end: html--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card kg-card-hascaption"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/63.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"><figcaption>The natural pools of Florianopolis</figcaption></img></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The digital nomad community is not big in South America at all - which was good, I kinda wanted be away from that for a while. However, it also made things harder as there was not a lot of info.</p><p>Unfortunately, most Brazilian cities didn't seem DN-friendly. Big, dangerous, chaotic and with spotty wifi. I wanted a small, chill beach town, where I could settle in a nice apartment with good wifi...</p><p>Eventually, Florianopolis was recommended to me by several different nomads. Plus all my Brazilian friends confirmed that it's the safest city in Brazil and possibly the best to live in. </p><p>It's a city on an island: even better, I love living on islands! It was decided. I had my plane tickets and an Airbnb booked soon after that.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card kg-card-hascaption"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/PSX_20181217_184521-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"><figcaption>My favourite beach in Florianopolis on a perfect day</figcaption></img></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>This island turned out to be the perfect destination for a digital nomad with a lifestyle like mine :)</p><p>I picked a flat in a quiet neighborhood, close to the beach, with lots of nature around. I was really happy with my place - it was very spacious, with two balconies, all the amenities I needed, and super fast wifi. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card kg-card-hascaption"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181112_172710-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"><figcaption>The street I lived on</figcaption></img></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card kg-card-hascaption"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181112_172035.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"><figcaption>My cute little neighborhood</figcaption></img></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h2 id="my-daily-life-in-floripa">My daily life in Floripa</h2><p>Every morning I would wake up at 6:30am and make a coffee first thing (using my Spanish moka pot that I always bring everywhere).</p><p>I would start working at 7:00am. Pause at 8:30am to have 3 scrambled eggs and a pita bread for breakfast (yes, always the same).</p><p>At 11:30 I would do one of two things: 1) have lunch at one of the buffet restaurants near me, or 2) walk to the nearby beach and spend my lunch break swimming and tanning.</p><p>At the end of my street there was a trail to the beach, through a little jungle and then some and dunes. Very convenient :)</p><p>I would finish work at 15:00pm, and head out. I usually found myself going to Barra da Lagoa - my favourite area - for more beach time! Or if the weather was bad, I would go to the hipster neighborhood Lagoa da Conceição to visit some shops and restaurants, and just hang out by the lagoon.</p><p>Arounf 7:00pm or 8:00pm I would head to the gym, then it was dinner and bed time at 10pm.</p><p>Every weekend I went on day trips (I visited <a href="http://polinakocheva.com/iguazu-falls/">Iguazu</a> and <a href="http://polinakocheva.com/brasilia-the-city-from-another-planet/">Brasilia</a>), or I explored Floripa further. Here are some of my favourite places in Floripa.</p><p/><h2 id="ilha-do-campeche-the-island-of-campeche-">Ilha do Campeche (The island of Campeche)</h2><p>This is 100% the best place in Floripa for me.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/PSX_20181219_131211-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Ilha do Campeche is a tiny island that I could see from the beach near my house. I spent two months looking at it, but I couldn't go! It was only possible on the weekend, and every weekend it was either raining or I was travelling.</p><p>Finally, on my last weekend in Floripa, I decided I'm visiting this island no matter what, cause it was my last chance. Guess what - the weather was PERFECT! It was the best goodbye gift that Floripa could give me.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/PSX_20181219_131624-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>This island is called "the Caribbean of Florianopolis" and you can see why.</p><p>It's also an important archaeological site - apparently there are paintings here over 5000 years old. I didn't see that though, I only had a few hours and I spent all of them in the water :) </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/PSX_20181219_132442.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p/><h2 id="beaches">Beaches</h2><p>Yes, this blog post is mostly beach photos. That's cause I didn't do much else in Floripa. Just work and beach.</p><p>That being said, here are my favourite beaches - I have lots of them.</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/PSX_20181217_184725-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h3 id="natural-pools-of-barra-da-lagoa">Natural pools of Barra da Lagoa</h3><p>The giant rocks protect this area from the open ocean waves, so people can jump in and swim. The water was still too choppy for me though - except on my last weekend, when the weather was absolutely perfect. That day the water was flat and crystal clear, one of the best I've ever seen :) </p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/PSX_20181217_184322.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h3 id="prainha-da-barra">Prainha da Barra</h3><p>Meaning "Small beach of Barra", this is a somewhat hidden little place near the Natural Pools. I came here all the time. On my last weekend here, there were no waves and it was just magical :) </p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/PSX_20181215_102941.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h3 id="gravata">Gravata</h3><p>This place requires a difficult 30-minutes hike to reach - so there are not many people here. Only nature, not a single establishment around. Paradise :)</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181116_191153.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h3 id="joaquina">Joaquina</h3><p>This is a famous beach for surfing, with a swimmable area at the end. I could walk here from my house in about 40 minutes - I used to do that when I didn't feel like going to any of the other places.</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181204_174236.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h3 id="galheta">Galheta</h3><p>Another wild beach with no establishments - this one is also nudist. I only came here twice since the waves are big and it's not good for swimming. Still a very beautiful place.</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181125_151102.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h3 id="lagolinha-do-leste">Lagolinha do Leste</h3><p>This is supposedly the island's wildest beach. It's in the south, near a few small fishing villages. The hike here was more than an hour. Unfortunately I came on a windy, cloudy day, and didn't get to fully appreciate its beauty. I still took a dip in the water, even though it was cold.</p><p/><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181204_103548.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><h3 id="praia-da-cruz">Praia da Cruz</h3><p>Few people know about this beach - it's the one by my house :) Only people from my small neighborhood come here - usually surfers.</p><!--kg-card-begin: html--><!-- Begin Mailchimp Signup Form -->
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<!--End mc_embed_signup--><!--kg-card-end: html--><h2 id="waterfalls-lagoons">Waterfalls &amp; Lagoons</h2><p>I only managed to visit one waterfall on this island. I like to think it was the best one :) It's located in the jungle around Lagoa do Perry, a beautiful wild lagoon. It required a 1-hour hike to reach. There were several cascades, the best one was at the top. It had a little pool, I jumped in of course. The water was quite cold.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181117_103332.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181117_121501.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181117_122100.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181117_123029.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181117_123543.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181117_121023.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>The two main lagoons around Lagoa de Conceição were also very beautiful, especially when the sun was out.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181116_144506.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181116_150906.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p/><h2 id="a-few-other-details">A few other details</h2><h3 id="transport">Transport </h3><p>This was a pain. The island is long and hilly, and the roads weren't planned very well... So takes at least an hour to get anywhere by bus. The buses are ok usually late, and you'd often have to change at least two. </p><p>However, Uber was great. Always came very quick, usually cost between $5 and $15.</p><p>Ideally, I would've rented a motorbike - but I don't have a license and it looks like that's a problem here, unlike in Asia.</p><h3 id="weather">Weather</h3><p>Another tricky thing. Weather was very unpredictable and changed all the time. Unfortunately half of my days in Floripa were rainy. Some were also very windy and a bit chilly - I had to put on a light jacket. I still managed to go to the beach almost every day though.</p><h3 id="coworking">Coworking</h3><p>I never got one. My wifi at home was great, plus I liked my flat so much I didn't want to leave it :) Also transport there would be difficult, especially since I had to start work so early in the morning.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181221_201016.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Living in Florianopolis, Brazil as a nomad"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>This was the view from my window as I was waiting for my Uber, with all my luggage packed.</p><p>I spent an amazing 2 months here, and can't wait to come back :) See you soon, Magic Island!</p><!--kg-card-begin: html--><!-- Begin Mailchimp Signup Form -->
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<!--End mc_embed_signup--><!--kg-card-end: html-->]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Brasilia, the city from another planet]]></title><description><![CDATA[I never planned to visit the the Brazilian capital. A "serious" modern
administrative city, far from the ocean or the mountains, it didn't appeal much
to a beach bum like me. 

However, I needed to renew my passport asap and found out I can only do it at
the Bulgarian embassy in Brasilia... So I was kinda forced to plan an
(expensive!) 4-day trip there. 

And I'm happy that I did, because I actually enjoyed my time in the capital! It
was a very different experience, I constantly felt like I was ]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/brasilia-the-city-from-another-planet/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5c196f28685218782956c244</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sat, 15 Dec 2018 12:28:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181208_170707-1.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181208_170707-1.jpg" alt="Brasilia, the city from another planet"/><p>I never planned to visit the the Brazilian capital. A "serious" modern administrative city, far from the ocean or the mountains, it didn't appeal much to a beach bum like me. </p><p>However, I needed to renew my passport asap and found out I can only do it at the Bulgarian embassy in Brasilia... So I was kinda forced to plan an (expensive!) 4-day trip there. </p><p>And I'm happy that I did, because I actually enjoyed my time in the capital! It was a very different experience, I constantly felt like I was in an alien city.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181208_175024.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Brasilia, the city from another planet"/></figure><p>Brasilia is a completely new city, built in the 60's with the purpose of becoming the new capital - and as a symbol that Brazil is no longer a developing nation, but a modern powerful country.</p><p>Since it's a new city built in the middle of nowhere, it's perfectly planned and with lots of space. It was very weird to see all these tall modern buildings surrounded big grassy parks and lots of empty space.</p><p>Brasilia feels like an alien city on another planet. It was basically a playground for the famous Brazilian Architect Oscar Niemeyer.  He designed the iconic cathedral of Brasilia in his otherworldly style - unlike any other church.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181208_163829.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Brasilia, the city from another planet"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181208_164104.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Brasilia, the city from another planet"/></figure><p>He also designed the National Museum, which sits right next to the Cathedral. Unfortunately I was unable to enter, as it was closed on the days I was there.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181208_163358.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Brasilia, the city from another planet"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181210_133313.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Brasilia, the city from another planet"/></figure><p>From here I took a walk down to the Ministries Esplanade. This is an extremely wide road, with countless identical ministry buildings on each side. The presidential office is also here, as well as other important monuments.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181208_170707.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Brasilia, the city from another planet"/></figure><p>On another day I visited the "blue church". Very ordinary looking on the outside (thus no photo) but completely blue - and very beautiful - on the inside!</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181209_163527.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Brasilia, the city from another planet"/></figure><p>I spent the rest of my time in Brasilia working,and spoiling myself with restaurants and shopping.</p><p>My favourite restaurant was Mangai - an upper scale buffet with more than 40 dishes to choose from. The worst part? It had a deserts buffet as well... I ate here twice, as all the food was amazing. Both times I paid less than $20 for all the food, including dessert and drinks!</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181208_154042.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Brasilia, the city from another planet"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181208_153201-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Brasilia, the city from another planet"/></div></div></div></figure><p>And I also managed to get a new temporary passport, which is what I came for :) It was my first time getting one of these outside Bulgaria. It was very easy, got done in a couple of hours and the woman was very sweet and helpful.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181210_164055.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Brasilia, the city from another planet"/></figure>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to]]></title><description><![CDATA[I'm kind of obsessed with waterfalls. Being near one makes me incredibly happy.
In Bali I would visit one every weekend (Sekumpul was my favourite and I can't
wait to go back soon). Every time I'm in a new place, I always search for
waterfalls near me.

So when I found myself in the (relative) vicinity of one of the biggest
waterfalls in the world - Iguazu falls - I booked a trip ASAP :)

Iguazu falls is a series of waterfalls similar to Niagara, but bigger! They sit
at the border of 3 countries]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/iguazu-falls/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5c09940e685218782956c178</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Wed, 05 Dec 2018 23:15:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_125259.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_125259.jpg" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/><p>I'm kind of obsessed with waterfalls. Being near one makes me incredibly happy. In Bali I would visit one every weekend (Sekumpul was my favourite and I can't wait to go back soon). Every time I'm in a new place, I always search for waterfalls near me.</p><p>So when I found myself in the (relative) vicinity of one of the biggest waterfalls in the world - Iguazu falls - I booked a trip ASAP :)</p><p>Iguazu falls is a series of waterfalls similar to Niagara, but bigger! They sit at the border of 3 countries: Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay.</p><h2 id="the-bus-adventure">The Bus Adventure</h2><p>I bought bus tickets from Floripa straight to Iguazu. Why bus? The flight was ridiculously expenseve, plus the timing was inconvenient for me. The bus suited me better as it was during the night. So I could leave Friday evening - arrive Saturday morning - spend the day at the falls - take the bus back that same night - back in Floripa Sudnay morning. </p><p>(Coming back on Monday wasn't an option since I start work 6:30 in the morning and there were no such early buses. The earliest I could make it was 10:00, so that was out of the question.)</p><p>That left me with only one day at the falls - or 10 hours, to be exact. Unfortunately I was not able to visit the Argentinian side, I only had time time for the Brazilian side. Oh well, I guess there's my reason to come back to this magical place :)</p><p>The bus journey was quite the adventure in itself!</p><p>On Friday, I finished work at 3pm as usual and headed to the station. Bus was leaving at 6pm. I was not able to get an Uber (story for another time) so I took the public transport to the central station.</p><p>I told myself that I had plenty of time and it was gonna be fine - however, when we entered the center we hit a huge traffic jam! We weren't moving and I had 30 minutes until my bus leaves. If I missed it, who knows how long I'd have to wait until I can see Iguazu again...</p><p>So I asked the driver to open the door and I RAN. This was inside a tunnel. Then I ran on the side of the main road. I even took off my flip flops and went barefoot to run faster! Guess what, I made it. At 5:58. Bus was leaving at 6:00.</p><p>Quite the adventure! Now I was finally relaxed on the bus. Oh did I mention it was gonna take FOURTEEN HOURS?! Well at least my seat was a semi-bed and there was wifi. I slept most of the time :)</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_092829.jpg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_094034.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></div></div></div></figure><p>^^ "Are we there yet?"</p><h2 id="the-waterfalls">The Waterfalls</h2><p>The next morning, we arrived. I had a coffee and pao de queijo (my new Brazilian addiction), then hopped on another bus that took me to the entrance of the Iguazu falls national park.</p><p>The line was huge - as you can see below! That place is <strong>touristic</strong>. We all got on a double decker bus and I snagged the driver's seat :) Finally, after 39054 hours fof travel, I was almost there.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_115800.jpg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_115825.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_121259.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></div></div></div></figure><p>And Iguazu did not dissapoint. All the running, busses, and waiting were worth it. Here's what I saw immediately after I got off the last bus.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_121549.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_123917.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></figure><p>An overcrowded trail led me to the main event, Garganta del Diablo. I could not see all of it because it's mostly on the Argentinian side, and because of all the steam. But the view was pretty good nonetheless :)</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_125137.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></figure><p>Yes, I went on that little walkway and got completely SOAKED. It felt like someone was throwing buckets of water at me, quite literally. </p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_125259-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_131105.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></figure><p>The waterfall was mind-blowing, is all I can say.</p><p>Afterwards I made some new friends and we went for lunch. We met a lot of these guys on the way - they are like the Balinese monkeys in Ubud, very determined to steal your food:</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_132121-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_150602-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_150640-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></div></div></div></figure><p>Then it was back to the waterfalls for a second round.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_132440.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_152024.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_152755.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></figure><p>I left soaked and incredibly grateful I got to see this amazing place :)</p><h2 id="the-bird-park">The Bird Park</h2><p>The next stop was a bird park nearby. Not a zoo, this place helps birds that have been rescued from animal trafficants. It had several walk-in aviaries, where you just hang out in the middle of a small jungle full of beautiful birds :)</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/LRM_EXPORT_244934433706963_20181202_202449561.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_162750.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_165208.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></div></div></div></figure><p>The park closed at 5pm, and after that I had to hurry back and catch my bus to Floripa.</p><p>Iguazu was definitely one of the most epic things I've seen in my life :)</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_191217-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG_20181201_201408-1.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Iguazu Falls, the most epic waterfalls I've been to"/></div></div></div></figure>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Data schema]]></title><description><![CDATA[This is a data schema stub for Gatsby.js and is not used. It must exist for builds to function]]></description><link>https://demo.ghost.io/data-schema/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5bbafb3cb7ec4135e42fce56</guid><category><![CDATA[Data schema primary]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Data Schema Author]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Tue, 04 Dec 2018 13:59:14 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1532630571098-79a3d222b00d?ixlib=rb-0.3.5&amp;q=80&amp;fm=jpg&amp;crop=entropy&amp;cs=tinysrgb&amp;w=1080&amp;fit=max&amp;ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjExNzczfQ&amp;s=a88235003c40468403f936719134519d" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1532630571098-79a3d222b00d?ixlib=rb-0.3.5&q=80&fm=jpg&crop=entropy&cs=tinysrgb&w=1080&fit=max&ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjExNzczfQ&s=a88235003c40468403f936719134519d" alt="Data schema"/><p>This is a data schema stub for Gatsby.js and is not used. It must exist for builds to function</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[The natural pools of Praia Do Forte, Brazil]]></title><description><![CDATA[After arriving in Salvador [http://polinakocheva.com/salvador-brazil/]  and
spending a few days there, I traveled 80 km to the North, to the paradise beach
town of Praia Do Forte.

Praia Do Forte is surrounded by palm-tree lined beaches. It looks like the
typical stock photos from islands in the South Pacific. Unreal.

The town is 100% touristic - it's entirely made up of hotels & guest houses.
Everything is overpriced (for Bahia). Nevertheless I still loved spending a
couple of days here, just ]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/the-natural-pools-of-praia-do-forte-brazil/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5bf174f4d88da2333fddd9f3</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Bahia]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sun, 18 Nov 2018 19:12:51 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/18-3.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/18-3.jpg" alt="The natural pools of Praia Do Forte, Brazil"/><p>After arriving in <a href="http://polinakocheva.com/salvador-brazil/">Salvador</a> and spending a few days there, I traveled 80 km to the North, to the paradise beach town of Praia Do Forte.</p><p>Praia Do Forte is surrounded by palm-tree lined beaches. It looks like the typical stock photos from islands in the South Pacific. Unreal.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/2-2.jpg" width="2906" height="4058" alt="The natural pools of Praia Do Forte, Brazil"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/6-2.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="The natural pools of Praia Do Forte, Brazil"/></div></div></div></figure><p>The town is 100% touristic - it's entirely made up of hotels &amp; guest houses. Everything is overpriced (for Bahia). Nevertheless I still loved spending a couple of days here, just because of how special the place was.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/15-2.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The natural pools of Praia Do Forte, Brazil"/></figure><p>The main attraction here are the <strong>natural pools</strong>. Low tide reveals the reef, with hundreds of holes full of crystal clear sea water - the pools. These pools are full of little fish and other marine life. I saw two neon-green eels and a huge colorful sea slug (I spent hours floating in the pools with my snorkeling mask). </p><p>The water here was heated by the sun and got very hot - in the afternoon it was actually hotter than the air!</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/IMG_20181109_111627.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The natural pools of Praia Do Forte, Brazil"/></figure><p>In the afternoon, the hide tide came in and I left the beach to have lunch/dinner. I sat in a restaurant and ordered. As I was waiting, a small monkey (called marmoset) jumped on the table next to me. There was a bunch of them in the tree above my table. I thought it was cute... Until my food came. Then the monkey jumped on my table and tried to grab my plate! It was very confident about it, showing me its teeth and going straight for my food - the waiter had to come running and spray it with water to chase it away.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/7.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="The natural pools of Praia Do Forte, Brazil"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/9.jpg" width="4608" height="3456" alt="The natural pools of Praia Do Forte, Brazil"/></div></div></div></figure><p>I spent two super relaxing days here before going back to Salvador and then south to Florianopolis :)</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/16-2.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="The natural pools of Praia Do Forte, Brazil"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/8-4.jpg" width="3456" height="4608" alt="The natural pools of Praia Do Forte, Brazil"/></div></div></div></figure>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Salvador, Brazil!]]></title><description><![CDATA[I've spent the last 2 winters in Asia to escape the cold of Europe - and to
scratch my neverending itch for travel and new places, of course. However, this
winter, I was ready for something new... A new continent... South America!

I've had Brazil on my mind for years, so I decided it's finally this country's
turn to be my home for a while. 

After some research I settled on Florianopolis (or Floripa for short), an island
city in the south of Brazil. More on that in another post :)

I was still ]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/salvador-brazil/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5be97578d88da2333fddd8cd</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Bahia]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Tue, 13 Nov 2018 12:00:17 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/10.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/10.jpg" alt="Salvador, Brazil!"/><p>I've spent the last 2 winters in Asia to escape the cold of Europe - and to scratch my neverending itch for travel and new places, of course. However, this winter, I was ready for something new... A new continent... South America!</p><p>I've had Brazil on my mind for years, so I decided it's finally this country's turn to be my home for a while. </p><p>After some research I settled on Florianopolis (or Floripa for short), an island city in the south of Brazil. More on that in another post :)</p><p>I was still planing on visiting the famous places like Rio and Sao Paolo - but they looked too unsafe and stressful to make them my (temporary) home.</p><p>Alright, now it was time to buy tickets. A quick browse through Skyscanner showed me that it would be 2 or 3 times cheaper to buy a flight to Salvador, and then a separate one to Floripa. Alright - I get to spend time in Salvador as a bonus!</p><p>I booked my tickets, ended up paying about €300 for a one-way flight from Barcelona to Salvador - with an 8-hour stopover in Lisbon! Another bonus city. Scooore. I had never been to Lisbon while living in Spain for 6 years, what a shame, at least we got to correct that.</p><p>I gave myself a week in Salvador before flying south to Floripa. </p><p>Then I messaged a friend who was born there to ask for recommendations - he told me to visit <a href="http://polinakocheva.com/the-natural-pools-of-praia-do-forte-brazil/">Praia Do Forte</a>, a paradise beach town 80km to the north of Salvador. So I did!</p><p>Anyways, here's the summary of my 2 days in Salvador :)</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/IMG_20181107_070225.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Salvador, Brazil!"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/IMG_20181107_070605.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Salvador, Brazil!"/></div></div></div></figure><p>First of all, this city is... not the safest. Especially for a white solo female travel. I stood out everywhere I went. So I had to stick to the touristic areas. </p><p>Other than that, I really enjoyed it everything else - the beach, the food and even the touristy places!</p><h2 id="the-beach">The beach</h2><p>As you might have noticed from previous posts, the first thing I look for in a new city is the beach! </p><p>Salvador is a pretty big city, so I wasn't expecting anything special. In fact I was prepared for a somewhat dirty, overcrowded beach.</p><p>Imagine my surprise when I found transparent water and tropical fish everywhere!! </p><p>I was there quite early in the morning (8am) so there were almost no people, the tide was low and the water was flat.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/IMG_20181108_143641.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Salvador, Brazil!"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/IMG_20181108_164139.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Salvador, Brazil!"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/IMG_20181108_165243.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Salvador, Brazil!"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/IMG_20181108_170556.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Salvador, Brazil!"/></figure><h2 id="the-touristy-stuff">The touristy stuff</h2><p>Normally I don't like touristic activities and sightseeing. However, in Salvador I had to stick to the touristic areas to stay safe. So I ended up doing lots of touristy stuff I wouldn't normally do.</p><p>Below is the lighthouse Farol De Barra, probably Salvador's most well-know landmark. </p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/IMG_20181107_084902.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Salvador, Brazil!"/></figure><p>From the Farol I walked to Pelourinho - the historic center of Salvador. It was a very long walk but I got to see a lot of the city. I was walking on a big road with hotels and high-end residential buildings so that was pretty safe.</p><p>Below is Elevador Lacerda, an elevator to move between the "low part" and "high part" of the historic center. Apparently the streets between the two are dangerous even during the day.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/IMG_20181107_151900.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Salvador, Brazil!"/></figure><p>I spent an hour or two exploring Pelourinho, the historic area. It felt very sterile - full of tourists, especially guided tour groups. Looked like no one actually lived in the area, every building was a shop or museum.</p><p>It was still beautiful and I enjoyed it, although it was too touristic for my taste. </p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/IMG_20181107_164929-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Salvador, Brazil!"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/IMG_20181107_153212.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Salvador, Brazil!"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/IMG_20181107_161931.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Salvador, Brazil!"/></div></div></div></figure><h2 id="the-food">The food</h2><p>The Bahian food is very distinct from the rest of Brazil. Most of the people living in this area have African roots, and that reflects in the food, music and culture. Salvador is actually the "most African city outside of Africa". </p><p>The most famous dish here is the Moqueca, a seafood stew with coconut milk and various spices. </p><p>When you order this in a restaurant, it's usually for a minimum of 2 people. I was alone, so I ordered for 1 person - but when it came, it was still ENORMOUS. I couldn't even eat half of it. The waiter packed the rest for home, and I had it for lunch and dinner the next day :)</p><p>It was really good - also really heavy and filling.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/IMG_20181108_182302.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Salvador, Brazil!"/></figure><p>The other signature dish here is the Acarajé. This street food is a ball made of bean paste, which is deep-fried then stuffed with bean paste, chili peppers, veggies and shrimp.</p><p>Again, really good but really heavy.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/IMG_20181107_151034-1.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Salvador, Brazil!"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/IMG_20181108_130948.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Salvador, Brazil!"/></div></div></div></figure><p>That's it for Salvador :) I spent 2 days here before moving on to <a href="http://polinakocheva.com/the-natural-pools-of-praia-do-forte-brazil/">Praia Do Forte</a>, a paradise beach town 80km to the north with natural pools and lots of sea turtles.</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Moving this website from Wordpress to Ghost]]></title><description><![CDATA[In the past, I spent some time focusing on Wordpress, building custom themes and plugins for clients. I had my my own website in Wordpress as well - it made sense at the time.
At one point, I moved on from Wordpress to other things, and eventually started a full-time job as a developer.]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/wordpress-to-ghost/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5bc66726df54ec70950e2aed</guid><category><![CDATA[Dev]]></category><category><![CDATA[Ghost]]></category><category><![CDATA[Frontend]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Mon, 01 Oct 2018 10:23:00 GMT</pubDate><content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>In the past, while I was in the process of teaching myself to code, I spent some time focusing on Wordpress, building custom themes and plugins for clients. I had my my own website in Wordpress as well - it made sense at the time.</p><p>At one point, I moved on from Wordpress to other things, and eventually stopped freelancing and started a full-time job as a developer. 👩‍💻</p><p>I still had the old Wordpress website that I hadn't touched for a long time. It was marketing-oriented - not very personal, but okay at attracting new clients. </p><p>I was not actively looking for clients anymore, and never liked the marketing part. I wanted a personal website ✨<strong>just for fun</strong>✨ where I could experiment with silly ideas and write about my travels, work and life.</p><p>I wanted to write the frontend myself and connect that to a simple CMS for the blog.</p><p>I also wanted the CMS to be fast and easy to use. I didn't need any features other than writing and publishing blog posts.</p><h2 id="why-ghost">Why Ghost</h2><p>Based on the above criteria, Ghost was the best choice.</p><p>It's a headless CMS that comes with no frontend. The frontend can be written from scratch, or using an existing theme as a base.</p><p>It uses Node.js, which makes it a lot faster than Wordpress. </p><p>It's also beautifully designed and easy to use as a CMS.</p><p>In the end, it was a good choice - I'm still using it years later an I'm very happy with it ☺️✨</p><h2 id="setting-up-a-local-dev-environment">Setting up a local dev environment</h2><p>As mentioned in the previous post, Ghost is very developer-friendly, so setting it up locally was very easy. I just followed the instructions on the <a href="https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost">Ghost Github repo</a> - they are very straightforward.</p><p>I used Casper - the default Ghost theme - to build my own custom there. I didn't want to start from scratch, as it was my first time making a Ghost theme.</p><p>Casper is built with vanilla JS and HTML using Handlebars for templating. That makes it very easy to get content from the CMS. For example, showing the titles of the 3 latest blog posts looks like this.</p><!--kg-card-begin: html--><pre><code class="language-javascript">{{#foreach posts limit="3"}} {{title}} {{/foreach}}</code></pre><!--kg-card-end: html--><p>I kept some design elements from my old website but kept everything a lot simpler and cleaner this time. For the blog part I mostly kept Casper's beautiful design.</p><h3 id="-travel-plans">🎒 Travel plans</h3><p>I really liked the idea of having my travel plans easily accessible on my website (inspired by <a href="https://whereisfelix.today">whereisfelix.today</a>). After playing around with the idea, I decided to make a simple box that shows my current city, my next city, and how long I'm staying.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/01/Screenshot-2021-01-06-at-20.01.40.png" class="kg-image"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I didn't want to over-engineer this - so I used a Google sheet for the data. You can get JSON from a public Google sheet and basically use it as a database like this:</p><p><code>https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/list/YOUR_GOOGLE_SHEET_ID/od6/public/values?alt=json</code></p><p>Using <code>$.getJSON</code> with this URL gives you the entire sheet (it has to be public and published to the web first).</p><p>I created a sheet with 3 columns: <strong>City</strong>, <strong>To </strong>(date) and <strong>From </strong>(date). When I book a new trip, I would just add a row on the top, pushing all the other trips down. </p><p>Then I wrote some JS that goes through the sheet data and finds the city I'm currently in, my next city, and the amount of days between them - then fills the box with that info.</p><h3 id="-map-with-pins">📍 Map with pins</h3><p>I'm kinda obsessed with maps. I have hundreds (if not thousands) of markers saved on my Google maps, organised in various lists.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/01/Screenshot-2021-01-06-at-19.39.49.png" class="kg-image"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>I wanted to find a fun way to display this on my website. Maybe not show all of the markers (there's way too many!), but a few favourite ones.</p><p>So I added a Google Map to my site using their API. Then I loaded some markers from a JSON file with coordinates for each marker.</p><p>That worked, but I didn't really like the way it looked. Also, the API key was on the frontend and I didn't know how to fix that without hacking Ghost. So I decided to look for another solution.</p><p>While doing research, I looked at a "visited countries" plugin for Wordpress, and saw that they were using a vector map. I decided to try that approach. A quick Google search brought me to <a href="https://www.vincentbroute.fr/mapael/">Mapael.js</a> - a plugin that lets you add stuff to a map using coordinates.</p><p>I added Mapael to my site and used the world map that comes with it. I took the coordinates JSON that I had already made for the Google Map, and modified it a bit to work with Mapael. Now I had a nice vector map with labeled pins on it ✨</p><p>I also wanted to show a tooltip for each pin with text, links, and maybe an image. The Mapael pin labels were kinda useless, since they couldn't be clicked, and would not render the HTML. So I used <a href="https://atomiks.github.io/tippyjs/">Tippy.js</a> instead.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/01/Screenshot-2021-01-06-at-20.54.16.png" class="kg-image"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Tippy lets you add tooltips on any element with a  <code>data-tippy</code> prop. So I wrote some code that goes through the list of map markers and adds <code>data-tippy</code> to each one (getting the content for it from a separate JS object, where I had manually listed all the titles, links and images).</p><h3 id="-instagram">📷 Instagram</h3><p>Finally, I added a feed for my two instagram accounts on the bottom of the page with <a href="http://instafeedjs.com/">Instafeed</a>. It just shows the last 5 images from each account.</p><h2 id="deploying-to-digital-ocean">Deploying to Digital Ocean</h2><p>I made a new droplet in <a href="http://www.digitalocean.com/?refcode=328bbc2b72e4">Digital Ocean</a> and with a one-click Ghost install.</p><p>Then I just had to ssh into my droplet and upload my theme, and the site was live 🚀</p><p>(Yes I was deploying this manually, without going though Github or anything like that 🤷‍♀️)</p><h3 id="setting-up-an-alias-for-easy-deployment">Setting up an alias for easy deployment</h3><p>Finally, I added the following alias:</p><!--kg-card-begin: html--><pre><code>alias deploy-ghost='rsync -avz --exclude "node_modules" -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa" --progress ~/Desktop/ghost/content/themes/polina root@(my.site.ip):/var/www/ghost/content/themes/'</code></pre><!--kg-card-end: html--><p>Now I all I need to do is type <strong>deploy-ghost</strong> in the terminal to push all changes.</p><p>I hope this post was helpful for anyone looking to move to Ghost! You can also read how I later upgraded my website to <a href="https://polinakocheva.com/gatsby-ghost-netlify/">headless Ghost with Gatsby frontend</a> ✨</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees]]></title><description><![CDATA[Vall de Nuria is a picturesque valley in the Catalan side of the Pyrenees. In
winter it's a ski resort, and in summer it's an alpine mountain paradise. After
5 years in Barcelona, I decided it was finally time to visit it in summer 2018.

I got on an early morning train from Barcelona to Ribes De Freser. It took more
than 3 hours. The sun was just rising and the train was travelling through
fields and little villages.

Once I got off this train I immediately transferred to the next one - a 
crem]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/hiking-catalan-pyrenees/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5bc46a995b2ff904fbbc55a8</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Barcelona]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Sun, 26 Aug 2018 18:57:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_125726_HHT.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_125726_HHT.jpg" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/><p>Vall de Nuria is a picturesque valley in the Catalan side of the Pyrenees. In winter it's a ski resort, and in summer it's an alpine mountain paradise. After 5 years in Barcelona, I decided it was finally time to visit it in summer 2018.</p><p>I got on an early morning train from Barcelona to Ribes De Freser. It took more than 3 hours. The sun was just rising and the train was travelling through fields and little villages.</p><p>Once I got off this train I immediately transferred to the next one - a <em>cremallera</em> (monorail). That one was full of tourists, all going to Vall de Nuria. The landscaped transitioned to cliffs and pine trees.</p><p>The views were beautiful, but after another 40 minutes, I was starting to get tired, I was wondering how much was left. The train entered a tunnel and when it came out on the other side, we were in Vall de Nuria! It was so beautiful I felt like crying.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_113858_HHT.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></figure><p>I got off the train and enjoyed the sun in this meadow for a while. Then I went exploring.</p><p>The first thing I found was this cute donkey and a bunch of other cute animals! 😍</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_150443_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_114201_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_114318_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div></div></div></figure><p>I found a trail going up the hill, and decided to take it. 15 minutes in I was already rewarded with views.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_115506_HHT.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></figure><p>The trail continued upwards and got steeper. It entered a forest that was full of mushrooms.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_114741_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_122030_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/PSX_20180821_000058.jpg" width="3000" height="3000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div></div></div></figure><p>After a while I found a cave that used to be inhabited by a hermit. It even had a stone doorway, made by hand.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_121637_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_122013_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_122046_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div></div></div></figure><p>I had been following thee trail for an hour, and the views were just getting better</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_131554_HHT-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></figure><p>I kept finding mushrooms and cute little creatures, like this pretty bug.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_123417_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_132147_HHT.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div></div></div></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_123545_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/PSX_20180821_001638.jpg" width="3000" height="3000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/PSX_20180821_001446.jpg" width="3456" height="3456" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div></div></div></figure><p>At the top, I took a break and had a snack. Then the trail took a sharp turn and circled back to the lake, this time from the other side.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_135959_HHT-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></figure><p>I went back to the resort and had lunch - a very overpriced sandwich, since all of the restaurant dishes had meat in them, which I don't eat.</p><p>After the lunch I walked around and found an ancient stone church and a water fountain.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_150737_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_150755_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_150929_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div></div></div></figure><p>I had a coffee and relaxed on the meadow a bit longer. Clouds were coming out and it was getting colder.</p><p>I wanted to hike down to the village of Queralbs, and take the train from there (I had orignally planned to hike back all the way to Ribes de Freser, but I found out it was gonna take over 5 hours, which I didn't have).</p><p>I still needed 2-3 hours to get to Queralbs, and it was already 3pm. I finished my coffee and started the hike down.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_152136_HHT.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_152533_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div></div></div></figure><p>This was probably my favorite part of the trip. I only passed a couple of people on this trail, and I was on it for hours. It was so peacefull, I was surrounded by pine trees and towering cliffs in the background.</p><p>I also found waterfalls! I could only get close to one of them, and the water was way to cold to think about swimming. It was beautiful nonetheless :) </p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/PSX_20180821_002638-1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/PSX_20180821_002912.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></figure><p>An hour and a half had passed, and I wasn't even halfway to Queralbs. The sky was grey now and it looked like it might rain. I had to hurry.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_160320_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/PSX_20180821_003104.jpg" width="3000" height="3000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div></div></div></figure><p>The views were only getting better. I found more waterfalls.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_160754_HHT.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></figure><p>Along this part of the trail, I managed to trip and twist my ankle - not once but several times! Every time I had to stop for 10 minutes to recover. I was worried I might not make it on time to Queralbs, and miss my train to Barcelona. It was already 5pm, the last train was at 7pm.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_160957_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_162833_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div></div></div></figure><p>At least the views were unbeatable :) </p><p>There was no one on the trail now, just me and the mountains.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/PSX_20180821_003711.jpg" width="2991" height="2993" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/PSX_20180821_003808.jpg" width="3000" height="3000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/PSX_20180821_003912.jpg" width="3000" height="3000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/PSX_20180821_004107.jpg" width="3000" height="2999" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div></div></div></figure><p>Another hour and the landscape started changing, going flatter and more foresty.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_165210_HHT.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_165214_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_170218_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_172215_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div></div></div></figure><p>And finally - I saw houses! Old, secluded houses made of stone. It looked like no one was living here. Well, I'd <em>love</em> to make this my home :)</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_171139_HHT.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_171211_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_171402_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_171223_HHT-1.jpg" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div></div></div></figure><p>More houses started appearing - I was entering Queralbs.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/PSX_20180821_004708.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></figure><p>I was in time for my train, with a few spare minutes to explore the village. All the buildings were made of stone. I need to come back here and spend a couple of days!</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_173029_HHT.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></figure><p>There was even a celebration going on here, with dances in the main square and a little market. Oh and the village had a small waterfall! I definitely need to come back here.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_173224_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_173410_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_173613_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div></div></div></figure><p>Unfortunately I was in a hurry and couldn't stay to enjoy the celebrations.</p><p>My next destination was Ribes de Freser, I had an hour here until my train to Barcelona.</p><p>This city was bigger than Queralbs, but still quite small. I bought artesanal chocolate from a shop. I could see the mountains in the distance.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_185341_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_185240_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_20180819_185927_HHT.jpg" width="3000" height="4000" alt="Valleys and Waterfalls in the Catalan Pyrenees"/></div></div></div></figure><p>I got on the train exhausted but happy. Next time I'm coming for at least a few days.</p><p>See you soon, Pyrenees :)</p>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[The Seven Rila Lakes]]></title><description><![CDATA[To say that I love the mountains would be an understatement. 

I grew up at the foot of a mountain. As a kid, my parents would take me hiking
all the time, especially in autumn. The mountains always feel like home to me,
no matter where in the world they are, and I go back to them as often as

We have lots of them in my home country Bulgaria. The most well known one is
called Rila. It has the highest peak in the country, and it's also famous for
its high-altitude lakes.

This time I wa]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/the-seven-rila-lakes/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5bc46a995b2ff904fbbc55a2</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Bulgaria]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Wed, 25 Jul 2018 12:52:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/12-1.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/12-1.jpg" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/><p>To say that I love the mountains would be an understatement. </p><p>I grew up at the foot of a mountain. As a kid, my parents would take me hiking all the time, especially in autumn. The mountains always feel like home to me, no matter where in the world they are, and I go back to them as often as possible.</p><p>We have lots of them in my home country Bulgaria. The most well known one is called Rila. It has the highest peak in the country, and it's also famous for its high-altitude lakes.</p><p>This time I was going there for the lakes.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/PSX_20180813_221621.jpg" width="2448" height="2448" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/PSX_20180814_004234.jpg" width="2166" height="2166" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></div></div></div></figure><p>The <strong>Seven Rila Lakes</strong> is the most well-known group of lakes here. There are many legends about their mystical power. A religious group comes here every summer to celebrate the solstice - hundreds of people dressed in white and dancing in big circles.</p><p>The place is a few hours drive away from Sofia, the Bulgarian capital. </p><p>Our journey started with a cable car ride over giant pine trees, and a forest that has been there for millions of years.</p><p>I'll just leave you with the photos, as they show the experience better than anything I cold write.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/6.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/1.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/3.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG20180609140127.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG20180609130123.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG20180609131007.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></div></div></div></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG20180609120635.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG20180609121103.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG20180609125340.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></div></div></div></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/8.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/12.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/2.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/9.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></div></div></div></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG20180609155629.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></figure><p>And finally, the cable car back.</p><p>We spent the night at Sapareva Banya, a small town at the foot of Rila Mountain, famous for its hot springs -which we got to enjoy later :) </p><p>Our airbnb had cherry trees in the garden, which we could pick and eat freely! That beautiful view was also in our backyard.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG20180610110409.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG20180610110739.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG20180610111236.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></div></div></div></figure><p>The house we stayed at was an old Bulgarian house, and it had an old-school dining room in the basement :) </p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG20180610111746.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG20180610111811.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG20180610111827.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></div></div></div></figure><p>This is how we spend our second day: the hot springs pool, food at a traditional Bulgarian restaurant, and pretty roses on the streets of Sapareva Banya :)</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG20180610121053.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG20180610142257.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/12/IMG20180610154131.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Seven Rila Lakes"/></div></div></div></figure>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[A medieval village and a giant waterfall]]></title><description><![CDATA[Rupit is a small village in the Catalan mountains, where every house is made of
stone. Walking around here is like travelling back in time. There's also a
100-meter waterfall nearby, the tallest I've seen - even taller than Sekumpul in

I visited Rupit in March 2018. It's an easy daytrip from Barcelona. We took an
early morning bus to Vic, and then another one to Rupit. It took about 2 hours
in total. 

The village is quite small. We spent about an hour walking around and enjoying
the anc]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/a-medieval-town-and-a-100-meter-waterfall/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5bc46a995b2ff904fbbc55a6</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Barcelona]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Thu, 15 Mar 2018 20:25:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/received_1662810987118971-1.jpeg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/received_1662810987118971-1.jpeg" alt="A medieval village and a giant waterfall"/><p>Rupit is a small village in the Catalan mountains, where every house is made of stone. Walking around here is like travelling back in time. There's also a 100-meter waterfall nearby, the tallest I've seen - even taller than Sekumpul in Bali. </p><p>I visited Rupit in March 2018. It's an easy daytrip from Barcelona. We took an early morning bus to Vic, and then another one to Rupit. It took about 2 hours in total. </p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/received_1662807020452701-1.jpeg" width="4032" height="3024" alt="A medieval village and a giant waterfall"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/received_1662807437119326.jpeg" width="3024" height="4032" alt="A medieval village and a giant waterfall"/></div></div></div></figure><p>The village is quite small. We spent about an hour walking around and enjoying the ancient-looking buildings. We went into some shops, then took a coffee break.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/received_1662808167119253.jpeg" width="3024" height="4032" alt="A medieval village and a giant waterfall"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/received_1662808087119261-1.jpeg" width="4032" height="3024" alt="A medieval village and a giant waterfall"/></div></div></div></figure><p>After the coffee we took a trail leading out of Rupit, towards Salt de Salent, the 100-meter waterfall.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/received_1662808230452580.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A medieval village and a giant waterfall"/></figure><p>From that angle, the village looked like something out of a fantasy movie.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/received_1662810987118971.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A medieval village and a giant waterfall"/></figure><p>After about 15-20 minutes on the trail, we found a series of beautiful small waterfalls. Of course I had to climb on top.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/received_1663342680399135.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A medieval village and a giant waterfall"/></figure><p>The views were just getting better and better as we walked.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/received_1663343310399072.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A medieval village and a giant waterfall"/></figure><p>And finally, we saw the waterfall :) The photos don't really show the height, but it was absolutely stunning in person.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/received_1663343420399061.jpeg" width="1000" height="1334" alt="A medieval village and a giant waterfall"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/received_1663345100398893.jpeg" width="3024" height="4032" alt="A medieval village and a giant waterfall"/></div></div></div></figure><p>The view from the top of the falls was not bad either.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/received_1663343940399009.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A medieval village and a giant waterfall"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/received_846410638875841.jpeg" class="kg-image" alt="A medieval village and a giant waterfall"/></figure><p>And here's our squad :)</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/11/IMG20180317142947.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="A medieval village and a giant waterfall"/></figure>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[The Balinese Ghost Palace]]></title><description><![CDATA[During my second trip to Sekumpul [/sekumpul/], I stopped at the Ghost Palace.

I had heard a lot about this place - a luxurious resort, built by the son of a
Balinese president and then abandoned. I had passed it a couple of times during
my other adventures. This time, I decided to stop and explore it.

There's a security guard but if you "tip" him 10k (less than $1) he lets you
enter. This is standard since the place is quite touristy. When I was there I
saw at least 5 other groups of people. ]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/the-balinese-ghost-palace/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5bc46a995b2ff904fbbc559f</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Bali]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Fri, 01 Dec 2017 22:57:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/palace3.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/palace3.jpg" alt="The Balinese Ghost Palace"/><p>During my second trip to <a href="/sekumpul/">Sekumpul</a>, I stopped at the Ghost Palace.</p><p>I had heard a lot about this place - a luxurious resort, built by the son of a Balinese president and then abandoned. I had passed it a couple of times during my other adventures. This time, I decided to stop and explore it.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171111115140.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The Balinese Ghost Palace"/></figure><p>There's a security guard but if you "tip" him 10k (less than $1) he lets you enter. This is standard since the place is quite touristy. When I was there I saw at least 5 other groups of people. Fortunately they stayed mostly in the entrance area, and I had the rest of the place to myself.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171111112758.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Balinese Ghost Palace"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171111112927.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Balinese Ghost Palace"/></div></div></div></figure><p>The Ghost Palace didn't give me any haunted or creepy vibes, instead it was very calm and relaxing. I was sitting alone on the terraces, watching the overgrown statues and the view of the mountain in front of me. </p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171111113745.jpg" width="3264" height="2448" alt="The Balinese Ghost Palace"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171111114241.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="The Balinese Ghost Palace"/></div></div></div></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171111113652.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The Balinese Ghost Palace"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171111113659.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The Balinese Ghost Palace"/></figure><p/><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171111115159.jpg" width="3264" height="2448" alt="The Balinese Ghost Palace"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171111115119.jpg" width="3264" height="2448" alt="The Balinese Ghost Palace"/></div></div></div></figure><p>I love places that are overtaken by nature. I could have spent a day here, but I had to get going to my next adventure - <a href="/sekumpul/">Sekumpul</a>.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171111113716.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="The Balinese Ghost Palace"/></figure>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[I found Jurassic Park in Bali]]></title><description><![CDATA[This is my favourite place in Bali, and maybe in the whole world.

It's called Sekumpul, which literally means "group" in Bahasa - since there's
not one waterfall but many - a group. I came here twice, and will likely go
again the next time I'm in Bali.

Most people visit Sekumpul from Lovina, a nearhy town. I didn't. I drove from
Canggu to Sekumpul on my scooter. That might sound a bit crazy to anyone who's
lived in Bali. It's a 2 or 3 hour ride (each way), going up a mountain and then
down the]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/sekumpul/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5bc46a995b2ff904fbbc559e</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Bali]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Wed, 01 Nov 2017 00:27:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/sekumpul.jpg" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/sekumpul.jpg" alt="I found Jurassic Park in Bali"/><p>This is my favourite place in Bali, and maybe in the whole world.</p><p>It's called Sekumpul, which literally means "group" in Bahasa - since there's not one waterfall but many - a group. I came here twice, and will likely go again the next time I'm in Bali.</p><p>Most people visit Sekumpul from Lovina, a nearhy town. I didn't. I drove from Canggu to Sekumpul on my scooter. That might sound a bit crazy to anyone who's lived in Bali. It's a 2 or 3 hour ride (each way), going up a mountain and then down the other side. Also it's usually raining.</p><p>Well I just love driving too much. I love watching the scenery change around me. From flat lands and busy towns to high-altitude jungles and remote villages. I drive for hours without getting tired :)</p><p>The first time I came here, I was with a friend. We started from Canggu, filled up our tanks and drove north. Once we crossed the main road (Jalan Raya Denpasar) there was a single straight road to follow, all the way to the top of the mountain.</p><p>About an hour into the trip, it started drizzling. Near the top of the mountain, that turned into heavy rain and we were forced to make a pit stop at a warung. I had some amazing tempeh for less than $1. We also bought rain coats from a nearby stall.</p><p>After waiting for a while, we figured the rain wasn't stopping, and continued driving. It was already 12, and we had about 5 hours to get to Sekumpul, explore, and leave - so we could leave the mountain before dark.</p><p>The further we went, the bigger the vegetation got, and the more everything started looking like a prehistoric jungle.</p><p>Another hour and we had gone up the mountain, and were descending down on the other side. The roads were getting crazy steep and slippery from the rain. </p><p>We nearly missed the turn to Sekumpul. It was a narrow dirt road. We got on that road and thought we're almost at our destination - but ended up driving for another 40 minutes on the small twisting roads, so steep that I almost didn't use any power all the way down. </p><p>We were entering Jurrasic Park. Here are some photos of the views from that road.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171111133659.jpg" width="3264" height="2448" alt="I found Jurassic Park in Bali"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171105172210.jpg" width="3264" height="2448" alt="I found Jurassic Park in Bali"/></div></div></div></figure><p>Finally, villages started appearing. Unfortunately I don't have any photos of those villages, as it was raining and we were in a hurry. </p><p>Sekumpul is very remote, but it's still a known tourist attraction, and of course many locals make a living from that. Most of the entrances to the waterfalls are guarded by locals who charge a ridiculous amount for entry. Fortunately my friend knew one that was not.</p><p>We paid 20k - about $1.50 - for parking and entry fee, then left our bikes and walked down to the waterfalls. We had a pit stop for spicy cocoa at a small "restaurant" on the way, then started descending the stairs. It was still raining a bit.</p><p>When I saw the first - and tallest - waterfall, I knew the journey was worth it. </p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171111140604-1.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="I found Jurassic Park in Bali"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171111135740.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="I found Jurassic Park in Bali"/></div></div></div></figure><p>I spent the next few hours exploring the area, swimming in the pools and the river, and getting waterfall steam blown in my face! The force with which the water crashes down from 80 meters is amazing. I've never felt so energized, so close to the raw power of nature.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171111143505.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="I found Jurassic Park in Bali"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171105154629.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="I found Jurassic Park in Bali"/></div></div></div></figure><p>The cold river water felt awesome in the humid heat.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171105161134.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="I found Jurassic Park in Bali"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171105161845.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="I found Jurassic Park in Bali"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171111142346.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="I found Jurassic Park in Bali"/></div></div></div></figure><p>At the end of the trail there were three waterfalls, crashing down with immense force. Standing between all three of them was an incredible experience, I can't even describe it.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171105162457.jpg" width="3264" height="2448" alt="I found Jurassic Park in Bali"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171105162655.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="I found Jurassic Park in Bali"/></div></div></div></figure><p>Hours passed by fast and soon it was time to leave this place. It was rainy and foggy during our entire time, but that just added to the mysterious vibe of the jungle. I was soaked and muddy, but happy :)</p><p>The way back was another adventure. The steep roads ate all our fuel, since we was going uphill now. We stopped at Bratan to refill, and I realized I was out of cash. I had just enough to pay for the fuel. I didn't have my card with me either. At least my friend was with me, so he could pay for me to refill if I needed.</p><p>The sun was gone now, and it was getting dark. And cold. I was soaked, and freezing. I only had a tshirt and shorts on. And we were still very far from Canggu.</p><p>Night fell and my friend started driving fast. I couldn't keep up, my scooter wasn't made for such a speed plus the roads were wet. I lost my friend.</p><p>At the same time my phone ran out of battery, so I had no GPS. Great. I got to Jalan Raya Denpasar, but then I was lost.</p><p>On top of all I was running out of fuel again. I knew Canggu was very close now, I just had to get to a familiar road. I stopped at a fast-food place and asked for directions, however they didn't speak a word of English... I kept repeating "Canggu" and "Pererenan", finally they pointed me to a road. I drove away.</p><p>My fuel was on empty and I was in the middle of nowhere, in the rain, surrounded by dark rice fields. This was getting serious. Would I have enough fuel to at least get to a familiar place, where I could get a taxi? The roads were twisting and I was taking random turns, I couldn't recognize anything.</p><p>And then... wait a minute... I was on a familiar street! I was entering Pererenan, my neighborhood. What a relief! I had been driving on empty for at least 20 minutes at that point.</p><p>In the end I had enough fuel to drive home, where I took a long hot shower and rested a bit, then got some fuel from a neighbor and drove to the 24 hour warung for dinner - I was starving.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171111144725.jpg" class="kg-image" alt="I found Jurassic Park in Bali"/></figure><p>A few weeks later I visited Sekumpul again. I had fallen in love with the place, and the first visit was in a hurry. I felt like I needed more of it.</p><p>This time, I left at 8am and managed to arrive before noon. I also had time to explore the villages a little. I left earlier and got home before sunset - I also made sure I had enough money and fuel :)</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171111135914.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="I found Jurassic Park in Bali"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG20171111150231.jpg" width="2448" height="3264" alt="I found Jurassic Park in Bali"/></div></div></div></figure>]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Guatemala & Belize]]></title><description><![CDATA[In 2015 I spent a couple of weeks travelling solo through Guatemala and Belize.

This trip is still one of my favourites because it was so diverse: it included
volcanoes, lakes, jungles, rivers, caves, ancient ruins, Mayan culture, tropical

While travelling around here, I made a lot of friends. In every new city, we
added more new friends to the group. By the time we reached the final
destination (Caye Caulker), the group was over 15 people, meeting every night
for dinner, drinks etc]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/guatemala-belize/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5bc46a995b2ff904fbbc559d</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Mon, 30 Nov 2015 20:40:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_6488.JPG" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_6488.JPG" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/><p>In 2015 I spent a couple of weeks travelling solo through Guatemala and Belize.</p><p>This trip is still one of my favourites because it was so diverse: it included volcanoes, lakes, jungles, rivers, caves, ancient ruins, Mayan culture, tropical beaches...</p><p>While travelling around here, I made a lot of friends. In every new city, we added more new friends to the group. By the time we reached the final destination (Caye Caulker), the group was over 15 people, meeting every night for dinner, drinks etc. And we never exchanged any contacts - no phone numbers, no chat apps, social media, nothing... We arranged everything by word of mouth and meeting randomly in the streets of every next town!</p><p>Here are the places I visited and the highlights of the trip.</p><h2 id="antigua-guatemala">Antigua Guatemala</h2><p>Antigua is the old capital of Guatemala, a small city made up of old colonial-style houses.</p><p>I found lots of cool bars &amp; restaurants here, and met many travellers - backpackers, exchange students or just people staying to learn Spanish. Could have easily stayed for a month or two in this city.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/image-12.png" class="kg-image" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>This was the view from my hostel!</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_6455.JPG" width="1312" height="1312" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_6554.JPG" width="1072" height="1072" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_6521-1.JPG" width="1640" height="1640" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140515_103257.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140515_153240.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Antigua is surrounded by three volcanoes. One of them - Fuego - is active, and I could watch the eruptions every night from the rooftop of my hotel. Such a surreal experience.</p><p>I couldn't visit Fuego (it's too dangerous) but I went on a day trip to Pacaya, another active volcano. I hiked to the top and even got to roast marshmallows on the hot volcanic rock! (Not the best photo quality, but it's the only one I have)</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/image-10.png" class="kg-image" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_6518.JPG" width="1936" height="1936" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140515_200012.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140515_200750.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140515_200741.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h2 id="lake-atitlan">Lake Atitlan</h2><p>After Antigua I continued to Panajachel - a backpacker village on Lake Atitlan. This beautiful lake is in the Guatemalan highlands, surrounded by three extinct volcanoes, and lined with tiny villages.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/image-15.png" class="kg-image" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_6695.JPG" width="1996" height="1996" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140518_093559.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I went on a boat tour to visit some of the villages, where I saw coffee plantations and had the best espresso of my life. I also got invited to lunch with a local family in their house. We had grilled fish (fresh from the lakes), soup, corn flour tortillas and other delicious things.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_6683.JPG" width="2592" height="1936" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>Since I never adjusted to timezone, I was waking up at 5am every morning. I spent those early hours by the water, hoping for a pretty sunrise. Unfortunately the mornings were always cloudy. Atitlan was beautiful nonetheless :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_6638.JPG" width="2592" height="1936" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h2 id="semuc-champey">Semuc Champey</h2><p>This is one of my favourite places in the world.</p><p>The journey from Atitlan to here took an entire day: starting with a 5am van back to Antigua, then 8-9 hours in another van to Lanquin, and finally 1 hour more in a pickup truck to Semuc Champey, on a dirt road through the jungle, at night.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140520_114708.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><p>Semuc Champey is a series of natural pools in the middle of the Guatemalan rainforest.</p><p>The place is so remote that there's no electricity or running water. The hostel where I was staying used a generator to provide power for a few hours every evening. </p><p>There's also cacao trees growing everywhere.</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_6703.JPG" width="2592" height="1936" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_6705.JPG" width="2592" height="1936" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I only had one full day here. </p><p>I spent the morning swimming in the pools.</p><p>In the afternoon I went to visit some caves nearby. The local guide said it would be "a nice candle-lit walk through the cave". It wasn't!! We were swimming through an underground river, holding on to old ropes with one hand, and to our candles with the other. Eventually we reached a waterfall - INSIDE THE CAVE - and had to swing through it with a rope, Tarzan style. Amazing experience to remember but quite scary while I was in it!</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140520_124031.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140520_122630.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140520_123231.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140520_125244.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140520_173657.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140520_191737.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h2 id="flores">Flores</h2><p>After Semuc Champey, I took another day-long journey to Flores. This town is usually just a stop on the way to Tikal - the ancient Mayan city - but I actually loved staying here.</p><p>Flores is a tiny city on an island in a lake. </p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card kg-card-hascaption"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/image-16.png" class="kg-image" alt="Guatemala & Belize"><figcaption>The night market</figcaption></img></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140527_192120.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140522_102203.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140527_192123.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140527_195258.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h2 id="tikal">Tikal</h2><p>Tikal is one of the main attractions of Guatemala. It's an ancient city (or the ruins of it anyways) in the middle of the jungle. Honestly I was not impressed, the place was so touristic that it felt like a giant museum full of old rocks. </p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140522_132344.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140522_134141.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140522_140543.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140522_141648.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><h2 id="caye-caulker">Caye Caulker</h2><p>After Tikal I took a bus (a real one that even had AC!) to Belize, and then a boat to Caye Caulker. </p><p>Caye Caulker is a small island in the Caribbean sea. It's a backpacking paradise.</p><p>The best hangout spot here was the Lazy Lizard, a bar on the beach with tables inside the water :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_6730.JPG" width="2592" height="1936" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_6803.JPG" width="1936" height="1936" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/IMG_6806.JPG" width="1936" height="1936" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>I went on a snorkeling boat trip for a day and saw lots of sharks, stingrays, tropical fish and corals.</p><!--kg-card-begin: image--><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2021/10/image-14.png" class="kg-image" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></figure><!--kg-card-end: image--><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140526_135122.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140526_135947.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery--><p>At night we had dinner at Fran's. This place was just a couple of plastic tables by the beach, where the owner - Fran - cooked amazing coconut shrimp and jerk chicken. Meals came with 2 cups of rum + pineapple juice.</p><p>This laid back island was the best way to end this Central American trip :)</p><!--kg-card-begin: gallery--><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/20140525_124854.JPG" width="2560" height="1920" alt="Guatemala & Belize"/></div></div></div></figure><!--kg-card-end: gallery-->]]></content:encoded></item><item><title><![CDATA[Preikestolen]]></title><description><![CDATA[This is one of my favourite trips, even though it's one of the shortest.

Preikestolen is a big rock perched on top of a 500-meter vertical wall, looking
over a beautiful fjord. It's near Stavanger, a cute little city.

I bought flights to Stavanger spontaneously, since there was a long weekend
coming up and I had nothing to do :) I hadn't been to Scandinavia yet and I
thought it would be a nice idea to see the Fjords - and Preikestolen, which I
knew about mainly because of Pinterest.

Stavanger]]></description><link>https://polinakocheva.stream/preikestolen/</link><guid isPermaLink="false">Ghost__Post__5bc46a995b2ff904fbbc559c</guid><category><![CDATA[Travel]]></category><category><![CDATA[Hiking]]></category><dc:creator><![CDATA[Polina Kocheva]]></dc:creator><pubDate>Tue, 15 Sep 2015 18:05:00 GMT</pubDate><media:content url="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3656.JPG" medium="image"/><content:encoded><![CDATA[<img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3656.JPG" alt="Preikestolen"/><p>This is one of my favourite trips, even though it's one of the shortest.</p><p>Preikestolen is a big rock perched on top of a 500-meter vertical wall, looking over a beautiful fjord. It's near Stavanger, a cute little city.</p><p>I bought flights to Stavanger spontaneously, since there was a long weekend coming up and I had nothing to do :) I hadn't been to Scandinavia yet and I thought it would be a nice idea to see the Fjords - and Preikestolen, which I knew about mainly because of Pinterest.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3696.JPG" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Preikestolen"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3701.JPG" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Preikestolen"/></div></div></div><figcaption>Stavanger in the morning</figcaption></figure><p>To get to Preikestolen, I took a ferry. The views were beautiful. </p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3537.JPG" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Preikestolen"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3540.JPG" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Preikestolen"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3546.JPG" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Preikestolen"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3549-1.JPG" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Preikestolen"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3542.JPG" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Preikestolen"/></div></div></div></figure><p>After the ferry, the journey continued with a 30 minute bus ride. The bus left me at the start of the trail to Preikestolen. </p><p>I spent some time by this lake before starting the hike.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3556.JPG" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Preikestolen"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3706.JPG" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Preikestolen"/></div></div></div></figure><p>The trail was moderate, not too easy but not super difficult either.</p><p>I passed by waterfalls, forests, swampy wet areas, little lakes with crystal waters, grassy fields. The views along the way were incredible.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3577-1.JPG" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Preikestolen"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3589-1.JPG" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Preikestolen"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3603.JPG" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Preikestolen"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3722.JPG" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Preikestolen"/></div></div></div></figure><p>Two hours in, the scenery began to change.</p><p>Vertical cliffs, low vegetation and awesome views over the fjord in the distance.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-gallery-card kg-width-wide"><div class="kg-gallery-container"><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3610.JPG" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Preikestolen"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3612-2.JPG" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Preikestolen"/></div></div><div class="kg-gallery-row"><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3648-1.JPG" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Preikestolen"/></div><div class="kg-gallery-image"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3650-1.JPG" width="4000" height="3000" alt="Preikestolen"/></div></div></div></figure><p>And finally, after another 30 or 40 minutes, I saw Preikestolen.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3619-1.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Preikestolen"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3664.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Preikestolen"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3631.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Preikestolen"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3625-1.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Preikestolen"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3637.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Preikestolen"/></figure><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3656-1.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Preikestolen"/></figure><p>That's it :) I stayed until late afternoon, then walked back (quickly) and took the ferry back to Stavanger.</p><p>Stavanger was also nice to explore - a cute little city with white houses, spread over many beautiful islands. I could write bout that - or my hotel that was inside of a hospital - but I'll just leave you with this photo of a cute bird.</p><figure class="kg-card kg-image-card"><img src="https://polinakocheva.stream/content/images/2018/10/DSCN3673.JPG" class="kg-image" alt="Preikestolen"/></figure>]]></content:encoded></item></channel></rss>